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Ive been here for over two years now and I can safely say I'm not really enjoying it.


After dropping out of uni when I first got here (I didnt enjoy the course i was on), I completed a college diploma in web design. Finding a job has been difficult though so I decided to go back and try uni, but due to my past record I had to take a year to do some courses to earn my place back (that year is nearly up).


So I have the choice of returning to uni next year (assuming I've done enough to earn my place) or return to the UK. I miss the UK a lot, particularly clubbing, there isn't anything like the UK club scene here. Going back purely for that reason though may not be the correct thing to do.


I still feel as though I could have tried harder to settle in here, so I have the opportunity to put that right, but moving back the UK does appeal to me.


arrrgh help! frown.gif


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u sound homesick. cud u not do something similar in the uk?

sarcasm is the lowest form off wit. if wit was [censored] you would be constipated

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I could but the issue would be to raise the necessary funds.


At the moment I am living with my dad (he moved here 4 years ago). It's not the ideal living arrangement but it does make things a tad easier for me.


I have the opportunity to live with my sister, as she is more than willing to help out, but I would'nt want it to be a permanent arrangement.


  • CTW Members

i take it ur sister is in the uk? if so, u cud take her up on the offer, even if it just helps u on ur feet. i personally would try get back too the uk. you dont sound happy where u are. you will surely get good oppertunitys back over here. i hope everything sorts itself out for you thumbs.gif

sarcasm is the lowest form off wit. if wit was [censored] you would be constipated

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xpaulax said:

i take it ur sister is in the uk? if so, u cud take her up on the offer, even if it just helps u on ur feet. i personally would try get back too the uk. you dont sound happy where u are. you will surely get good oppertunitys back over here. i hope everything sorts itself out for you thumbs.gif


I agree with Paula.


Mike - uv wanted to come home for a while now! Seems to me if u want sumthing so bad then go for it and make it happen!


Take yr sisters offer and then u can just find yourself a job with the qualifications u got that u gained from college in canada and get yrself sorted with a job over here. If u aint happy where u are, a change is always good and that change maybe the better option, and maybe the best desicion u will make. Sure if you dont like it here (but im sure u will) u can go back over to Canada with yr dad, but all yr friends are over here and the clubbing scene obviously is so much better over here than it is over there.


Give it a chance. I know they say the grass is not always greener on the other side but u dont know unless you try!


Hope u make the right desicion hun smile.gif




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