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James said:

god i wish someone would invent portable web cams and then we could truly have a ctw soap running smile.gif


Think of all the money that could've been raised (to pump back into the site) through cheesy phone votes!!! grin.gif

w: www.bukeytheloon.com
e: cunt@bukeytheloon.com
msn: msn@bukeytheloon.com

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well i feel verry sorry for elly and tommy who gave up theire jobs/ homes only to have gone through all this. and eveyone else who has gone out there and given up jobs etc only to come home 3 weeks later!


i think something like this, planning and promoting needs alot of time spent on organising it and cant just be done over night! the night in london in april proved this - and i think perhaps to of made it work he should of been planning fo something like this a year ahead and had alot more people involved.


as for gary, if he did hit claire then obviously he was in the wrong, however if he has started a drink/ drugs/ debt problem then i can understand why he might of done this, everyone gets stressed sometimes and lashes out, but i am not saying what he did was right! angryfire.gif


as for claire dc everyone knows what my opinions on her are, cos they stem back from last year! laugh.gif i am totally with creamy on this one! if she diddent come back to ctw i would be bloody over the moon! shes a waste of space! and the amout of [censored] excuses ive had from her means i wouldent trust her as far as i could swing her! shame.gif i just hope for once people listen to our views on her and dont end up getting used by her like i did!






  • CTW DJs

My overall impression of everything that's happened is just sadness.


Lots of people, having been handed an opportunity that was (seemingly) too good to miss gave up jobs/houses etc to go and try and make a night work in Ibiza. It's apparent that the promoter who was to run it was underfunded, unmotivated and ultimately underprepared. It's easy to say that, with the benefit of hindsight, we all shoudl've seen it coming. But it's not that easy. I for one, despite only knowing Gary for a few weeks, happily booked flights and told mates I was playing, after all, when an opportunity presents itself like that its hard to say no.


It's clear by the people's stories on here just how badly wrong it went, and I hope you're all ok now and you recover and you can look back on it in years to come (when you're all successful) and hopefully be mellowed about it.


All I can say is that with any luck (cos sure as hell VLT didn't have any) those of you that are out there can make the most of the summer still if you can. THose that are back, there's a lot of sympathy coming your way smile.gif


Gary clearly bit off more than he could chew, and roped in others despite this, and in the end it all went wrong and he, despite losing a lot of money, bailed rather than facing the music. And that's the worst bit of all. Coward.


I wonder if he realises just how many people he's upset.


Such a shame.

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

  • CTW Promotors
Guyster said:

My overall impression of everything that's happened is just sadness.


Lots of people, having been handed an opportunity that was (seemingly) too good to miss gave up jobs/houses etc to go and try and make a night work in Ibiza. It's apparent that the promoter who was to run it was underfunded, unmotivated and ultimately underprepared. It's easy to say that, with the benefit of hindsight, we all shoudl've seen it coming. But it's not that easy. I for one, despite only knowing Gary for a few weeks, happily booked flights and told mates I was playing, after all, when an opportunity presents itself like that its hard to say no.


It's clear by the people's stories on here just how badly wrong it went, and I hope you're all ok now and you recover and you can look back on it in years to come (when you're all successful) and hopefully be mellowed about it.


All I can say is that with any luck (cos sure as hell VLT didn't have any) those of you that are out there can make the most of the summer still if you can. THose that are back, there's a lot of sympathy coming your way smile.gif


Gary clearly bit off more than he could chew, and roped in others despite this, and in the end it all went wrong and he, despite losing a lot of money, bailed rather than facing the music. And that's the worst bit of all. Coward.


I wonder if he realises just how many people he's upset.


Such a shame.




GUY!!!!!!!!!! notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

to be honest i know what gary did to claire was wrong, and i also no hes [censored] arround a bit and deffo bitten of more then he could chew. but to be honest i think claire was asking for it! the amount of lies ive hered from her is untrue and to be honest there both as bad as each other in this situation!


i must point out though i do feel for everyone else elly tommy tara etc.


  • CTW Admin

mods - can we close this topic now ?

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  • CTW DJs
Maria said:

Sophie said:

to be honest i know what gary did to claire was wrong, and i also no hes [censored] arround a bit and deffo bitten of more then he could chew. but to be honest i think claire was asking for it! the amount of lies ive hered from her is untrue and to be honest there both as bad as each other in this situation!


i must point out though i do feel for everyone else elly tommy tara etc.

U are saying a woman asks to be HIT?


WHAT THE [censored]?!


I can appreciate there's a lot of stuff between peopel on this board and CLaire (who I've never met) but no woman DESERVES to be hit... wtf!?!? eek.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

  • CTW Promotors
Maria said:

Sophie said:

to be honest i know what gary did to claire was wrong, and i also no hes [censored] arround a bit and deffo bitten of more then he could chew. but to be honest i think claire was asking for it! the amount of lies ive hered from her is untrue and to be honest there both as bad as each other in this situation!


i must point out though i do feel for everyone else elly tommy tara etc.

U are saying a woman asks to be HIT?


WHAT THE [censored]?!


second that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whether she lies or not she does not deserve to be hit & least of all by a man!!! Its fooking wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ever been twated yaself by a man sophie??????????????? confused.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

no i dont think she deserved to be hit! but i do think that she deserved to be treated like [censored]! and i still do! maria you dont no the half of the story between me and her! im sorry but that girl deserves everything coming to her!




  • CTW Promotors
Sophie said:

no i dont think she deserved to be hit! but i do think that she deserved to be treated like [censored]! and i still do! maria you dont no the half of the story between me and her! im sorry but that girl deserves everything coming to her!



maybe so, but that does not justify or warrent a man hitting a woman!!!


Just remember sophie, the old saying of what goes around comes around hun!!! thumbs.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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