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Being a newbie to this board i dont know if it's just u or other 'moderators' who have the ability to remove fotos from the galleries - but this is wot i have to say.....

.....i joined this board after meeting a few of the current members in leicester to stay in touch and meet new peeps - and to be fair i think that having a pic of me taken out of the tw3 set of yours is pretty low.

ok so only pepsi and bungle know me - so wot? but Claire DC knows me fairly well off the Tidy Board so i dont see why such a friendly 'lets help each other' community as CTW would be so pissy about a new bloke they dont know yet.

anyway - end of moan, i must say i feel so welcome, nice one! :bigwink2:

i expect some shit from @CreamyC, @FredTheBaddie etc for this, but there u go.

may seem petty, and it is, but still its a bit shite, ta :shrug1:

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Its not like James, maybe the foto didnt turn out well or sumthin

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i totally agree - only met @James very briefly and in a totally messed up state and he seems like a top notch bloke...

this is the pic in question:

wrong lookin' for sure! haha! but not so fecked up that you'd remove it.

anyway i'm too bungled to carry on typing and will enjoy reading any response 2moro!

play nice - or at least play dirty :bigwink2:

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  • CTW Members

so whats the problem mate?

  • CTW Admin

ive not removed any pics mate, never have done ...

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  • CTW Members

Yeah I saw this photo, wen did it disappear? Maybe the photo went on holiday for a while.


Lots of bubbles but where's the coke?

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well tickle me pink and call me Samantha! it's back...different page mind, but it's there.

and that link of it i put in above was downloaded to my site and not linked to the one in the gallery - coz that would be daft! :bigwink2:

oh dear, maybe it was just moved erm soz, looks like it was my mistake :paranoid:

*puts on twat-hat* lol

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  • CTW Members

anyway i'm too bungled to carry on typing and will enjoy reading any response 2moro!



What exactly does too bungled mean? confused.gifSurely theres no such thing as too much bungle.

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

  • CTW Admin
well tickle me pink and call me samantha! it's back...different page mind, but it's there.

I was probably adding captions at the time you were viewing the photo set - which unfortunately re-orders the photos (puts the last changed one first) and I cant switch off a set from being viewed whilst I add captions.

Actually, I could look into the ordering again - maybe I could set it to filename order rather than last modified date...

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Members

i expect some shit from creamy, fred the baddy etc for this, but there u go.

Er, why are you expecting shit ? :confused:

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
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