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  • CTW Members

Really cant wait to see you this weekend!


do you think delly will be goin to the after party at rythem room?


its on 3-6 and £3 2 get in!


you have got 2 promise me 1 thing tho!


you dont have the baby in welly flowers.gif

  • CTW Members

think my mummmy will b off to the afterparty not so sure about moi tho


im gonna try and not go into labour in welly but it should be the little man you talk to about that nono.gif


at least you would b there at the birth lol.gif



Iv Come Here Today To Chew Bubblegum And
Kick Ass And Im All Outta Bubblegum :wink:

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oh no i couldnt be there at the birth id faint!!


well things are lookin up for the weekend!


damo works at the spot the after party is at so you gotta watch me and make sure i dont get to fooooked in welly coz i dont wanna be a twat in the after party!



  • CTW Members

hehe il have my camra at the ready hun for all them tart twat moments tongue.gif because no one dose it like you


and plus we will have to get a few piccys of us all twating about


ill try and make sure you dont get 2 bollaxed infront of damo


havent seen everyone for so long now :'(


mwah im soooo excited now gonna go buy a ticket today yay.gif


just hope to god i can still dance happydance.gif

Iv Come Here Today To Chew Bubblegum And
Kick Ass And Im All Outta Bubblegum :wink:

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im sure you'll beable to rock the dance floor like you used to!!!


damo is bar manager at that rythem room!


he works nearlly all the time bless him!


think im gonna be wearin a dress on friday so you best make sure i dont do to much twaty stuff!!



  • CTW Members

ohh la de dar muisses in a dress batty.gif so cartwheels and handstands are out the question lol.gif


think im gonna were a skirt nice and cumfy for dancing happydance.gif


dose damo work at rythem room with krissy & gay chris then scratchy.gif


Iv Come Here Today To Chew Bubblegum And
Kick Ass And Im All Outta Bubblegum :wink:

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no handstands this weekend but if i get tooooo silly they mite come along!


yep damo works there with gay chris etc


he is bar manager there i think he said!


really havin a good long thing bout comin home!

  • CTW Members

as long as you have sum undies on then hun, i made that mistake once bering in mind i was only about 6 blushing.gif


will we get a free drink off damo then i think that would a great jesture from him like a welcome back prezzie tongue.gif



coming home ohmy.gif is it that bad in ptrbor

Iv Come Here Today To Chew Bubblegum And
Kick Ass And Im All Outta Bubblegum :wink:

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not that bad in pbro just got loads a family shite goin on and not sure mums gonna be able to cope with it all on her own!


damo said he will put me on the g/l for saturday night so im sure we can blag a few drinks thumbsup.gif


gonna bring you a special ickle prezzie home! happydance.gif

  • CTW Members

ohhhh prezzies its like christmas, cant wait really excited now


well at lest if you come home i will have someone sane to talk to in driff you could be my personal baby sitter lol.gif


god dame is a star isnt he notworthy.gif

Iv Come Here Today To Chew Bubblegum And
Kick Ass And Im All Outta Bubblegum :wink:

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well just keep them fingers crossed missy that you dont have the baby in the club!


mwah xxxxxxxxxxx

  • CTW Members

pete wouldnt be happy half way through Lab 4's set telling he we need to go to hospital nono.gif


ohhh yippieee i cant wait for fri gonna be great happydance.gifsleazy.gifflowers.gif


will have my camra phone and normal camra at the ready beer.gif

Iv Come Here Today To Chew Bubblegum And
Kick Ass And Im All Outta Bubblegum :wink:

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