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  • CTW Promotors

annon.... wat business is of yours, regard peoples x's??


There obviously is no problem with Alison, kev & the unamed X.. so what is your [censored] point exactly????????? confused.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • I love this site, being on here has helped through some difficult times and the friends I have made are some of my closest. I hate to say it but I think it has gone slightly down hill. The proble

  • Right well here goes ClubTheWorld is an amazing concept. it's taking the idea of an online community that one step further where meet-ups are central to its working and its future. you have a com

  • Funny ray, cause I was gonna highlight the exact same text: Spot on Tom. Let's not forget why this site was started in the first place, how many CTW DJs contribute to the CTW community by

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Anonymous said:

...let it go to [censored]

what have you done to fix the 'problem'. there are so many cliches which apply here:

it's better to change a lightbulb than moan about the darkness.

think globally. act locally.


maybe there are a few problems - what's it going to take to get them fixed?

like everybody here, you are entitled to your opinion, but you're only compounding the problem by complaining from behind an anonymous login.


"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

  • CTW Members

i am fairly new to this site but i am glad that its here never have i met so many people that doesnt matter what your music taste or where you are from get on!!! even if there is alot of quick one liners from creamy or someone else at the end of the day you take it,if you cant stand what they have said and think its out of order then you say!!! i have met some brilliant people from here and i'm glad to say that they are my friends i come from an area where if you dress like a try hard or a cyber kid you will get beaten up as you are seen as different its like being a goth!! i am glad of the escape of the board when i'm not clubbing to say that the board has gone down i think is far from the truth,i have been on gurn which i will not go on any more!!! and on the frisky site which turned into a kiddies play ground with lots of idiots that were not in to the music but out to cause trouble!!! the site is good coz you have freedom of speech and are able to say what you think if you didnt then you would be moaning about not been able to post things!!!

i dont think its rite to post anon if you have something to say you should show who u are!!! the whole reason for the board lasting so long is the different opinions that are on here if everyone thought the same way you would have the same stuff on here week in week out!!! i am not saying this as i'm a friend of sarahs but as someone who can tell you that the part about the meeting new members you cant be happy and jolly all the time,if they were off at that point then surely at some point you will meet up with them and you will get a hello or a good chat!! i have always found that anytime that i have meet someone as i did with james,maria and everybody else the first time at the last sundiss north that i have got a friendly hello and felt welcome if i didnt then i wouldnt still be here!!!

as of the first time that i posted i was amazed at how many people actually took the time to post and say hello and i would recommend this site to any clubber wanting to meet up with firnedly people!!! beerchug.gif

  • CTW Members

Funny ray, cause I was gonna highlight the exact same text:


clubtheworld is slipping away from being of benefit to its members first and foremost. i for one feel more and more like i'm here merely to line the pockets of the increasing number of promoters who come on here to "discuss" their events and let us all know how great they are, because this site is a soft touch towards spam and self-promotion. to have promoters and DJs actually resident on-board to promote their nights, call on members to "support them", influencing the ctw members "clubbing schedule" (if you like) is clever marketing, but also sickeningly selfish. to then combine what's a community of clubbers with a company that provides DJs is not moving the site further forward, but moving it away from its original aims entirely.

Spot on Tom.

Let's not forget why this site was started in the first place, how many CTW DJs contribute to the CTW community by posting regularly in the forums and attending ctw meet-ups (and I mean to events they AREN'T DJing at). Of course there are some, and to them I support 100% but most are here, as Tom says, for self-promotion or to get a DJ'ing slot. The Turnmills guest list saga the other Saturday was a prime example of how this site is being used and abused by people who are just 'pretending' to be part of the CTW community.

I would just like to add however that I have the upmost respect for James, Kev and Sarah. They have put there heart and soul into this site. Without them, this site would not exist. Plain and simple. They are not perfect - but if people have issues with them, then at least have the decency to post under your own name or pm them privately.

  • CTW DJs

Seeing as ive only been on the board for about 3 months i dont think ive been around long enough to comment in detail on some of the points that have been raised. But feel that Tom has made some very valid points.

In reguard to the whole DJs over promoting themselves and forcing official meet ups to their own benifit, I have noticed this for sometime now but it has got worse and worse lately. But at the end of the day if these ppl are allowed to get away with it then of course it will continue. I havent been to any of these nights so have no notion of wether they have been good or bad nights.

I also agree with the fact that the meet ups and calendar does seem to be pretty predictable, with the usual clubs and music genres appearing month after month. But is there really anything we can do to change this as it is? All these meet ups at SS etc seem to be well attended and enjoyed by all who go. It is a bit gutting that other ppls attempts to change things go un-noticed. Ppl try to post about a meet up at a new night with a new genre but the response seems to be the same all the time. I would love to have content about other music genres but as others have said it will take time, and dedicated ppl to continually post this kind of content as it will get little if any notice at the start. I do try and do my bit but my posts are further belittled by the fact that they are about the N.Irish scene.


But one thing i MUST say is this - Although CTW is having a few probs at the minute, all of you (as members) have a wikid site that us ppl in N.Ireland could only dream about. I enjoy coming on this site so much but am limited to my involvement as i cant attend meet ups or official nights. I think that in analysing everything that is wrong with the site, you are forgetting what is good about it. With a board this big there will always be things or ppl that you dont really like or agree with but get over it.

CTW may be stuck in a kind of mini rutt so to speak but James and the other admins need our support and contribution to pull this site thru and make it bigger and better.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

  • CTW Promotors

My main priority is plain and simple - members. You the members are what make this site pure and simple. You can say without so and so we wouldn't be here but without the members this site wouldn't exist - simple. Personally meeting people in different areas each and every week is my main aim and to be honest 100% has been the aim from the start of this site beginning, it was never aimed at 100% pure clubbing either, it was also aimed at organising events for members, ie, Alton Towers etc, this has been delayed through my own fault but will now be set up very soon. If anyone feels ignored please let me know.


Comments from Alasdair as always are much appreciated as are everyone elses views but I would just like to ask how long this would have festered between you all had this post not have been posted ? If you have a problem it needs to be done ON the board and not OFF, its the off the board gossip that causes all this so please make comments public so everyone knows where everyone stands.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members


nice 1 creamy

  • CTW DJs

I think it is plain to see that all the admins involved with CTW are 100% committed. I just think that as the site gets bigger and more ppl join, they will all expect different things from the site. And I feel it will be impossible to keep everyone happy.

Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

  • CTW DJs

can I also state that I have never gone behind anyones back by apparently 'shagging' other peoples g/, the person in question knows and it wasn't easy so please dont think I was taking the piss.



Spot on Kev, infact you were nothing but a gentleman about the whole situation and i knew it took alot of balls, thats why i have so much respect for you mate. I haven't got a problem with this situation at all in fact i'm very happy for the both of you thumbs.gif as you know. I'm totally loved up with Lisa and it's a fuckin great feeling heartbeat.gif.


But you is still a TWAT mate laugh.gifwink.gifspliff.gif

  • CTW Promotors
rickd said:

No, this is a serious post... angryfire.gifeviltongue.gif


I am being serious!!!!!!!!!!! I love Tony & im supporting what Tony, Kev & Alison are sayin so shut it Rick... leave me alone I feel well 2day!! cry.gifcry.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

Yes Mr annon - some valid points. However if you have such a probelm with the site, how do you expect anything to be done by posting annon? The typing narrows it down to one of 4 people in my eyes (unless we have a red herring?)


Anyway, I agree - alot of the board has become bullshit - i havnt posted for 2 weeks and probably wont post that much anymore. Thats mainly due to having a decent job now. I will comment more in a while.

  • CTW Members

like la la and kev i will revert.....

  • CTW Members

Yes as i was saying, there is a hell of alot going on on the board! one thing i have realised is that if you dont come on here every day there is no way you can catch up with everything. I can see now why some people stop posting - there is just too much crap to sift though! I agree with the comments about the boards becoming very commercial - good or bad im not sure. I feel a little bit like the magic has disappeared. What made ctw special was the fact that it was a group of like minded people who wanted to do one thing - go out clubbing. What it seems to have turned into is a brandname, out to get the highest profile possible. James, is this what you wanted from the site? Because if this is what you wanted then yes fantastic, but i think that people have influenced the direction more than you would have liked and you have been carried along and gone with it. (Im not having a go by any means) Im quite happy to meet up every now and again but as for posting i reckon i wont be doing it half as much as i used to. heartbeat.gif

  • CTW DJs

one thing i have realised is that if you dont come on here every day there is no way you can catch up with everything


I noticed this when I was away, and there is a lot of arse to sift through


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