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James said:

Jay said:

james, thats crap mate. ive tried to stay out of this as long as i can, and you and i have discussed about locking him off the site and the fact that we dont like him. i understand u have to look impartial but this is crap.


either im lying or you are




i give up - i have never ever ever said I dont like him - I have ONLY mentioned that others dont like him and that others have an issue with him. I have spoken to several people about him, like I spoke about Big E to people - another person who didnt deserve to be thrown off the site.


next you will be saying it was all me hating Big E - again, total pile of crap.


I get on with EVERYONE here... well i used to - now i'm seeing a few of you show your true colours...

True colours??? James, the only reason this has gone on this long is because the rest of us are [censored] off with the fact that we have all heard you say the same thing at one point or another, yet you consistently deny it on here... I can only think of two reasons for this...


1) You were too pissed and can't remember, in which case you could have said this...




2) You are bullshitting, plain and simple...


So which is it?


Or is it that we are all talking out of our arses?

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got some combats if needed????

Techno, Techno, Techno

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no, i just think you must have totally mis-understood whatever i've ever spoken about justin. quite often i'm talking about people on other members' behalfs - perhaps you 'overheard' me saying something incorrectly - god knows.


WHY CANT YOU ACCEPT that I DO think Justin is OK ?



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FredTheBaddie said:

CreamyC said:



What person was it that said "quick, lets run away from Justin while hes in the kebab shop"?

....this is so funny....i left u all in the bar and went to the kebab shop on my own, i was the only person running to get to the other side of the rounabout to get the last train....were u all on acid that eve lmfao


That was James I do believe. But please correct me if I'm wrong because James doesn't lie and doesn't have a problem with Justin.


mr/mrs baddie, you have no idea your just going along with the flow..(wishy washy) views like the weather!


I like this one, it's funny ! (once I managed to decipher it, that is !) laugh.gif


We've both met you and formed opinions. What's your point exactly ? I've kept my mouth shut til now in the hope that you would have got the hint. God knows you must have had enough, and not just from me. I didn't want to slag you off on a public message board, but you're just not getting the message.

i have had a few conversation with u but decided that u are 2 faced, like to gossip,talked about other members and a general gossip.....shall i mention all the things u have said about other members ray, ill quote one thing walking with u down the train station with me from midweek drinks , u said u hated james, who do u like fella, my opinions were formed before yours

remember your not my real friends and never will be


So why do you consistantly turn up to events on your own and attempt to talk to people who aren't interested then ? the only place i go is to the cross and no one seems to have a problem with me there......not one comment from the peeps there, maybe because they actually know me





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rickd said:

jus3454 said:

fuckin hells bells, cant believe what im reading........


everyone on here slagging me off i have either not met or said 2 words,( hello good bye)....what is all yout probs man, life must be very empty for u indivdals. what a bunch of bullies! get a life people.....none of u got a clue who i am or what sort of person i am, think your just inferior of me as i dont say much..you can see why now this is the case, most of u are so [censored] out of your head on drugs, where u all comming from. anyone else got any more comments? that night in question i spent talking to racheal, james and guyster friends, mr happy and friend, im so sorry guys for not talking to the rest, obviously this is the deep routed problem. when we meeting






again lol. the problem with u people, may you problems sort out folks.



creamy c. chatting rubbish, for a man who had no money that night, u certainly are 2 faced, i never was rude.u have completly exaggerated. just bring yourself back to the conversation we had in wildchild when u bought me a drink. only chatting to mathewe d'abreu about u, need i say anymore.


clair dc, shouldnt listen to gossip, im just retaliate to what been put to me on here. 3 rd time u have given me a dig, whats up clair.


mr/mrs baddie, you have no idea your just going along with the flow..(wishy washy) views like the weather!



rick d..... i bet u have no money, no girl, no house, no prospects in life, your a a sad fucker.. where do u get your info from, 30 year old man acting like this who has never spoken to the person your slagging off.bet your life consists around the internet(cyber friends)



jayh, my words are in my fists



You make me laugh... Wrong on every point except one, but that's only a temporary one... Marriage [censored] me off and I enjoy being single at the moment...


At least i'm not socially retarded I suppose... rolleyes.gif


You really have excelled yourself with this post and really shown how much of a fucktard you really are...




u have summed yourself up nicely popstar rick (mr wallor)

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rickd said:

At least make sense in your posts fucktard... Also if you can't use quote properly, then don't bother at all...


I love that word!!! FUCKTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.giflol.giflol.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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