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sundisential vs 1of the frantic alias (covergance/chemestry/sumthin like that)

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  • CTW DJs

i'm going and so is loads of me m8s - who else is going from here?


(btw - its @ camden palace (london) on saturday comming

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW Promotors

I'm going to Chemistry v Sundissential (thanks to a mate who's getting me in cheap!)!! Shouldn't this be in the "This week" bit though?


Dya know who's playing? Rob Tissera and Phil Reynolds are aren't they, but not sure who else!! confused.gif

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  • CTW DJs

yeah - i noticed i posted it in the wrong forum @ [censored] 2day



do u wanna meet up 4 a pre-club drink?? loads of me m8s r goign and i'm getting a few of em to go drinking 1st grin.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

  • CTW Promotors

Yeah, should be able to meet up somewhere b4hand 4 drinks~ prob Purple Turtle is easiest. Will have to check with my mates wot they want to do too!!

  • CTW Members

If I end up not havin to [censored] sunday then i'm up 4 this one too ! grin.gifwon't know til sat tho confused.gif

  • CTW Promotors

Bunnykins~ text Martin to get you on the guestlist just in case!!

  • CTW Members

i'll ask martin - how many m8s and wot's their full names?

  • CTW Members

Am thinking bout going to this but it depends on whether I can get ne money together in time. Want to come to this soooo much, Lee Haslam is playing flash.gif and it will be a propper bouncy.gif nite bigsmile.gif


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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  • CTW DJs
i'll ask martin - how many m8s and wot's their full names?


my full name is Laurence Morgan


i have 2 m8s and 1 of em is also a CTW baord member (altho she doesn't post that regularly)


i only know the name of the CTW baord memeber real name: Cher (will get sir name) and the other 1 is called kit but i suspect thatsa cybor name :P


will get real names 4 u 4 this evening


can u mail me @ mangafish@mangafish.net if theres ne probs as i cant really get on CTW during the day

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

  • CTW Members


in association with Nukleuz Records

Saturday 30th November 2002

Camden Palace

1a Camden High St, London NW1

21.00 » 06.00



Artists [MainRoom] Chemistry meets Sundissential

Rob Tissera robtissera.com

Phil Reynolds

Lee Haslam

Steve Hill

Tom Harding tom-harding.com

Spencer Freeland



Artists [upstairsBar] The War of the Web

Phil Reynolds exclusive 2ND set

Shan 4clubbers.net

Tom Allen harderfaster.net

deacon gurn.net

energy uk djs energyuk.net


Tickets: £10+bf (£8 NUS/UB40 B4 11.00)

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Call Robyn on 07949 6180 35 or email robyn@franticuk.com

(24hr National Hotline 08700 600 100





You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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  • CTW DJs

dont 4get the meet up is netime after 8pm @ the pruple turtle (not sure exactly where that is but i'm assured its more or less opposite camden palace) - this is a personal meet up as it is a birthday party of mine but every 1 from CTW is *MORE* then welcome to attend! the more the merryer!!


nearest tube = mornington cresont

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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  • CTW DJs

so sooo far the ppl confirmed 4 going r as follows:


1) me

2) cher

3) kit

4) thumper (cybor mum)

5) JP

6) ells


i'm sure more ppl said yay:S hmmm - finished this list off sum1 plz grin.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

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