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[ ClubTheWorld Event ] - ClubTheWorld in Alton Towers - ( Saturday 12th July )

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  • CTW Promotors

Confirmed attendees, this post will constantly be updated as more people add their names, please PM me for more details ... meetup details will be up on Friday for ALL people.




Mrs Baddie

Nick G







By Rail:




Virgin Trains offer a range of all-inclusive tickets from London, the West Midlands and Manchester. The package includes return rail travel to Stafford, coach transfer from Stafford to Alton Towers and entry to the Park. For more information visit www.virgin.com/trains or call 08457 222 333




Midland Mainline offers an inclusive value day out to alton Towers from London St Pancras & Leicester stations. Price includes return rail travel, coach transfer and park entrance.

For more information visit www.midlandmainline.com or call 08457 125 678 to book.




Central Trains operate an all-in-one ticket to Alton Towers from selected stations in the E.Midlands and N.West, including bus connection direct to park entrance.

For details call 0870 000 60 60 or visit www.centraltrains.co.uk


By Car:


Alton Towers is clearly signposted from the following motorways:


Travelling North: M1 - Junction 23a or M6 - Junction 15

Travelling South: M1 - Junction 28 or M6 - Junction 16




Distances to Alton Towers




London - 161

Birmingham - 46

Manchester - 47

Glasgow - 255

Bristol - 141

Portsmouth - 204


For all other visitors travelling by car, there is a £3 charge per car, or you can opt for a premium parking space close to the entrance, at £6 per car. Disabled parking is free.






Group Sizes: 1-11 is priced at £24.50 per person


Group Sizes: 12 - 26 is priced at £18.00 per person


Gorup Sizes: 27+ is priced £16.50 per person


ClubTheWorld.uk is looking at £24.50 per person unless we generate more member interest by Monday 7th July. This is definately going ahead regardless of group sizes. Any queries please email me at CreamyC@ClubTheWorld.uk, text / call 07956462642 or PM me via ClubTheWorld.uk




MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members

have a good one you lot. i'll be at T in the Park. biggrin.gif


don't forget to go on the Black Hole. it looks like a camp circus tent from the outside, but it's actually amazing inside. and go on Nemesis as well. they got rid of the Thunder Looper - bastards. the tea cups are awesome and so is the haunted house.


you must also go on the teddy bear ride that's in the kids area thing. you go in this boat that goes round the ride, and in the middle Sonic the Hedgehog appears, it's [censored] QUALITY, BEST RIDE EVER

  • CTW Members
Maria said:

TomD said:

have a good one you lot.


What he said.


You not coming then, i take it? Do you have to work?

  • CTW Members
Maria said:

Nick G said:

Do you have to work?


What a piss stupid question.


How is it? You MIGHT have had something else planned. You MIGHT have no money. You MIGHT not give a toss about any of it and think it's all a totally stupid idea .... rolleyes.gif

  • CTW Moderators

Sorry, didn't mean for it to come across the way it did. Im in a fowl mood at the moment :$ x


But, im always working.


Im off the whole weekend, but working on the said date.


Quite crap actually.


Im on the verge of quiting my job.

  • CTW Members

Right, I think the park opens a about 10am,or i might be 10:30am?


So can eveyone who is planning on coming along, please aim to get there for 10 oclock on the dot!




Is anyone that is coming along, an Alton Towers virgin? If so, I hope you like heights.. There is a nice big sky lift thingy that takes you to the park from the car park. Enjoy. wink.gif

  • CTW Members

To all of those that didn't go - HA! You missed a wicked day. eviltongue.gif


To those who did go - nice one - i had a fantastic time thumbs.gifgrin.gif



BTW - it's official - i can flyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yay.gif

  • Author
  • CTW Promotors

I had a massive review written up for this and then I lost all connection.


Once again thanks Nick and Victoria for sorting us out with the tickets and driving there and back, I owe you two big time. thumbs.gif



MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW DJs
Mrs_Baddie said:


So can eveyone who is planning on coming along, please aim to get there for 10 oclock on the dot!



What time did you guys arrive???


My fave ride was 'air' I thought I was flying!!! grin.gif


  • CTW DJs

Yep, a huge thanks to Nick and Victoria, and a very big SORRY x x


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