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Tony.P said:

Belle said:

1 - Quality of DJs


This should be paramount on CTW nites. The fact is, everyone and their dog are becoming DJs these days!! I think it was a mistake to allow anyone to be labelled a CTW dj, because the term should carry some value when putting on nights. Some real promo would help the nights, as might combining the CTW nites with member meet ups. Not just SarahPVC saying 'hey everyone, come support our DJs!!! If I've never heard the dj, I won't be loyal to go, especially if all they had to do was submit a cd, that might not have even been done by them, to be named one. At least if it's a member meetup nite, it gives peeps another reason to go.


SPOT ON!!!!!!!

I couldn't agree more with this point. nod.gif


I am not having a go, but a classic example, is when CTW had the privilage of hosting the second room at Camden Palace for Frantic (one of worlds biggest promotions), where I would have expected a good CTW turn out for support, however only four members showed, 0ne of them myself & another my girlfriend, leaving a turn out of two!! and also not even a CTW banner was on view, which doesn't really help promote the site.

In my eye's this was a huge wasted opportunity for CTW sorry.gif

I can see if this is how it's going to be at future events, then surely the club/promotions will not ask CTW back!!


I know this may seem harsh what I am saying but if im honest this is how I feel & I only want what's best for the site!! thumbs.gif


As it stands at the moment I see myself as a CTW DJ & I am honoured to be one, which is why I have made the above points.

However if CTW decide that, yes a few DJ's is the way to go, then i feel that this will create a ladder for other DJ's to climb, also by stating anyone can become a CTW DJ, when they dont actually use the site, is not fair to the DJ's that regularly use, support & plug the site!!


I know this is long winded and hope it's made sense!!!!


RANT OVER and may we look forward to a succesful future thumbs.gifspliff.gif



I would have loved to have come down but its just so expensive - the journey down to london for a start & hotel bills to fork out for. Im not in a position to be able to do it at the moment.

As for the banner - we have one which cost £120 to make. I have it in my possesion at the moment but to have posted it to get it down there would have been stupid. The best answer is for me to have one & for james to have the other. We just dont have £120 to get another one made at present though frown.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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  • Who slagged off 4clubbers? What comment was made? I didn't make any 'slagging off' comment about 4clubbers and I cant read anyone else that has.     Correct, we dont. Not yet. But we will,

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I would have loved to have come down but its just so expensive - the journey down to london for a start & hotel bills to fork out for. Im not in a position to be able to do it at the moment.

As for the banner - we have one which cost £120 to make. I have it in my possesion at the moment but to have posted it to get it down there would have been stupid. The best answer is for me to have one & for james to have the other. We just dont have £120 to get another one made at present though frown.gif


& why exactly would it have been stupid?? you can send things via the post quite safely in this day & age, recorded delivery & such like Sarah!! Im not digging at you hun, but it seems quite obvious things that need doing are not being done!!!

As you say it cost etc to get from A to B which is exactly what Tony & everyone is trying to say, which is where heads need to be brought together to try to eliviate this problem!!

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs

Tony, Ali, Diablo..... notworthy.gif


I agree that it should be people who're members and happen to DJ and get involved THEN try and get some interest about DJing as they're now firends with people on the site.... smile.gif


Where does the line go though??


For me, I'm in a tricky situation as I work for another site (www.4clubbers.net) and have been for over a year. I also help promote a few nights, and I'm constantly heading up to Leeds/Manc/Bradford to play at nights and support others. For me, it's very difficult to see all the people I want to.... apart from all you buggers, I go to nights with 4clubbers people, and do my own night every other firday, plus Wildchild, and all the other nights I'm either playing at (which are a few, but not tons) and then on top of that I try to get to nights that I'm trying to get in to/with, or that I'm meeting people at.


From one point of view, I guess that's selfish, especially in the context of this site, but I'm on 9 message boards, and I'm spreading myself as thickly as I can withouth missing out on things. I guess you've got a right to say I'm not as involved as I should be, but (to give you an example) I've played every firday for the last 4 weeks, and 3 Saturdays, and been out the other one, and there've been CTW people there or DJing at over half of them, so for me, I'm doing all I can.


At the end of the day, my PERSONAL aim is to make it as a DJ. Plain and simple. I'm getting to know as many people as I can and trying to do it the RIGHT way, by being sincere, supporting anyone I can, and, when I do get the chance to play, making it my business to blow everyone off the park... in short, I'm putting my heart and soul into it. I am never using sites/message boards as simply a promotional tool - for me the whole meeting/greeting/making new friends in the scene is as much part of it as anything else. I'm in it for the long run, it's just hard feeling like I can't devote enough time to everyone I want to. If I can't make it to the night, it's usually cos I've got a damn good reason... smile.gif


So that's my rant over. lol.gif


Hope you got the gist of what I'm trying to say. If I miss you, Tony, Ali, Daz or anyone else, it's not cos I can't be arsed (and I'm not saying anyone's said this either)..... it's jsut not possible sometimes.




(oh, and Kev, I know how you and others feel towards 4clubbers, but I'm going to hold my tongue.... no point in getting into a ruck about these things... )

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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AS far as CTW Djs go - what classifies a DJ as a CTW Dj?

I have had no guidelines or experience to go on to try & classify this so that is why i decided that a CTW djs was someone who was registered on the board, had given me a mix cd & a biog.

I do agree to a certain extent to the above points made by Creamy, Belle, Tony etc - a CTW DJ should be one that is known in the community (ie posts about other stuff other than just their forthcoming nights and gets to know the members). I dont think it can be as clear cut as that, my opinion is that a CTW dj should be someone who gives something back in return to the site.

Andy Whitby, Carl, Alison, PhilB, TonyP, Guyster (even though he is more connected to 4c)(sorry if ive missed anyone here) all post regulary on here & that is their way of giving something back.

Daz for example, who only a few people have seen play, doesnt get on here much to post and is extrememly busy following the producer rather than dj path, but he is going to be contributing towards the site for every sucessful tune he produces - giving something back in return for the promotion i give him.

Just because he doesnt get to post on here - does that make him unworthy of being a CTW dj?

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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miss_diddy said:

I would have loved to have come down but its just so expensive - the journey down to london for a start & hotel bills to fork out for. Im not in a position to be able to do it at the moment.

As for the banner - we have one which cost £120 to make. I have it in my possesion at the moment but to have posted it to get it down there would have been stupid. The best answer is for me to have one & for james to have the other. We just dont have £120 to get another one made at present though frown.gif


& why exactly would it have been stupid?? you can send things via the post quite safely in this day & age, recorded delivery & such like Sarah!! Im not digging at you hun, but it seems quite obvious things that need doing are not being done!!!

As you say it cost etc to get from A to B which is exactly what Tony & everyone is trying to say, which is where heads need to be brought together to try to eliviate this problem!!


Because it probably would have cost more to send in the post than to get another one made. All these things cost money which is what people dont seem to take into consideration when fingers are pointed at stuff we are / arent doing. Until we have the finances to do things 'properly' these issues are going to continually arise.

I would love to be able to fully support & promote DJs such as Tony but i do not have the money to be able to do it

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Promotors
Guyster said:

(oh, and Kev, I know how you and others feel towards 4clubbers, but I'm going to hold my tongue.... no point in getting into a ruck about these things... )


I'm not slating 4clubbers at all. I've always said whats the point in this site carrying out stuff that other websites can do better because they have more resources at the moment. 4clubbers cater for a large member base and lets be honest are far bigger than CTW, what I'm saying is CTW should point into a different direction to what other clubbing websites dont cater for. Whats wrong with that ?


And 4clubbers also delete irrelevant posts, James had this problem a year ago.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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A CTW DJ is someone who socialises and actually gives a [censored] about the site and who's on it. And not just about furthering they're career which is happening all the time now and pissing me off.


i have voiced my opinion on this b4.


tony in my mind doesnt get pushed as hard as maybe he should, at the end of the day people have to wonder where everyones loyalty lies. and mine is with people who are loyal to me.


the same should go for CTW

  • CTW Admin

Just to re-label the point Kev made - we are most definitely set on going in a unique direction - that's how it started and thats how it will end grin.gif Just please bare with us in this 'interim period' whereby we are fully reliant on people coming forward and doing stuff for free (this even includes DJs), but once we do start generating some kind of revenue (god knows when or where from) you can be assured that we will turn this into a professional outfit and the promotion of DJs & our own CTW nights etc.. will hopefully be to all your tastes.


In the meantime I say we go out, have a laugh and keep doing what we're doing - the meets & new members still drive me the most so I'm happy - the site has already proved itself as a concept grin.gif


Some excellent comments in this post dudes grin.gif

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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Jay said:


tony in my mind doesnt get pushed as hard as maybe he should, at the end of the day people have to wonder where everyones loyalty lies. and mine is with people who are loyal to me.


Now this is the sort of statement that pisses me off - i get some comment everyday from someone who is complaining that i dont push so & so hard enough.

Please remember im doing all this for free & i dont make anything out of booking djs to play - its all off my own back.

I also dont believe in chasing after djs - if they want to play badly enough they should be doing the chasing. The typical example was of freano - i pestered & pestered him for a mix cd so i could get him some work somewhere & i never got it, yet i was the one slated for not pushing him by certain people.

I have a 9-5 job to do as well, i dont have the time to chase after djs or chase after gigs for them.


Another point is that i am based up here in leeds so obviously get to know about a lot more nights up here that i can push djs towards, the prob there is that a lot of promoters up here wont pay for more than travel expenses. I have asked Tony several times if he can come & play up here but he (quite rightly so) wants his costs covering etc, is that me not pushing him???


I would like to say that if anyone wants me to help them get a gig somewhere - all they have to do is get me a contact email/phone no & i will gladly try & get them a gig. I just cant do / offer anymore than that.


Rant over!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Admin

Perhaps we should actually all list out and agree on who we all class as the CTW Community DJs then ?


Tony P

Little Miss Loud

Carl Nicholson

Andy Whitby








Edited by James

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

  • CTW Admin

I do back Sarah up on this point - DJs should drive their own career / promotion. It would be different if they were paying an agent to promote them however. shrug.gif

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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James said:

Perhaps we should actually all list out and agree on who we all class as the CTW Community DJs then ?


Tony P

Little Miss Loud

Carl Nicholson

Andy Whitby








Daz - as i stated in my post above - who is prepared to give financially back into the site from money he makes from producing.

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

James said:

Perhaps we should actually all list out and agree on who we all class as the CTW Community DJs then ?


Tony P

Little Miss Loud

Carl Nicholson

Andy Whitby








Although no one has ever heard me i would like to be included in this if at all possible


My genre of music isn't hardhouse/trance it's the older stuff. I mentioned in an earlier post that i would not like to be listed as a CTW DJ, but i would like to be involved and DJ FOR FREE for the site


All that i ask in return is that where possible, someone could put little ol me up for a night if i came down London way


CD's available soon!

  • CTW Members

I'm also a DJ and can get into everyones areas ASAP, of course, only if they are girls that is. FREE CD's are also available from me should anyone wants one. This CD's classic 'Lionel's Hit of The Month' is "Agadoo" remixed by my good self.


Sede you all in your areas very soon. wink.gif







Lionel The Vinyl - I'm in your Area, oh yes I am, I am a DJ, oh yes I am, I am Lionel, oh yes I am!

  • CTW DJs
CreamyC said:

Guyster said:

(oh, and Kev, I know how you and others feel towards 4clubbers, but I'm going to hold my tongue.... no point in getting into a ruck about these things... )


I'm not slating 4clubbers at all. I've always said whats the point in this site carrying out stuff that other websites can do better because they have more resources at the moment. 4clubbers cater for a large member base and lets be honest are far bigger than CTW, what I'm saying is CTW should point into a different direction to what other clubbing websites dont cater for. Whats wrong with that ?


And 4clubbers also delete irrelevant posts, James had this problem a year ago.


Sorry mate - guess I took the wrong end of the stick. frown.gif Apologies smile.gif


It's funny for me tho, being so involved in 2 sites, and I guess I get defensice when one is slagged off, and it's even wierder when I'm defending one to the other and vice versa. But as they say, it's my choice so I have to deal with it.


Personally, I think CTW and 4c are very different, and that could only be a good thing...


Long live...er... BOTH! grin.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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