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to be honest guys, if there are peopl on here i dont like then i just dont talk to them! if you lot dont like justin then i think you should just ignore him! this is a public forum and im affraid to say it but not everyone is gonna get on with everyone!


justin- i think you should cool it with your replies! if people on here dont like you then lets face it, its there problem! so dont lower yourself by replying! let them just get on with it! people will soon get bored!


and if everyone is wondering why i am posting this, its because i know how it feels! there were not so long ago but before you lot were around a couple of girls who just couldent stand me! i learnt to ignore them and now they never come on here!


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colin66 said:

I know some people dont get on with Justin and that's fair enough but I think other people need to make up their OWN mind and give him a chance (rather than listen to gossip) before making a judgement on him.


For example, Rick, your response to this question:


whats with the bitchy comment, havent met u yet



Yeah you did... You came up to me @ Wildchild and introduced yourself... That was enough...


Is perhaps jumping the gun when making judgement on somebodies character. I know it decended into a slagging match but to be fair if someone had written that about me I wouldn't be too happy.


Nothing against you personally Rick. But why not give people the benefit of the doubt and an keep an open mind shrug.gif

I always go with my gut feelings about people, I know that sounds a bit silly, but it's the way i've always been... I trust my gut feelings more than I trust speaking to someone for ages to find out what they are like... It also saves time and effort... wink.gif

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Well I think Rick should be applauded for speaking his mind at least. I know for a fact that there are other people who feel the same, but don't have the balls to say it.


And Sophie, we're not just talking about the forum here, it's easy to ignore people on here, not so easy in real life.

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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Here we go again, total [censored] as usual, for those of you that still dont understand what I mean about the [censored] that goes on this post PROVES IT. For some of you that were there as you might remember back in Harlow Jus caused a big argument with someone he had never met. Not only that but the abuse was uncalled for which led to people just leaving him there. You may think this is unfair? Okay, so why is it that nearly everyone I speak to - including you James - think hes an annoying twat? Applaud Jay H who has stood by what he feels and Rick D for making his point and FredTheBaddie for bringing this post back up so I noticed it but lets cut the crap here and stop the arselicking, even the people that haven't met him must know by some of the posts he has made that hes been a knob at times and the fact he gets ignored most of it. Stop the [censored] bullshitting for christ sakes, this is not heaven, this is the real world and we WONT get on with everyone but please dont make out you like someone and get on with them when its clear it is NOT the case. We cant say anything lately. Do-gooders and fakes - [censored] off.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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CreamyC said:

Applaud Jay H who has stood by what he feels and Rick D for making his point and FredTheBaddie for bringing this post back up


rock on kev, thats a beer my son

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CreamyC said:

Here we go again, total [censored] as usual, for those of you that still dont understand what I mean about the [censored] that goes on this post PROVES IT. For some of you that were there as you might remember back in Harlow Jus caused a big argument with someone he had never met. Not only that but the abuse was uncalled for which led to people just leaving him there. You may think this is unfair? Okay, so why is it that nearly everyone I speak to - including you James - think hes an annoying twat? Applaud Jay H who has stood by what he feels and Rick D for making his point and FredTheBaddie for bringing this post back up so I noticed it but lets cut the crap here and stop the arselicking, even the people that haven't met him must know by some of the posts he has made that hes been a knob at times and the fact he gets ignored most of it. Stop the [censored] bullshitting for christ sakes, this is not heaven, this is the real world and we WONT get on with everyone but please dont make out you like someone and get on with them when its clear it is NOT the case. We cant say anything lately. Do-gooders and fakes - [censored] off.



Thank you Kev, I owe you a beer methinks...

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you guys seam to be arse licking if you ask me!


fred the baddie- there are people on here i dont talk to! and when i see them out i still dont talk to them! so to be honest i find it pretty easy so i dont see why the rest of you cant!


if you dont like someone just ignore them! there is no point to bringing it up on club the world and making an arse out of yourself cos if you ask me thats what everyone is doing in this post!


justin is making an arse out of himself for replying and you lot are just being arses cos obviously slagging someone off on an internet forum is what you all do best! give it a rest!




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Bollocks Soph, I've said whats needed saying, I'm saying it to avoid people hiding and saying things behind peoples backs and not being honest. Tell me in any of my posts has there been any arselicking? If I think long and hard about it you started this trend.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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CreamyC said:

Who is ? Do you know what you're talking about ?




all im saying is give it a rest! you might not like the guy, but hes not harming you in any way is he? yes he might piss you off or anoy you but publicly humilliating him is not the right way to go about it! put your selfs in his shoes! you dont really no what kind of a person he is deep down, and having silly coments from others or being humilliated on here might really upset him.


the reason i say this is becaus a year ago, creamy do you rember when fish and dudu came on here and would slag me off? well i was totally hurt by it! i might not seam to be at the time on ctw but i was deep down! just be carefull about what you say on here, cos you might actually be hurting someone without realising it!


give him a break! this is not a perfect world and not everyone is perfect! give it a rest!




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