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Just wanted to say hello...............


Anyway, consider me to be your friend. I can be quite funny sometimes.

I am like Rain Man, super intelligent in a retarded kinda way.

Yes, well, this doesn't seem to be going very well (or making much sense) so I'll stick to the basics.

I love hard house music, I do. Eddie Halliwell, The Tidy Boys, the ever-lovely Miss Charlotte Birch and Jules when he is playing the hard stuff.

I love GodsKitchen, Sundissential, Future Heroes, Turnmills, The Cross, Good Greef, Sankys and more.

Love Global Gathering, Homelands, Creamfields and the Summer Sound system.

Anyway.........fly me, its bound to be good.

GKC :eviltongue:

Head of the Monkey Mafia.....


  • CTW Members

Well, welcome to CTW, I am sure you will get more Hello's once people wake up.

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hellooooooooo wavey.gifwavey.gifwavey.gif

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Come in, grab a pew, have a word to the strange man in the corner, listen to some music, chat, go mental and have fun!


You'll like it here from the sounds of yer tastes...

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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hello ther & warm welcomes!! wavey.gifwavey.gifspliff.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

Hello KitchenBoy.


Shouldn't you be doing the washing-up or something.


Oh, GODSKitchenBoy - sorry.



It's so wrong, yet it's so right.

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GodsKitchenBoy said:

Why is my picture so small? I mean, I know I am no looker, but come on.......theres no need to take the piss...


GKC eviltongue.gif


Your picture is on a large white background. Try to crop the image so you only have the picture and not the white background, otherwise when its compressed it looks tiny.


*edit* you've got it sorted now, nice one. thumbs.gif

Edited by Capn_Jack

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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alright matey



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welcome 2 ctw enjoy your time here!!!

im sure we will meet up along the way from club 2 club

bye 4 now


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