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  • CTW DJs

None of this cliquey [censored] on this board.


We go together, and we stay together, and, most importantly, we club together. Well done everyone. This is why are numbers are growing, and why we're going from strength to strength.


Bring on next Friday.....

Harder. Faster. Better. Stronger. Badder. Smarter. Wub Wub

  • CTW Members

me 2 :(


cos iev not met any of u yet... i dont kow whos who... so... whos who on the foto?

keep life simple then u neva get dropped from a great height.

  • CTW Members

Only just joined so have yet to meet up. Apart from the CTW night on 6 Dec, which I cant make due to Tiesto 6hr set at Gods lol.gif when's the next night/meetup happening?

"At the end of a night, when you are through, exhilarated and exhausted,
Just for a moment, everything seems right with the world."

MSN: residentclubber@hotmail.com
Website: Resident Clubber

  • CTW Admin

Sarah and I will be getting captions up on the pics ASAP - to be honest we could almost do with volunteers to fill them in as its so time consuming, but its critical we do it so we all know who each other are - expanding all our friendship contacts is vital in this world ... laying the foundations for success in the next ...

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW Admin

this is something we need to focus on - I guess at the moment the meets are slightly ad-hoc and lastminute due to us not really knowing who's playing where when etc... A good example of why we shouldnt book things too far in advance was my birthday - I confirmed my attendance to XLR8 months before the event and then nearer the time I found out about Tidy and that most people would be going to Tidy London - I was kicking myself I wasnt there with my friends but still had a good night at XLR8 with others. I guess you should be able to expect a 2/3 week notice period for meets.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW Members

Cool. Just that I'm trying to organise a night in Leamington Spa for early 2003 every Saturday. And exposure on this lil site could help no ends and who knows, maybe a potential CTW meetup????

"At the end of a night, when you are through, exhilarated and exhausted,
Just for a moment, everything seems right with the world."

MSN: residentclubber@hotmail.com
Website: Resident Clubber

  • CTW Promotors

After our night on the 6th Dec - the next big meetup is the 13th Dec - the CTW xmas party In London followed by the Frantic xmas party on the 14th.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members
me 2 :(


cos iev not met any of u yet... i dont kow whos who... so... whos who on the foto?


Im the tall lad @ the back left with the baby blue colour polo shirt on (tho thats a bad pic frown.gif) im better lookin than that! \o/

  • CTW Members
grin.gif cool.. its a good pic.. i recognise a couple from their profile pics aswell..

keep life simple then u neva get dropped from a great height.

  • CTW Members

Your face got eliminated cos ur 2 ugly laugh.gif

  • CTW Members



I don't know who that bloke is with the spider on his shirt!!, It is certainly not James, cos everytime I've met him he is wearing his 'Man at C&A' Polo top, Slacks and Trainers Combo!!, So I think that guy must be an imposter. Or a body double!! Maybe Sarah's kidnapped the real James...hmmm

then there's the avatar change...anyone else suspicious. We'll have to see on friday!!!




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