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  • CTW DJs

Damnit boy, I'm impressed. That gateway really adds something to the site - it's quality, and I really love it!




Nice one bruvva! thumbs.gif

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

Me too!


A big WELL DONE and for the gramlins too!


Here have this on me! spliff.gif


Likes it HARD!!!!


  • CTW Admin

guys guys guys - i did f*ck all - just installed the hack - ok it took me a couple of late nights to do test, upgrade and install it all safely (as its a live site) but dont thank me!


LOADS MORE TO COME but not for a while as I haven't yet decided which out my many stooopid ideas would really [censored]!

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW Admin

sorry - was meant to say - dont credit me - credit threadsdev.com - they wrote this wonderful FREE hack.


If and when I write my own web-based software I will use the standards they adhere too - fantastic, no-bullshit, head-screwed-on types of people ! WHY CANT I [censored] WITH PEOPLE LIKE THIS IN THE UK/US ?!?!

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

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