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I have to agree with everything James said -

Tony & Carl - impressive!!

Ellie - thanks for doing the banners

Guy - first time ive prob enjoyed listening to funky!!

The barmaid who gave me a pint & a half of vodka for a tenner at the after club - what a star but what a state i ended up in! nut.gif

Thanks to everyone that came along & supported us - how good was the atmoshere in that top room when Carl & Tony were playing??! grin.gif


INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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o [censored] yeah - i forgot to mention you Guy - was top meeting you at last - thought you were quality - as was your mixing in the funky room ! Wish I could have been in 2 places at once that night ! Hope to see you again soon mate. thumbs.gif


I still havent come back to earth from Friday night - I didnt want it to end - Tony wasnt sure when he should finish and I thought we could get away staying in room 2 until 7am - unfortunately not!


Just think one day we'll have our DJs playing from 10pm-7am !!!


Carl - you nutter - I thought you were stand up on the decks and jump around like I saw Eddie do once - you were seriously going for it - quality mate!!!!!! thumbs.gif Unfortunately i dont know the name of half the tunes played but you kicked out some of my all-time faivs in a unique mix i hadn't heard before - like that acapela - amazing.


Tony - reading the crowd is one thing, but reading my mind - how the fook did you know i wanted those 2 or 3 precise tunes on at that precise time!? lol Hope you werent too nervous in the end mate - it didnt look like you were at all! Thanks again for the CDs dude ! Pity we couldnt make same afterparty but we'll hook up again soon. spliff.gif

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  • CTW Admin

Sarah - I forgot to mention on the night - do you know whether we are allowed to video the night ? Specifically our own DJs if not allowed to video others ? Slightly kicking myself I didnt ask earlier but I kinda assumed we wouldnt be allowed but then thought if you dont ask you dont get. Just kicking myself i didnt capture that very unique atmosphere. There will be others though i'm sure so perhaps we can sort for next time ?

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As far as i know it shouldnt be a problem us videoing it - i will check for next time though

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW DJs

What a fantastic night...! A real sense of satisfaction seeing so many of you enjoying yourselves and the Dakota Bar was going off all night! smash.gif


Was great to meet so many of you, sorry I couldn't spend more time with you, I was running about stressing half the night! Thanks to everyone who popped their heads in upstairs during my set notworthy.gif


All in all a really successful night, and all I can say is bring on the 4th May!! thumbs.gif


WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

  • CTW DJs

Oh yeah, and the afterparty was class!!!


Congrats for Sarah drinking the bar dry of vodka and collapsing at mine later wink.gif


I made up for being pretty striaght at the night by getting clattered and we stayed til almost 2pm!


Then managed HHA and Riot on top of that! nut.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

  • CTW Members

Was nother wicked nite - only prob was couldnt decide wot room to go in confused.gifwas soooooooooooooo good in both!! grin.gif One of biggest ctw meet ups been to in a while so was nice to see ya all again, n cheerz to Jay for the after party, nice 1! grin.gif

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Congrats for Sarah drinking the bar dry of vodka and collapsing at mine later



INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW DJs

Just seen the pics.... how GOOD are they?


I even look semi professional on the dex! laugh.gif


Sorry I didn't get in any of the big group ones... I think I'd missed them as I'd piked home... frown.gif


But then anyone who saw me then would agree it was probably just as well i didn't get on film! eek.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

  • CTW Admin
I even look semi professional on the dex! laugh.gif


Mate, you didnt just 'look' pro - you were and ARE pro mate - was a real pleasure watching you mix ! You will have to let me know your up-and-coming DJ dates...

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW DJs
I even look semi professional on the dex! laugh.gif


Mate, you didnt just 'look' pro - you were and ARE pro mate - was a real pleasure watching you mix ! You will have to let me know your up-and-coming DJ dates...


Thanks mate.... that means a lot. To be honest, despite the outward appearance, I found it a real struggle. I was shattered, but maybe the fact I had to concentrate so hard made it [censored]. The tunes seemed to fall into place, and I was really really pleased in the end (apart from the jumping record.. banghead.gif ).


Was made up that so many of you came up to see me, even if it was for only one record (I know you stayed for a lot longer wink.gif ). Esp non-house lovers.... you counted for two! notworthy.gif


It's rare I get to play that sort of house, the music I truly love to play, (not that I don't love playing 'funky' ). So glad it went down well.


I'll be posting a tracklist up in a day or so..... thumbs.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

  • CTW Members

wild child evening at heaven was funkin mental....the hard house arena was bangin with the likes of tidy and bk and the funky house room was spillin some seriously grindin deep chunky mixs.....


thanx to all who made that night worth goin to....


wez hump.gifhump.gifwiggle.gifwiggle.gifwiggle.gifthumbs.gifthumbs.gifthumbs.gif

Domt party if ya aint gonna last..............

  • CTW Promotors

My memory of Wildchild is very blurry for some reason. Had a wicked nite tho. Great to see so many faces. Was confused as to who to talk to and which room to dance in. So much so that I think I spent most of the night wandering about on my own!!??!!!!


The trance in the main room was amazing and enjoyed seeing Little Gem and Guyster play in the tribal room upstairs. The music in th CTW room was prob bit on the hard side 4 me wen I was up there to be honest, but it was full of CTWers which made up 4 it.


See ya at the next one xx

  • CTW Members

yeah the night was a blur....


Besides all the music....

The tribal really brought me back to my roots ....

to alll my brothers and sistas back in souf africa....


keep the tribal house and trance groovin....


wez wiggle.gifwiggle.gifwiggle.gif

Domt party if ya aint gonna last..............

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