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  • CTW Promotors


Guffy, Rob, Maddox & Glazby all played blinders!

No queuing or searching!

Was nice to meet the following..

Bushy - you know who i am now? he he

Tresh - had a good laugh!!

Oddball - "Its about the music!"

Andy Whitby - sorry u got bored & i kept you waiting ages at the end!

CaptinRik - thanks for taking all the pics.

Bushys girlfriend - sign up on CTW!



Loads of letchy scallies! undecided.gif

Not being able to find my coat ticket at the end confused.gif

Or the girl whos phone i had got! confused.gif

Or the car-park where i had parked! icon_smile_blush.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

Bushy - you know who i am now? he he


I know who you are now? yep thats right! nut.gifnut.gif was a bit messy at the time!! lol.gif


Bushys girlfriend - sign up on CTW!


She's already signed up, her name is jellybabyuk


Guffy, Rob, Maddox & Glazby all played blinders!


Agreed, apart from Maddox, thought he was sloppy, plus wasnt into the tunes he played!

Tissera was awesome, Lisa pin-up was pants, Guffy was good, so was Glazby!


Gutted i missed BK!

Stomped for approximately 8 hours!


Sarah you are a star, and as for Andy he seemed to be enjoyin himself towards the end! I didnt think you were gonna get him off the dancefloor! lol


Tresh: I can see Tidy Weekender gettin a bit messy!

Oddball: You know i'm coming to Tidy weekender!!!

Captain Rik: Nice to meet ya, cant wait to see the photos!!!


True about the letchy scallies, especially at the end, Emma(jellybabyuk) had to come up to me while some lad who seemed to be hassling anything with tits, which he also hassled my mates gf too!


All in all though, a top night, really good to meet the above, hopefully i'll recognise you at Tidy weekender Sarah! icon_smile_blush.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif


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  • CTW Promotors

Everytime i walked up or down the stairs there were loads of blokes just staring!!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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