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Capn_Jack said:

Diablo said:

Firstly, this post is not meant to be confrontational in any way


The comments made by FTB as shallow to say the least, but everyone is welcome to say what they think




Not entirely unconfrontational there Diablo, you were doing ok till that comment.


I actually agree with FTB, he does have a point about those DJ's that just pop in to promote their own nights and have nothing more to do with the community.


Agreed, there are some people who do come on here solely to promote themselves, but most of are members cos we want to be

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  • Who slagged off 4clubbers? What comment was made? I didn't make any 'slagging off' comment about 4clubbers and I cant read anyone else that has.     Correct, we dont. Not yet. But we will,

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Blink said:

SarahPvc said:

There is no real definition - the only guideline i really go on is that they qualify as a CTW Dj if they have made the effort to send me a mix cd & a biog - surely that enough??


To be honest, Sarah, if that is the only reason a DJ becomes a CTW DJ, then I won't be going along to support them. If I was to think of people I considered CTW DJ's, I would say LML, ToxicPhil, ClaireDC (if she ever did actually DJ), and then I start to be pushed. I know there are plenty of people out there who DJ, and I apologise if I have forgotten you, but how many post first, and DJ second?


Further consideration...Guyster, LiamStyles, TonyP.....

[again apologies to our friend who I have forgotten]


They do still have to be able to mix though laugh.gif Its only really like that so i have some guidelines to go on.



Finally tho, I apologise for missing the entirity of the posts to this event, and wish you luck with it. You are, afterall, SrahPVC from CTW.


Cheers hunny grin.gifgrin.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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LiamStyles said:

I do agree with alot of what blink has just said, reguarding ppl actually going to support the CTW DJs. Or not as the case may be.

But the one thing, which Sarah has already mentioned, that suprised me was the fact that when i read the post there were very few "good lucks" or "hope it goes well". This would at least show sarah that although ppl cant make it, they are aware of it and genuinely wish everyone involved good luck.

I live miles away in another country and i was able to pick up on it, and show some support. So why cant others??


Thanks hun grin.gifgrin.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Promotors

You find rarely looking thru the events section, good lucks!!!!.. It is abit sad really as everyone should be wished well in whatever they put on!!

So Sarah GOOD LUCK!! thumbs.gif


Also as pointed out in earlier post, sometimes these events are not always easy for some individuals to get to, be up north or down south!!


im sure if it were easier peeps would support the CTW dj's in these events, but its not always that simple! frown.gif


I know its a long shot but what about organising a coach or members to arrange between them travel/transport?? its just an idea, poss [censored] but maybe worth thinking about!! spliff.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Diablo said:

FredTheBaddie said:

Well, according to James, this isn't a CTW event. Even if it was, I wouldn't go.

I don't want to go to a CTW sponsered event if the name is being used simply to drag members along. What does it offer me exactly ?

I came on here to meet up with mates, natter to them and go clubbing with them, not to subscribe to some stupid brand that tells me where to go and what DJ's to listen to.

And who are these 'CTW' DJs ? Do they post on here ? If they don't post apart from to promote their own nights, they are not part of the community as far as I'm concerned. I'd rather go and see DJ's I've heard of, or DJ's that I actually talk to on here.

Promoting CTW as a brand is completely wrong in my opinion and it's not why I came on the site.


Firstly, this post is not meant to be confrontational in any way


I strongly disagree with Fred’s comments above. From what I can see Sarah puts in a lot of effort with this site and asks for very little back in return, except some support from those able to give it.


As Fred pointed out this is not a CTW sponsored night and therefore no one has an obligation to go, but for those who can spare a few hours to attend and support one of the sites valued members it would be nice.


CTW is a website, and good one at that, where else do you have the opportunity to talk and meet like-minded clubbers, DJ’s, promoters & mates?


CTW is not used as a brand, it’s used as a website to attract clubbers who are willing to support each other. I am sure James will agree, the site was primarily designed for this purpose and not designed to be sold as a brand.


The site has many users who post on a day to day basis, included in these users are a significant number of DJ’s, promoters & producers, who simply ask for support for the nights that they are running from people associated in their ares.


The users who are DJ’s certainly don’t appear to write every post promoting themselves do they? These users are on here because they want to, and certainly won’t appreciate FTB’s comments.


I have spent the last 12 years of my life DJ’ing, and although I make the occasional comment about myself on the site I am certainly not using it to promote myself in an way, gain respect of get bookings out of it, anything extra I gain from the site is a bonus.


The comments made by FTB as shallow to say the least, but everyone is welcome to say what they think


James – any further comments?




Thank you hunny - its nice to see someone else that sees my way of thinking. I have never been part of CTW to see what i can get out of it or see what money i can make out of it.

The members have always been the most important whether they be members or djs - still all the same thing. Theres nothing better than going to a big meetup (even better for me if one of the djs is playing) and seeing the community spirit amongst the members.


Heres the point i would like to get opinions on though...


At the end of the day we are here to provide a central point of communication & information & if that be a promoter telling us about their night then whats the problem with that?

Do we start charging for this service then get accused of becoming too commercial or do we stop them posting & the possibility of our members missing out on knowing about a good night? shrug.gif

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

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Diablo said:

The site has many users who post on a day to day basis, included in these users are a significant number of DJ’s, promoters & producers, who simply ask for support for the nights that they are running from people associated in their ares.


emotional blackmail? personally, i want to go to nights because they have a good rep, a good atmosphere and DJs that i want to see; not because they're run people off the board, or because there'll be some DJs whose names look familiar from the members list. i do wish them every success in their DJing career, but i'm not really fussed if not attending their gigs means i'm lacking community spirit; and before anyone mentions it, i would feel very much the same if i lived in leeds or london. i did make time to go and support LittleMissLoud upstairs at the weekender, however, because i was there.


SarahPvc said:

Do we stop [promoters] posting & the possibility of our members missing out on knowing about a good night?


in a perfect market which has perfect knowledge about everything (economics A-level creeping in here), you'd stop them posting. the drive for meet-ups across the country should be coming from the members themselves, as they genuinely can personally recommend a decent night, not promoters, who aren't exactly unbiased here. i just think the issue of "board DJs" complicates matters.




have to say that, as usual, it's the same people posting in a thread like this. some good points made, but isn't it interesting how most the folk who gob away in Random don't seem to have an opinion about pretty important stuff like this.

I've made my feelings clear on this thumbs.gif


At the end of the day, i hope everything goes well for Sarah!

  • CTW Members
TomD said:

have to say that, as usual, it's the same people posting in a thread like this. some good points made, but isn't it interesting how most the folk who gob away in Random don't seem to have an opinion about pretty important stuff like this.


Its not anywhere as important to them as it is to the DJ's who are promoting? shrug.gif That and they see that other people have said what they were thinking and don't feel the need to add to the thread (which is good, because a whole load of posts with thumbs.gif would get boring to look at).

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

  • CTW Promotors

Personally I have made my points quite clear. Members first - promoters / DJ's come whenever. Dont anyone agree that this site is for members, why do we want it like 4clubbers and harderfaster.net ? I dont because whats the point in having 'just another clubbing website' when others are catering for it. Now you could say I'm being unfair on DJ's, as most of you are aware my girlfriend is a DJ so before anyone starts on to me about being unfair bare that in mind. I will BACK those that make the effort. I will NOT back those that come on when they feel like it to promote their night / DJ gig if they dont give a toss about this site, as I've said if they want to do it flood the board over at one of the others because it aint happening here no more, I am deleting one posters from now on and I dont really care if its about a MASSIVE night, they go. People that deserve the recognition and the respect are the ones that put the effort in - and I dont mean some half-hearted meet-up that gets [censored] up where half the members dont even get met. Please be aware that this site is different to the way others work and I am 100% sure to [censored] that this site is not going down the route of any other clubbing website. No way.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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CreamyC said:

Personally I have made my points quite clear. Members first - promoters / DJ's come whenever. Dont anyone agree that this site is for members, why do we want it like 4clubbers and harderfaster.net ? I dont because whats the point in having 'just another clubbing website' when others are catering for it. Now you could say I'm being unfair on DJ's, as most of you are aware my girlfriend is a DJ so before anyone starts on to me about being unfair bare that in mind. I will BACK those that make the effort. I will NOT back those that come on when they feel like it to promote their night / DJ gig if they dont give a toss about this site, as I've said if they want to do it flood the board over at one of the others because it aint happening here no more, I am deleting one posters from now on and I dont really care if its about a MASSIVE night, they go. People that deserve the recognition and the respect are the ones that put the effort in - and I dont mean some half-hearted meet-up that gets [censored] up where half the members dont even get met. Please be aware that this site is different to the way others work and I am 100% sure to [censored] that this site is not going down the route of any other clubbing website. No way.




well bloody said!!!!!! spliff.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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I've got to say that the reason I joined CTW, and the reason I'm still about and still use it is purely down to one thing.




There is a real, online, community here. There is also a real-life community here.


You get people agreeing, people disagreeing, people helping each other out. You get real meet-ups. You get laughs, you get fun times. You get events.


Already, after only being a member for less than two months, I've been to 5 or 6 meets - several away from my home city.


For me, it's about both the online and real-life thing. For some it'll be more about the online thing, for others more the real-life.


DJs can - and do - play an important role in the world of CTW. As do promoters. I've nothing but respect for all the hard work that Sarah puts into CTW - a true role-model of a community leader.


When DJs come on to post their events in the events forums, I haven't really got a problem with this. When they expect *more* back from the community than they put in however, I do start to get a bit peeved...


I think it's great that we have the events forums - they are there for one thing and one thing only - to allow DJs/promoters/members tell everyone else in the community that events are out there (including meet-ups).


The one suggestion I would make is that maybe we need a separate board, specifically for meet-ups. Reclassify the type of events to:


- Clubbing Event: An event/night that is happening in clubland.

- Non-Clubbing Event: An event/do that is happening outside of clubland.

- Member Meet-Up: A CTW member-driven/organised meet-up that is not necessarily linked to any other event. It may or may not co-incide with another event.


In this way, we are keeping commercial events and member meet-ups separate - and members don't have to sift through loads of ads to find out if a meetup is happening. Like-wise, if members want to see what events/nights are going on in their locality/another locality, then they can look in the events forum and know that is what they're going to find.


What do people think?

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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- Clubbing Event: An event/night that is happening in clubland.

- Non-Clubbing Event: An event/do that is happening outside of clubland.

- Member Meet-Up: A CTW member-driven/organised meet-up that is not necessarily linked to any other event. It may or may not co-incide with another event.


Correct, this is what its driving towards but taking a while to set up.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

A contraversial subject indeed!


I never have/or would try and use this site to my advantage, now would i ever look at becomming a set DJ for any of the nights, i would however do the occasional set for free and for a laugh


DJ'in isn't about making money for me, its about gaining respect as a DJ and doing something i enjoy


Kev - i totally agree with your comments about not wanting this site to turn out like simular websites, but i do think that as long as DJ's & Promoters on this site have an area (like the current one) to discuss nights etc there will be little conflict in the future.



  • CTW DJs

Ive only just seen this post so heres my thoughts......


I found out about CTW late last year.....I didnt join up straight away, I browsed the forums frequently to see what sort of site it was. I've joined many sites in the past, posted a few posts and been ignored/had the piss taken! ( not always in a fun way either )


When I did join I posted the new members 'hi' post to which I did get a responce....made me come back to post again thumbs.gif


I saw the site as a good way to make new clubbing friends and it seemed like a good place where I could find an outlet for my DJing. I didnt dive straight in there with the 'everyone look at me,Im a DJ'. I posted and tried to make a few friends first.


February saw my first 'mix CD' post which I got a few replys from. I sent them out and got a good responce back. From then on I've tried to make a continued effort to do a CD a month to pass on my enjoyment of DJing to 'the members'.


The last 2 months have seen a massive uptake to my CDs, something that I feel has come through posting non-DJ posts and showing my appreciation to the people who have posted their views ( as well as being able to mix laugh.gif )


When the time is right and the demand says so I'm sure I will, or other people will, be on the case to get me to play at a CTW event. This is not the sole reason I am on here, just to have somewhere where that I have found people who enjoy what I do is enough to make me grin.gif Thanks Blink for the mention as to see that shows that people do recognise I am making an effort thumbs.gif


Promoting events or yourself as a DJ is very hard and takes alot of effort and commitment. Everynow and again we all need the boost of 'good luck' etc as it's very easy to think 'why am I bothering?'


I have seen the issues of 'is CTW becoming a brand?' and I have this to say....as well as organising meet-ups,having a board to communicate with clubbing people, its nice to see that some people are trying to give people a chance to play at events. It is very hard to get 'recognised' as a DJ ( I am fully aware of this through the effort I put into it )


Something I have learnt is that the people you would like to think would support you dont always, its frustrating yes, but dont let it stop you making the effort......the fruits of your labour will show itself in time!


Personally from the requests for CDs and the comments I get in return says the community spirit is alive and kicking smash.gif


I have a big respect to all those that are involved in the site as without these people making the effort they do we wouldn't have the board at all! star.gif

www.djphilbenson.co.uk - updated 28/08/04

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