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QUOTE (Phil B @ May 24 2004, 21:00)

There's always room for improvement, it just depends on how far you want to push yourself and how much effort you are prepared to put in to get out of life what you wish thumbsup.gif

Such a true statement grin.gifthumbsup.gif

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so many people are unhappy with things put think that life comes to them when it is infact the opposite, some things take alot of time to change but we all have the power to at least try.


better to try and fail then to not try at all wink.gif

www.djphilbenson.co.uk - updated 28/08/04

  • CTW Promotors

definately & also taking time out, to put it all into perspective also, I think helps smile.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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never a truer word were spoken phil

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QUOTE (Lisa @ May 24 2004, 21:08)
definately & also taking time out, to put it all into perspective also, I think helps smile.gif

The absolute plus point though is my friends- I am truly blessed in that my closest friends are simply fantastic (IMO) and whevever I'm with them I feel like the clouds part and the sun shines on us.


These two statements are all i'm about at the minute, each one so true.


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wish i could say the same sad.gif , friends are the one thing in my life that i would change


i have some great 'mates' but only a few friends, i had always been surrounded by a close knit group of friends until the past 12 months, my best friend of 13 years moved to scotland & other mates have got married/had kids or gone off travelling so its all changed sad.gif


i know i have some good friends looking out for me & my interests just lately & really appretiate it, thanx.gif


iv been shit on from great heights by so called friends, and its hard for me to trust anybody. but at least iv got to the stage of not giving out 2nd, 3rd, & 4th chances now............ i can only get shit on the once now grin.gif





  • CTW Promotors

I know what you mean Lou, but TBH i think it's all part of growing up so-to-speak, we all grow, marry whatever & grow into different people, with seperate lives etc. true friends are very hard to come by, I myself like to keep my mates to a minimum, less hassle I find, but I have many accqaitences(sp)

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs

'close friends' was the one thing i thought i needed in my life to be happy, the friends i enjoy most now are ones i see now and again and have a great time with, then i go home and get on with the things i need to do in my life. personally i have found 'close friends' too much hassle, they find out too much about you then use it against you when you least expect it!


you may say 'well they aren't true friends' and i agree, but you only find that out when the damage has been done

www.djphilbenson.co.uk - updated 28/08/04

QUOTE (Phil B @ May 25 2004, 13:05)

you may say 'well they aren't true friends' and i agree, but you only find that out when the damage has been done

Very true.



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QUOTE (Phil B @ May 25 2004, 13:05)
'close friends' was the one thing i thought i needed in my life to be happy, the friends i enjoy most now are ones i see now and again and have a great time with, then i go home and get on with the things i need to do in my life. personally i have found 'close friends' too much hassle, they find out too much about you then use it against you when you least expect it!

you may say 'well they aren't true friends' and i agree, but you only find that out when the damage has been done

aint that the truth sad.gif


at least we have each other boohoo.gifcloud9.gifsorry.giflol.gif


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