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Fuckin hell what a day!


My old man just about walked out of a massive car smash a few hours ago!!!


He is a taxi driver and he had just done his last drop off for the day and was heading home when a fuckin maniac slammed right into him. He was turning right on a roundabout and this guy has shot right accross the roundabout and in to the passenger side of his taxi at 70mph. The guy was well over the limit and was high on drugz! he also had a load of stolen mobiles in the car and the police have been after him all day! fuckin wanker!!!


The force of the smash was so strong that the taxi was pushed 30 yards down the road and it spun 3 times into a wall and the other guys car took a lampost clean out! the taxi looks like a crushed coke can, if he'd of hit the driver side then I think my dad would of been killed instantley! What makes it even more scary is that his last drop off was the woman who works the phones who was sitting in the back with her new born baby on her knee!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Me and my old dear rushed over there straight away and the guy was in the back of the police car mouthing off at everyone, then he starts having a go at my old man saying he knows who he is and where he works and he's gonna get it for stitching him up him up whitslt my old man is sitting in gthe fire engine crying his eyes out with shock!


I know it aint big or clever but something came over me and I went mental trying to get this guy!!! he was saying that I was gonna get it aswell so I was trying to drag him out of the car! It was a rush of adrenalin to my head or something! got carted off by the police anyhow and they let it go, fair dooz!


Another gutting point - It was my mums b'day on monday and my dads today and they were going out together tonight to celebrate! fucking great way to celebrate!!


Anyways, apologies for the rant! this has no significance to anynoe I know but I just needed to get it off my chest cuz there is some absolute wankers on this planet!!!!



Welcome to the Darkside!
Jan 31st - The Clinic @ Hendre Hall, Bangor
Feb 7th - North @ Lakota, Bristol

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aww fooking hell, sounds nasty hon, glad your dad is ok, well to the extent of no damage except shock!!


I dont blame you for losing it with this arsehole, what a tosser thumbsdown.gif


Hope your dad is ok & not to shook up, hugz & love huggles.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs

Wat a fucking wanker, i tell ya mate, if i was there id of fucking killed the twat meself, hed of been pissing blood 4 years to come, i hate wankers like that, you know where i am mate, just down the road!

Take it easy and hope ya old mans ok.


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QUOTE (Lisa @ Jun 4 2004, 22:45)
aww fooking hell, sounds nasty hon, glad your dad is ok, well to the extent of no damage except shock!!

I dont blame you for losing it with this arsehole, what a tosser thumbsdown.gif

Hope your dad is ok & not to shook up, hugz & love huggles.gif

Cheers Lisa!


Yeah he's as well as can be expected


He's got really bad bruising on his back and they gave him some injections in his back, and whiplash and a bit of concusion where he banged his head when the car hit the wall. Other that that he's alright.


Dont know if anynoe knows this but taxi drivers are exempt from wearing seatbelts and my old man never wears his when he's wroking but when he finishes he puts it on. How fukcin lucky was it that he had just done his last job!!! He'd of gone through the windscreen I reckon!!!

Welcome to the Darkside!
Jan 31st - The Clinic @ Hendre Hall, Bangor
Feb 7th - North @ Lakota, Bristol

UK-Scene Website

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Jeez, he was lucky!!! Poor sod, not nice for his birthday eh, hope his back aint too sore. He was really lucky by sounds of it. flowers.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs

Sorry to hear that dude, glad you're dad isnt badly injured. As sad as it is to say, it was purely down to luck. People like this wanker really get to me, they take other peoples lives in their hands without realising how stupid they are.


Im glad I dont drive.


Hope you're all ok mate

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hey mate glad todays ended for u.... eek.gif

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Fair' doo's, good to hear that your dad is ok.


Happy birthday for your mum and dad man.

  • CTW Members

Soz to hear that Ikon, that guy sounds like a complete arsehole, lets hope he gets sent done good and proper for it. Hope your dad is ok, hes really lucky he wasn't more seriously injured.


And just out of interest, does anyone know why taxi drivers are exempt from wearing seatbelts? I really can't see the logic in it myself!

dude that harsh.


the coppers should have let you give the bloke a good kicking like he deserves


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QUOTE (Tara @ Jun 5 2004, 17:44)
Soz to hear that Ikon, that guy sounds like a complete arsehole, lets hope he gets sent done good and proper for it. Hope your dad is ok, hes really lucky he wasn't more seriously injured.

And just out of interest, does anyone know why taxi drivers are exempt from wearing seatbelts? I really can't see the logic in it myself!

isn't that actually a good thing? means they r more likely to drive safely..?

  • CTW Promotors
QUOTE (Phil rr @ Jun 5 2004, 19:40)
QUOTE (Tara @ Jun 5 2004, 17:44)
Soz to hear that Ikon, that guy sounds like a complete arsehole, lets hope he gets sent done good and proper for it.  Hope your dad is ok, hes really lucky he wasn't more seriously injured.

And just out of interest, does anyone know why taxi drivers are exempt from wearing seatbelts?  I really can't see the logic in it myself!

isn't that actually a good thing? means they r more likely to drive safely..?

Phil, how can driving without a seat belt, make a person drive more carefully?? uhm.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Another mad as fuck day yesterday!!!


My Dad was complaining of stifness when he woke up which is understandable and then he claimed he felt numb down his right side. I took him to the hospital for him to get a neck brace and I was waiting for about 3 hours for him whilst he was beeing seen. He got send down to X-ray and when he came out the woman who did the X-ray ran out of the room and down the corridor to casualty, we thought nothing of it. He went back into casualty with my mum and a few mins later I saw a nurse running to get this big rigid neck brace. My Mum comes up to me as white as a sheet and says my Dad has broken his neck and he is being rushed immediatley to a bigger hospital. The doctor took my mum to one side and said that the break was very unstable and it was his first vertabrae that was broken which is the most serious of all! he said the brake was completley through the bone and he was amazed that his spinal cord was not severed!!!!!!


Anyways my old man is now at the hospital with his head set so that he cant move it and he is awaiting transfer to a hospital in oswestry (Mid/South Wales) which is a specialist bone hospital where he will be for a couple of weeks and more than likely have pins and shit inserted into his nekc like that Daniel Beddingfield had!!!!


Mad shit!!!

Welcome to the Darkside!
Jan 31st - The Clinic @ Hendre Hall, Bangor
Feb 7th - North @ Lakota, Bristol

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