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  • Who slagged off 4clubbers? What comment was made? I didn't make any 'slagging off' comment about 4clubbers and I cant read anyone else that has.     Correct, we dont. Not yet. But we will,

  • CTW Promotors
Maria said:

Belle said:





but, Maria, there are a great number of people that work in this industry, me included, and know EXACTLY what it takes to produce a night wink.gif..



So do I. And it aint in the slightest bit easy!


Hang on, aint we heard enough of all the hard work thats put in, getting a little boring now aint it, if you aint enjoying it dont do it.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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  • CTW Promotors
Tony.P said:

er - maybe an email / pm once a week asking would suffice? Ive got enough to do without chasing after everyone who i assume wants to play. Andy Whitby calls me every other day to see whats going on & if im gonna let him play somewhere - can you not do the same to take some of the responsibilty?


I wasn't aware you were getting that many bookings. I thought the way things would have worked (which i was told) would be that when bookings come in, they would be delt out on a round-robin basis. I didn't realise i had to CHASE you for booking Sarah. Maybe this should have been made a little clearer.

I also was under the impression that Spinback (whatever it is) had merged with CTW (wasn't this some big thing a while back), so i assumed that you would still know what was going on.


And i didn't mean any of this to be a personal attack on anyone, I too think at times is it all worth it Sarah, As I can get bookings on my own. I just want to feel like part of the team, instead of feeling like i'm being pushed out. I have got alot of time for CTW and it's members.


anyway this has got out of hand now, and I'd rather be reading something in the jokes forum, more my style.


Sorry if i've upset anyone, these were just my views and thats all. spliff.gif


Im getting quite a lot of bookings yes but as i stated before they are mainly up here in Leeds / Manchester. How come its up to me to state the rules? You say you werent aware it was up to you to chase bookings? I also wasnt aware you expected me to contact you - maybe a bit more communication from the both of us would have prevented all this agro? I dont have a rule book to play by - sometimes i have to work it all out by myself & learn by mistakes.


Believe it or not - sometimes i dont feel like part of the team in CTW - especially with most of the members being based in London & having regular meetups - but thats going shocked.giffftopic: slightly.


I think there needs to be better communication between everyone on here then stuff like this wouldnt get out of hand in the first place


INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW DJs
Belle said:

There's a reason then I gather that 4clubbers etc. has more resources....because they profit from their boards.


They don't. They hardly make any money, we lose money from all the nights, and the only way we make cash is from banner ads really. (better ask Salvador and not me tho!) We're just a year further down the line than CTW, that's all. THere's not a lot of money in it, as Sarah, Kev, Kames, (and myself, Salvador and the others on 4c) have said before, we do it for the love of it, of putting on nights, meeting people and the enjoyment you get out of seeing friendships build up and people having a good time smile.gif


I didn't mean to sound personal in anything I said, but I'm happy with what I put, as it's just how I feel.


The fact that I'm in Leeds almost once a month (this month twice in 8 days) and the fact that I'd pay to play up there, any money is a bonus anyway, is because I'm well aware that any exposure is good exposure. As you say, sometimes you have to speculate to accumulate (and Tony, I'm not having a dig at you... it's my choice and to be fair it's why I've got no fecking money at the mo) and if someone likes me up there then maybe I'll get another gig too and therefore it's worth it.


I've made over 12 trips to Leeds since last may - and spent around £250 on coach fares alone (f*ck knows how much the train would've cost) and I only started actually playing there in April 2003! There's nights I drag myself out in London where I wonder what the f*ck I'm doing and how on earth I can afford it/catch up on the sleep/do all my writing and work, but I know that maybe if I don't then it may the night someone else does and I lose out. Perhaps it's a slightly paranoid attitude, but that's the way it is for me now.


The ambition I have is single-minded and consuming at the mo. I'm going to give it everything I can to get where I want to be in a way I beleive in. If it's worked for the likes of Guffy, Shan and Gary, then it can work for me, Tony and everyone smile.gif


So hopefully in 12 months time, we'll all be on the way up and looking back feeling damn good about ourselves thumbs.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

  • CTW Members

hhehe, of course Creamy!!!


thanx for putting me in my place tongue.gif

I am NOT a dj

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  • CTW Promotors
Tony.P said:

IMHO, any DJ should be pushing THEMSELVES if they really want to make something of themselves,


Maria thats what i do (and have got some Cracking gigs in the pipeline), but would like to bring the name of CTW along with me. scratchchin.gif

and would like CTW to do the same for me.

I don't just sit on my arse and wait for things matey.


See you saturday anyway hun. thumbs.gifthumbs.gif


We would love the CTW name to go with you but would you like to explain exactly what that involves? And what is it you are wanting CTW to do for you cos im not sure what you mean confused.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Guyster - from what i understood - Salvador took a full-time wage of 4clubbers & someone else took a part-time wage as well?

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Promotors

I think these issues will be easily resolved tonight Sarah when yourself, Tony, Guy & Chris chat on msn...

As you keep sayin hun, your in leeds which means its easier for you to arrange that end, but by getting together later you can all try to sort south neck of the woods, maybe do a night up your end for all London based CTW DJ's to play on same night, so that they can between them sort out mode/method to get up etc to lighten the load of cost & vise versa for the north based DJ's!! thumbs.gifthink.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors
miss_diddy said:

I think these issues will be easily resolved tonight Sarah when yourself, Tony, Guy & Chris chat on msn...

As you keep sayin hun, your in leeds which means its easier for you to arrange that end, but by getting together later you can all try to sort south neck of the woods, maybe do a night up your end for all London based CTW DJ's to play on same night, so that they can between them sort out mode/method to get up etc to lighten the load of cost & vise versa for the north based DJ's!! thumbs.gifthink.gif


Thats an excellent idea - people seem to think we make a packet off promoting our own nights but the simple fact is the majority just cover their costs if they are lucky!

I am quite happy to post all the account details of both CTW and Incision if anyone wants to see them.

Would be excellent to have a London version of Incision - this is something we all need to discuss tonight

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Promotors

Excellent!! see hun, ok a few comments bashing here & there have made it all good in the end!! As you said sweety, its all about communication, its the way forward & this a chat board of all things.. lets have a chuckle now!! lol.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW DJs
SarahPvc said:

Guyster - from what i understood - Salvador took a full-time wage of 4clubbers & someone else took a part-time wage as well?


yeah but it's f*ck all. Nige & Dave have other jobs, and Irishdave runs clubpromos.co.uk and that's where he gets his cash.


Anyway, this wasn't really about 4clubbers.... and, as has already been said, I'm sure we can sort this out later.... 8.30.... smile.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

  • CTW Members

can i just clarify, i do understand the hard work you do sarah, i am also aware you dont make cash out of it, my point is that tony has been loyal since time began and im not sayin give everything to him , but alot of the peeps on here have turned up gave u a mix cd and then they are in the same position as tony. i personally feel until such a point that they have proven themselves that they are here for the site and not just for personal gain they shouldnt be given a priority when it comes to sets.

i have to adit i wasnt aware tony had been offered sets he had to turn down but my point still stands.


i would say the same thing if i felt this happenened to guy for example because he has at least imo proved he isnt here for personal gain and actually contributes to the site.


my last word is, a ctw dj should be someone who ctw memebers have contact with, who contributes to the site, who doesnt just promote themselves all the time.


it doesnt necessarely have to be tony. just one of us...

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  • CTW Promotors
Jay said:

can i just clarify, i do understand the hard work you do sarah, i am also aware you dont make cash out of it, my point is that tony has been loyal since time began and im not sayin give everything to him , but alot of the peeps on here have turned up gave u a mix cd and then they are in the same position as tony. i personally feel until such a point that they have proven themselves that they are here for the site and not just for personal gain they shouldnt be given a priority when it comes to sets.

i have to adit i wasnt aware tony had been offered sets he had to turn down but my point still stands.


i would say the same thing if i felt this happenened to guy for example because he has at least imo proved he isnt here for personal gain and actually contributes to the site.


my last word is, a ctw dj should be someone who ctw memebers have contact with, who contributes to the site, who doesnt just promote themselves all the time.


it doesnt necessarely have to be tony. just one of us...


So what exactly are you suggesting i do about it?

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

Im sorry but why when the issue is the 'community spirit' of CTW that 4Clubbers gets mentioned and slagged off.


Some of you go on about CTW offering something that other clubbing sites dont, Im sorry but you dont.


You're trying so hard to be different when what's already on offer works damn well by others, 4C and Gurn are the biggest communities out there and well respected, nothings going to change that fact and they have worked so hard to gain the respect and coverage they have. By Dissing them, you're only making CTW look bad and mightly jealous of their success.


As I see it, most of this board are southerners and a rather different if somewhat disappointing clientee at times and it shows, you only have to do the basic math to know a night up in Leeds isnt going to be half as successful. If people dont feel they have been involved in the nights process, just like Gurn then people wont have the enthuasism to turn up on the night. If you go on about community spirit, where's the community spirit in organising these nights instead of a 1 man show whi's doing it for everyone.


Making people think it's some sort of CTW night too is only going to put other people off who arent connected with CTW, 1. they dont know what it is, why would people want to take such a chance to come to the night they knowing nothing about or what it stands for, people are picky 2. they wouldnt fit in. You dont see Gurn plaguing other messageboards about their Gurn Gatherings, it only makes you look rather desperate for punters.


If you really think that people should have to support a night for the hell of it, they won't bother going. People will ultimately go because they want to, not because they feel they have to.


I think the person who has started this night has made out it's some sort of CTW gathering, when if it was me who owned CTW, I would be pretty pissed off that they were trying to cash in on the name and the label.


Dont run before you can walk.


4clubbers and Gurn have their good and bad points, CTW has a hell of alot more bad ones, so please dont make yourselves to be something you're clearly not, come back in 4 years. Dont dis your competitors, they are not the reason you're not suceeding.

"Shaun stop being so mint"

  • CTW Members

Dont run before you can walk.


Great point.


I think bollocks to it all. Lets have a massive big brother style eviction. In fact better than that lets go back to the origional hardcore massive. The first 20 people who registerd then everyone else can [censored] off....what number was I?

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