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  • Who slagged off 4clubbers? What comment was made? I didn't make any 'slagging off' comment about 4clubbers and I cant read anyone else that has.     Correct, we dont. Not yet. But we will,

Sarah - an excellent idea for the North/South representant for DJ's - but who?


I would gladly contribute towards the banner!

  • CTW Moderators

Christ! It's fully going off in 'ere isn't it!


Ok - im guna put my opinion across, iv read as much as I can, altho being in work im also a bit busy, so feel free to debate anything I say, im just stating my OWN opinion on the mattter that every one seems to be kicking up a fuss about.


Firstly, I completely agree with Kev’s statement..


CreamyC said:

This is my problem.


Tony P registered way back in May 2002, at that time it was suggested that we 'as a site' would support him fully. SInce then and to this very day he has given every inch of support to this site and in return deserves the support from us. Now heres the difference between Tony and some other DJ's. When he registered no one knew he was a DJ until a few weeks down the line when some of us was heading down to Smile @ The Viaduct, it was only then that he pointed out he was a DJ. So whats my point? My point is he never came onto this site saying 'hi everyone, I'm a DJ and I'm playing at blah blah's you HAVE to come and support me' only then to bugger off the site until his next gig. The reason why Tony has my FULL support is because he comes on here as a member - not a DJ. He does NOT come on here promoting his stuff every single post, of course he puts up posts and says where hes playing but so what? Hes a valued member of this site and always will be. I REFUSE to back anyone on here that just comes on to promote themsleves and dont give an arse about anyone else and I stick to my origional statement of deleting posts that have no interest to this site. Once again I will state there is no way CTW will turn into another 4clubbers and Gurn, this is a members site, not a site where people use it as an engine for their own benefits.


Im not guna comment on it, because Kev has blatantly smacked the nail on the head.


Secondly..I agree with Sarah’s statement..


SarahPvc said:



Now this is the sort of statement that pisses me off - i get some comment everyday from someone who is complaining that i dont push so & so hard enough.

Please remember im doing all this for free & i dont make anything out of booking djs to play - its all off my own back.

I also dont believe in chasing after djs - if they want to play badly enough they should be doing the chasing. The typical example was of freano - i pestered & pestered him for a mix cd so i could get him some work somewhere & i never got it, yet i was the one slated for not pushing him by certain people.

I have a 9-5 job to do as well, i dont have the time to chase after djs or chase after gigs for them.


Another point is that i am based up here in leeds so obviously get to know about a lot more nights up here that i can push djs towards, the prob there is that a lot of promoters up here wont pay for more than travel expenses. I have asked Tony several times if he can come & play up here but he (quite rightly so) wants his costs covering etc, is that me not pushing him???



Rant over!


Now im not taking sides in this massive debate but Iv read most of the replies where it kicks off with ppl moaning about the DJ side of things, but you all know how much hard work Sarah actually puts in for arranging the likes of Ali, Whitby, Daz, Tony etc etc getting gigs, not only that, but promoting nights etc. It’s all hard work, especially when you have to keep up with a 9-5 job. I’m sure it’s well tiring trying to kep up with the job that she does and also stress about “sorting ppl out” with gigs etc.


I would like to say that if anyone wants me to help them get a gig somewhere - all they have to do is get me a contact email/phone no & i will gladly try & get them a gig. I just cant do / offer anymore than that.


Ok, after reading that ppl want gigs here and there and no1 is being pushed enough…it actualy pissed me off when Jay stated (and no offence to you at all Jay) that Tony isn’t getting pushed enough. IMHO, any DJ should be pushing THEMSELVES if they really want to make something of themselves, by doing this, yes, you send out some demo’s and hoping for them to be passed on to promoters maybe, thus your skill is being recognised etc but I do think, again, IMO, that it is really unfair that some of the “CTW DJ’S” think it’s only fair that Sarah sort’s everything out to help one get up the next rung of the ladder, it isn’t down to another person to bring success and happiness to your door, if you want to be recognised for something then it’s down to the said person to make it happen ! What im trying to say is, that as Sarah said in one of her previous posts, it’s not that hard to give her a phone call during the week to show your interest and “keep on” at her to sort you with a gig. Yeh a CD is good enough, I guess, but you can’t leave ALL the hard work down to Sarah, if you want to make something of yourself, I believe that you, the DJ should be doing most of the hardwork by getting contacts together and sending them Sarah’s way instead of “Can you get me a gig? Let me know if you can” kinda thing, and leave it at that. NO SCORE. You gota show interest and YOU have to push yourself. By doing this im sure to god Sarah really doesn’t mind going out of her way to give the most eagerly people, what they want. Stop giving her grief when all she does is work her arse off to make ppl successful.


Anyway…I think that sums my opinion anyway. If anyone disagrees…well…tuff.



  • CTW DJs

er - maybe an email / pm once a week asking would suffice? Ive got enough to do without chasing after everyone who i assume wants to play. Andy Whitby calls me every other day to see whats going on & if im gonna let him play somewhere - can you not do the same to take some of the responsibilty?


I wasn't aware you were getting that many bookings. I thought the way things would have worked (which i was told) would be that when bookings come in, they would be delt out on a round-robin basis. I didn't realise i had to CHASE you for booking Sarah. Maybe this should have been made a little clearer.

I also was under the impression that Spinback (whatever it is) had merged with CTW (wasn't this some big thing a while back), so i assumed that you would still know what was going on.


And i didn't mean any of this to be a personal attack on anyone, I too think at times is it all worth it Sarah, As I can get bookings on my own. I just want to feel like part of the team, instead of feeling like i'm being pushed out. I have got alot of time for CTW and it's members.


anyway this has got out of hand now, and I'd rather be reading something in the jokes forum, more my style.


Sorry if i've upset anyone, these were just my views and thats all. spliff.gif

  • CTW DJs
CreamyC said:

Its not called taking sides Maria, its about having an opinion. Something more people should do now and again.



  • CTW Members

Re: Uniqueness....


James/Sarah/Creamy n everyone:


There's a reason then I gather that 4clubbers etc. has more resources....because they profit from their boards.


The board I contribute to in Montreal has 3 or 4 'ravemontreal' nights per year. The creator of the board, 'dj creator' always plays, and there are a host of other djs along with him, 1 international, 2-4 local blah blah. Sure, he's doing it for his promotion....but there are a minimum of 2000 posts about the upcoming event, which tells you something about board participation. Sometimes the rave is put on in an afterhours club, and othertimes in a well-known rave spot. What Creator offers is a reduced entry to ravemontreal members, and chances are, you'll know at least 100 people walking in. My place, Vortex, does the afterparties.


I wouldn't want to see CTW not get a fair shake because you don't want to make any money off of the site James. The fact is, promoting costs money. Flyers, tshirts banners whatever. I think you should find a source of revenue, and fast for being able to compete with them. Because if CTW doesn't grow with the others, then it might fade away frown.gif. You are already fighting an uphill battle because you dont' want to be like the rest of them, but don't make it any more difficult for yourself.


The fact is, CTW is a brand, like it or not. If you can put on quality nights periodically (which I'm sure is one of your goals) do it! Change your angle, take a cut from the clubs in which you put on the nights (providing you can get people in the door), pay the djs yourself with the profits and use the rest of the money on stuff that you need to grow. There is nothing wrong with that, you're not profiting personally from it. I truly think if you want to go upwards, you need to get some $$$ to make it happen.


Not for profit still means you can make money, it's just what happens with the money that changes.


Love you guys!



I am NOT a dj

  • CTW Promotors
CreamyC said:

Tony.P said:I'd rather be reading something in the jokes forum, more my style.



Trust me Boner, this is not your speciality subject.


maybe he'll listen to you, Kev.. I have to live the jokes!!! no.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs

IMHO, any DJ should be pushing THEMSELVES if they really want to make something of themselves,


Maria thats what i do (and have got some Cracking gigs in the pipeline), but would like to bring the name of CTW along with me. scratchchin.gif

and would like CTW to do the same for me.

I don't just sit on my arse and wait for things matey.


See you saturday anyway hun. thumbs.gifthumbs.gif

  • CTW Moderators
Tony.P said:


Maria thats what i do (and have got some Cracking gigs in the pipeline), but would like to bring the name of CTW along with me. scratchchin.gif

and would like CTW to do the same for me.

I don't just sit on my arse and wait for things matey.


See you saturday anyway hun. thumbs.gifthumbs.gif


Im not saying that you aint pushing yourself to successfull outcomes Tony, I was just pretty pissed off as to what Jay said. It isn't down to other ppl to make your life happy, i always say, if you want sumthing that bad, you have to make it happen. Im sure you are Tony! Im not saying you aint what so ever, so don't take what I said the wrong way smile.gif


I just don't believe in other ppl "doing my dirty work" so to speak. Its all about PROVING YOURSELF.



And yyyyup see you saturday my dear!


smile.gif x

  • CTW Promotors
Maria said:

Tony.P said:


Maria thats what i do (and have got some Cracking gigs in the pipeline), but would like to bring the name of CTW along with me. scratchchin.gif

and would like CTW to do the same for me.

I don't just sit on my arse and wait for things matey.


See you saturday anyway hun. thumbs.gifthumbs.gif


Im not saying that you aint pushing yourself to successfull outcomes Tony, I was just pretty pissed off as to what Jay said. It isn't down to other ppl to make your life happy, i always say, if you want sumthing that bad, you have to make it happen. Im sure you are Tony! Im not saying you aint what so ever, so don't take what I said the wrong way smile.gif


I just don't believe in other ppl "doing my dirty work" so to speak. Its all about PROVING YOURSELF.



And yyyyup see you saturday my dear!


smile.gif x


which brings us right back to the original question about community spirit!!! We should all do for ourselves & also help each other as community!!

This thread speaks volumes IMO.. look at the response it shows how we as a clubbing website can come together!! thumbs.gifshag.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Admin



I dont think there is a danger of CTW completely 'fading away' but you are right in that if we dont start to make some kind of revenue in the DJ booking / CTW event side of things then this part of CTW could perhaps fade and the promotion side would suffer. However, the original/main purpose of the site would still remain and the site would still grow as it has been doing.

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  • CTW Members

ouch guys, I write a post and 10 have gone by since I started my post!


please don't take this all personally, I value these discussions, especially with old-timers like Tony P smile.gif


but, Maria, there are a great number of people that work in this industry, me included, and know EXACTLY what it takes to produce a night wink.gif....when you say 'starts with the djs' blah blah....remember, IT STARTS WITH THE MUSIC....if CTW or anyone else can't provide some quality music, then forget about the whole thing!!! Who cares how many people show up if the music sucks announce.gif


Nuff said for one day.



I am NOT a dj

  • CTW Members
James said:



I dont think there is a danger of CTW completely 'fading away' but you are right in that if we dont start to make some kind of revenue in the DJ booking / CTW event side of things then this part of CTW could perhaps fade and the promotion side would suffer. However, the original/main purpose of the site would still remain and the site would still grow as it has been doing.


I remember a couple of old conversations last year that talks bout your vision, bravo James, for keeping the vision, and for keepin this fiesty bunch clubbing notworthy.gif lol


Edited by Belle

I am NOT a dj

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