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TOMD! listen to this man.

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  • I love this site, being on here has helped through some difficult times and the friends I have made are some of my closest. I hate to say it but I think it has gone slightly down hill. The proble

  • Right well here goes ClubTheWorld is an amazing concept. it's taking the idea of an online community that one step further where meet-ups are central to its working and its future. you have a com

  • Funny ray, cause I was gonna highlight the exact same text: Spot on Tom. Let's not forget why this site was started in the first place, how many CTW DJs contribute to the CTW community by

  • CTW DJs

A few comments in no particular order!


Anonymous posting: I do not share the view that this is in some way cowardly. If CTW doesn't want people to post anon, then remove the feature from the site! The comments are no less valid for their anonymity. I take issue only with the unfounded criticism (e.g. CreamyC "acting such a prick", rather subjective and unconstructive methinks!)


"It turned into one of the most boring sites."

I agree that there are some pretty lame forums! Like the "smut" and "random discussion" forums for example! I'm not against the idea of a smut forum - I think it's crap that most websites censor what you say, and I'm all for a filthy joke or whatever - but 99% of the discussion seems to be giggly teenage banter. Dull dull dull... but no-one's forcing me to click on it!


"it's atracted the biggest dicks I've ever come across"

Welcome to real life! I work in IT and that attracts some real dicks. When I went to university I met some real dicks. Clubbing in general attracts some total dicks IMHO! I've also met some fantastic people through all these avenues. I for one definitely do not live in hippyesque "PLUR" dreamworld where I sycophantically pretend to like everybody - but I am a positive person and I take people for what they are (and aren't). I ignore posts by bullshitters/dullards/tossers - problem solved. Just as when I go clubbing, I'm much more inclined to chat to smiley happy people rather than monged drug-abusers! Shame you can't actually filter out discussions by poster (except using the search)... smile.gif


The "too much hard house" thing: Well that's clubbing for you (especially in London). The sad fact is that the UK dance scene mainly revolves around fluffy trance and samey hard house. Not my cuppa tea but hardly CTW's fault! Commercial music is, almost by definition, very polarised (harder-faster vs slower-funkier) because it's easier to sell something that falls under a specific umbrella. It just means that people like me (who have taste! wink.gif) have to try a bit harder to find interesting records and club nights!


"why Creamy has to act such a prick on the site"

Whatever! Loathe though I am to kiss ass, CreamyC is one of the main reasons I keep coming back to this site. thumbs.gif Shame some people on this site have a total sense-of-humour-bypass (or maybe his humour just goes over their heads!)


I am neither a particular prolific poster, nor a week-in-week-out clubber, but I regularly enjoy the site [or a subset of it] for what it is - and I've met a few very sound people too which is no bad thing! grin.gif

  • CTW Members
Anonymous said:

i fell i have to make a few comments about ctw and this site. and before creamy starts id also like to say im anon because if we post as members we get blastded for it from sarah and have the piss taken out of us by creamy. firstly, id like to say that after being a member on here for some time now ive seen how [censored] this site has got not only is it turned into one of the most boriung sites now but its atracted the biggest dicks ive ever come across. i am a member of the tidy board 4clubbers harderfaster a gurn and always fought ClubtheWorld was the best of them all but not any more, there are so many idiots on here now, peple always seem to take the piss or be better then anyone else, its fuking annoyin. as members james and creamy pointed out that this is 'our' site, the members but the last few months it hasnt felt that way, we make a comment about to mcuh hh, we get told its not like that but it is- no one seems to giva [censored] no more, specially not the so called admins who do nothing more than praise themselves saying what hard work theyve done for this site, ive only ever been to 2 ctw events and they were v average. i dont care wot anyone says to be honest, its what i feel and i know a hell of a lot of others also feel the same but once ahgain are to scared to say anything. this is no longer a members site, its jst another 4clubbers, full of hyprocrites, u get creamy going on about not shagging other peoples birds yet hes the one shagging someones ex, u get james telling us that all these exctiting new things happening yet nothing is done and we get sarah gobbing off about djs weve never heard off and telling us she knows djs when she dont, its quite embarasing sarah to be honest. i respected james and creamy for the ideas they came up with for this site but its gone completely wronng, they have done ntoing about it, let it go to [censored] because sarah and her cronies are taking over with their constant hh bullshit and attitude. u get ignored when u go out with her when shes out and only has time for her crew or shes to [censored], why creamy has to act such a prick on the site i dont know and james talks bollox so much now that no one believes him no more. wots all this dj forum all about now, & we are told this forums not clickeuy, it fuckin is, a personal forum for djs, thats nice for other members realy aint it, members site yeah, treat it like a members site then and not one for djs to bask in glory. this site is being used for other peoples means its so much [censored] its unreal, this post has also proberbly been a waste of time but i think its time peoples said something instaed of sittin there agreeing all the time.


To be honest, I am very new to this site. But I WAS also a member of 4clubbers, the big differences to me as a newcomer are, that this site encourages you to welcome new members, which is a great icebreaker, 4clubbers didn't do that when I joined. Yes, the people are havin a laff, hence the pisstaking, but you have to take these things with a grain of salt, are you telling me you dont take the piss ever?? Or get into conversations that result in an "I know more than you do" argument. I know I have, and I am not even that clued up in the clubbing world. I just know that I like it and want to be more involved. If you think sarah and james are doing a [censored] job (which you obviousley do) then why dont you start your own [censored] message board and stop attacking people when they arent even in the country! flipa.gif Fair enuff to raise concerns, but you have been pretty childish and immature about it, slagging off the admin team will get you nowhere buddy. thefinger.gif


I think CTW admin etc are doing well, and I have enjoyed even the short time I have been on the board. notworthy.gifbig up CTW notworthy.gif

The adventures of... C_yall_bagginz_238@Hotmail.com

  • CTW Moderators
liquideyes said:

A few comments in no particular order!


Anonymous posting: I do not share the view that this is in some way cowardly. If CTW doesn't want people to post anon, then remove the feature from the site! The comments are no less valid for their anonymity. I take issue only with the unfounded criticism (e.g. CreamyC "acting such a prick", rather subjective and unconstructive methinks!)


I disagree on removing the annon feature to a certain point. Posting anon to slag a member of the site is pretty lame imo. If you can't do it in your own name then don;t bother at all. But the thing is, when ppl do this, things get out completely out of hand and alot of bullshit is spread across the board, ppl get on their high horses or maybe even "jump the band wagon". You have all seen it happen, many a time at that. ALTHO, when I say it shouldn't be removed to a certain point, I'm talking about when ppl post their problems and they don;t wana know who the person actually is, as a member. That's totally fair enough. That is why they post as anon as they feel, maybe that they would be embarassed posting whatever the problem is, in their own name, incase some ppl hold it against them or even take the piss. But then, that has happend many a time also. Iv post anon once because I felt that members didnt really need to know about my bisness, but I could rely on them for advice.


"It turned into one of the most boring sites."

I agree that there are some pretty lame forums! Like the "smut" and "random discussion" forums for example! I'm not against the idea of a smut forum - I think it's crap that most websites censor what you say, and I'm all for a filthy joke or whatever - but 99% of the discussion seems to be giggly teenage banter. Dull dull dull... but no-one's forcing me to click on it!


Ok, I agree on the smut banter, it is teen like with the smut that is posted in there, but at the end of the day, it's fun for some ppl. But still, there has been some threads/posts before now, when some are genuine smutty posts, sharing experiences etc etc - Yes I know some of you will probly think "I dont wana know the ins and outs of your sex life" but im sure it offers tips to those who have an unfortunate sex life! And as you say, you are not foced to click on it. If you don;t wana read it, then dont go in there. Simple as.


"it's atracted the biggest dicks I've ever come across"

Welcome to real life! I work in IT and that attracts some real dicks. When I went to university I met some real dicks. Clubbing in general attracts some total dicks IMHO! I've also met some fantastic people through all these avenues. I for one definitely do not live in hippyesque "PLUR" dreamworld where I sycophantically pretend to like everybody - but I am a positive person and I take people for what they are (and aren't). I ignore posts by bullshitters/dullards/tossers - problem solved. Just as when I go clubbing, I'm much more inclined to chat to smiley happy people rather than monged drug-abusers! Shame you can't actually filter out discussions by poster (except using the search)... smile.gif


You will always find some dick heads in club land like it or not. Altho the majority of ppl I have met through clubbing AND off this site, have been pretty sound. Not everything is "PLUR" as we would like it to be but then that's just life.


The "too much hard house" thing: Well that's clubbing for you (especially in London). The sad fact is that the UK dance scene mainly revolves around fluffy trance and samey hard house. Not my cuppa tea but hardly CTW's fault! Commercial music is, almost by definition, very polarised (harder-faster vs slower-funkier) because it's easier to sell something that falls under a specific umbrella. It just means that people like me (who have taste! wink.gif) have to try a bit harder to find interesting records and club nights!


I was more or less saying this to Nick G yesterday. The majority of ppl on THIS site, are actually into hardhouse more than trance/funky/technoe etc etc At the end of the day, you can't really blame ppl for the taste they have in music. If they like hardhouse and not funky etc then there isn;t much you can do about that. And yes, London is MORE hardhouse orientated IMO. You can't blame James or Sarah that this board si more hardhouse than any other genre, because it's the peoples choice at the end of the day. You can't tell ppl what to like, and what not to like.


"why Creamy has to act such a prick on the site"

Whatever! Loathe though I am to kiss ass, CreamyC is one of the main reasons I keep coming back to this site. thumbs.gif Shame some people on this site have a total sense-of-humour-bypass (or maybe his humour just goes over their heads!)


You will always find sumone on a message board who carries that net persona of being a dick. Agreed on the "sense of humour bypass". What people need to realise is, this is the net. A message board community. Im not saying that because Creamy is a dick on the board, thus making him a dick in real life, because he isn't. He provides humour and banter to which I like. I have met him and think he is an all round sound person. And no, im not kissing his arse here, im just making it loud and clear that you shouldn't REALLY judge a person by their net persona, UNLESS you have actually met them, or have sum kind of personal issues with them. If this is the case that you have a problem with them/creamy, IMO you keep it off the board. When sum1 see's ppl slagging eachother, everyone will start doing it, and this place would end up being [censored], and not really feel like the clubbing community YOU want.


There ya go - theres my 2 pennies worth I donlt mind if any one would like to debate anything I say.





  • CTW Members



i've been on 4c's briefly, and they seem roughly equivalent. for first-time users the thing which made ctw more friendly for ME was the photo's as avators. when u get to know ppl and don't need the pics, the msg board itself is as useable, feature rich n easy to use as any other. 4c's seemed to be to be more nothern based, i found ppl on ctw around the london area which has worked for me.



i've been on the tidy board since last october, met loads of ppl from there, left recently cos of a few things. a very few ppl on there were acting like cunts, and the board didn't seem to be the same place as when i joined in oct. when i joined everyone seemed to be level, up for a laugh, no clicky groups, and that "15 types of msg board ppl" thing thats going round didn't seem to apply there (important). it does now.


technically (and ppl post on the tidy board itself grating about this) the board is [censored] (er, 'basic -- i think it was programmed from scratch?), it has almost no features, u can't search, have address books, see who's online, have pics, limited smileys. i think...this is deliberate, because it makes the board more 'random' and prone to ppl posting '[censored]'. which is ironic because recently some ppl have been seroiusly slating other ppl for posting... [censored]. that was one thing newbiews loved about the board, you were welcome and accepted posting up any rubbish u wanted, which i didn't have a problem with personally.


they said last oct they were gonna upgrade the board, i don't think it's gonna happen cos the board style encourages 'randomness'.


I'm sure ppl from other boards will read this..... shrug.gif but, u 'say what u see'


  • CTW Promotors
Anonymous said:

we get sarah gobbing off about djs weve never heard off and telling us she knows djs when she dont, its quite embarasing sarah to be honest.


Tell me the ones i go on about that i dont know then - im intrigued! This is a f***kin joke! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Admin

Having read the first post (not read the replies yet) I would say that whoever you are Mr Anon, its clear that this site and the people around it arent for you - we cant expect to cater for anyone and everyone here and as people keep telling me over and over again I shouldnt worry so much about what one or two people say as you cant please all of the people all the time.


I will read the replies when I get back home tomorrow and reply to the rest of the posts.





ps. Mr Anon - rather than moan at people why dont you go and set up a site that IS what you want.

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW Promotors
fintbeast said:



As for Sarah, sorry to do this, like you said Rick, while she's out of the country, but I do agree that she's very hard to talk to...to the point where you feel the need to question her motives for being involved...and certainly to the point where you think she doesn't give a rat's ass.


I think this is all valid...I'm not just having a dig at individuals that I don't like. Is it just me or is this all valid, constructive criticism?...amd sorry it's so bloody long. sleepy.gif


Can you please enlighten me on this a little more? In what way am i difficult to talk to? If you mean on the phone you have my phone number, as for MSN i cant get on it in the day. I am open to anyones points of views & as for you doubting my ´giving a rats arse´ you couldnt be any further from the truth! Please explain?

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Promotors
rickd said:





Sarah can come across as being a very harsh person and she doesn't seem to like listening to people... Everyone except her close knit group has trouble trying to speak to her when she is out, not just new members... She also needs to stop favouring one or two DJ's in the agency side and help out the others... If I was a promoter and I had the agency representative getting in the state she does (i.e. going under in clubs!), I would have trouble booking any of the DJ's twice due to not having a gaurantee they will turn up, I would rather book someone who looks and acts a little more professionally...


I am probably going to get slated for all I have written here, but as you pointed out, it needs to be said...


Have you actually taken the chance to get to know me Rick? Everyone has a little too much of something they shouldnt now & again and yes i did have a real prob with GB - i posted a post a while ago saying i had a real prob with confidence & personal issues & that i was sorting it out by getting councelling. This is the reason people accused me of being ignorant - those that knew me knew i had more of a lack of confidence.

6 weeks into my councelling i feel im getting a grip on it. I havnt been in a state in a club & am feeling better about myself.

Maybe if you didnt hadnt have jumped to conclusions & presumed i was ignorant or a total f*** head then you might have a different opinion.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Promotors
SarahPvc said:

rickd said:





Sarah can come across as being a very harsh person and she doesn't seem to like listening to people... Everyone except her close knit group has trouble trying to speak to her when she is out, not just new members... She also needs to stop favouring one or two DJ's in the agency side and help out the others... If I was a promoter and I had the agency representative getting in the state she does (i.e. going under in clubs!), I would have trouble booking any of the DJ's twice due to not having a gaurantee they will turn up, I would rather book someone who looks and acts a little more professionally...


I am probably going to get slated for all I have written here, but as you pointed out, it needs to be said...


Have you actually taken the chance to get to know me Rick? Everyone has a little too much of something they shouldnt now & again and yes i did have a real prob with GB - i posted a post a while ago saying i had a real prob with confidence & personal issues & that i was sorting it out by getting councelling.

People were accusing me of being ignorant - those that knew me knew i had more of a lack of confidence.

6 weeks into my councelling i feel im getting a grip on it. I havnt been in a state in a club & am feeling better about myself.

Maybe if you didnt hadnt have jumped to conclusions & presumed i was ignorant or a total f*** head then you might have a different opinion.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Admin

ok, i was going to shut the forums for a while until we´ve read everything through properly as we dont have time now but i´ve realised this is very unfair on the members here who continue to enjoy using this site in a constructive manor.


if you dont like the site then please either

a) tell us the solutions, or help work on the solution

B) leave


I´m fed up with wingers and the whole vibe here at the moment, complaint after complaint - what you fail to realise Mr Anon, and others, is that we are actually trying to address some of your issues behind the scenes - this is not an overnight task, and is also an extremely difficult task.


The site still does what it says on the tin - we are still trying to arrange meeting new people every week in different clubs, and then talk about those meets on the message board and view the pics of the night.


I know there are loads of people here who do enjoy the site and use it in the way it was intended.


It doesnt suprise me that Mr Anon posted whilst we´re here in Ibiza, and to basically [censored]-stir, it also doesnt suprise me that Mr Anon is someone who just happened to have an issue with me only the other week.


Thankyou for your constructive comments, I will be responding as soon as I can - probably wens or thurs. Like I say dont expect things to change overnight or be back to how it was a year ago when there were 50 members - this is quite frankly impossible!



CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW Moderators
James said:



if you dont like the site then please either

a) tell us the solutions, or help work on the solution


Basically, yes. By doing this everyone is feeling part of the site. Specially the ones who moan alot and don;t feel part of the site. Instead of constantly [censored] moaning and slagging every fucker off at the same time, Well, now's your chance. If you want something done, then let James or Sarah know. Im sure none of the suggestions you will put forward will not be thrown aside and ignored, not by refering to the last few days/slaggings etc on here anyway.


B) leave





James sums it up in one, because basically, if anyone REALLY doesn't liek this site - what the [censored] are doing here? Im well [censored] off with all this [censored] tbh. But nothing is perfect, eh?

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