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  • CTW DJs

Jesus Christ.


When will these people stop 'remixing' classic tunes. They were written at that speed, so PLAY them at that speed. SOLAR STONE AT 150BPM IS GOING TO KILL THE TRACK.


Cafe Del Mar, Heaven Scent..... when is it going to stop?


Is nothing sacred?


My argument is this..... I'm not a trance or a HH DJ, but, before anyone has a go, I learnt to DJ playing both, and house, and now I play house and tribal stuff, I gave up on the other two because (in early 2001) I didn't like the records being made.


However, I still love my classic trance, and I'm getting fed up with the amount of classic being rehashed for the HH/Hard Dance crowd.


It just smacks of cashing in on classics (I'm not having a personal dig at Karim here btw) - people love the record and slapping a big kick drum and phat bass and big roll on it and jacking it up to 150 (or whatever) bpm is easy money.


But these tunes are what are making people say HH is becoming uninventive/full of bootlegs. Not a week goes by without another classic trance/house record being "beefed up" for the HH crowd.



This was a classic "end of night" tune, and it holds a lot of great memories for me and a lot of people I know. This is just wrecking it.


Sacrilege. thumbsdown.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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yeah but guy alot of house music is remixes from other types of music so thats a bit bollox what ur sayin! all music is influenced by some other earlier form

Aye, but Jon house tunes dont just blatantly take the whole tune change a wee bit of the arrangement an stick a beefy bassline and a harder beat under it. If a house track uses a sample from something else, its very rare that anyone will of even heard the original in the 1st place.


Simple as, this is a plain cash in, Keeeerching! Thank u very much, that took 2 hours to rehash. sorted!

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LiamStyles said:

Aye, but Jon house tunes dont just blatantly take the whole tune change a wee bit of the arrangement an stick a beefy bassline and a harder beat under it. If a house track uses a sample from something else, its very rare that anyone will of even heard the original in the 1st place.


Simple as, this is a plain cash in, Keeeerching! Thank u very much, that took 2 hours to rehash. sorted!


What he said.


I'm not dumping on Karim here, as he is a v good producer, but it's just depressing that they're rehashing so many good tunes.


I guess I'm biased, but if I hear this out and someone's like:


"wow, this is so BANGING, it's WAAAAAY better than the original" I'll just quietly say "no it [censored] isn't". And walk off, safe in the knowledge I'm right and they're wrong.



WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

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jon_m said:

yeah but guy alot of house music is remixes from other types of music so thats a bit bollox what ur sayin! all music is influenced by some other earlier form


I can't agree there.... they may use a riff or a keyboard stab or something but I can't see how you can take a hard house or techno tune and slow it down the same way the house and trance tunes have their whole tune/vocal ripped off and jacked up to a faster speed.


Feel free to gimme a list of house tunes that come from HH/Trance tunes and I'll agree, cos I can't really think of any. And I'm a trainspotter. smile.gif

WiLDCHiLD - where spacehoppers and pom poms rule :grin:

  • CTW Members

not from hh or trance u wont find em! disco and that sort a [censored] ul find loads!

  • CTW DJs
Guyster said:

LiamStyles said:I'm not dumping on Karim here, as he is a v good producer, but it's just depressing that they're rehashing so many good tunes.


I have never released a tune in my entire life.....BUT


even I can cut n paste bits from old tunes over 150bpm drum, percussion and bass loops.....

  • CTW Members
Guyster said:


"wow, this is so BANGING, it's WAAAAAY better than the original" I'll just quietly say "no it [censored] isn't". And walk off, safe in the knowledge I'm right and they're wrong.




Its all about opinion, no1 is right or wrong, just have a different opinion!! shrug.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW DJs

Umm, I think he might have been taking the piss Claire... scratchchin.giflaugh.gif


I suppose one factor is that, the remix sounds ridiculous if you know the original tune, almost as silly as hearing a sped-up "on-helium" vocal!


But yes, you can remix something creatively, or you can just change the speed and slightly change the bassline. rolleyes.gif And HH is getting a very bad rep for the latter at the moment!


There's nothing wrong (in principle) with doing a hard house remix of (say) a trance tune, but at least come up with some new ideas...?


A good counter-example: I love the BK & Nick Sentience remix of Mauro Picotto's "Iguana" (the original version of which is Euro-trance at its tossest!) Now why can't all remixes be this creative?

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liquideyes said:

Umm, I think he might have been taking the piss Claire... scratchchin.giflaugh.gif


I did kinda gather that but im sayin it to everyone cos everyone seems so anal about their type of music, they slate HH and HT cos they personally dont like it, im just sayin maybe u dont like it but others do doesnt mean to say any one of them is better than the other in general, just to that person!! Hope this is makin sense as im tired lol shy.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW DJs

That's not what this thread is about. It's about unimaginative remixers cashing in on existing tunes (which is true in most popular genres of dance music).

  • CTW Members

yeah but what im sayin is that people who like hard house may not think int an "unimaginative remix" i think a lot of it is down to if u like the genre or not as to if u like the remix!! There are a lot of producers out there of all different genres and i dont think any of them can produce an amazin tune every time, yes some of them are gonna be remixes of a different genre and not all are goin to be that good, and yes i agree there isnt a lot of remixes of hard house tunes within other genres before u say anythin, but that doesnt mean to say that hard dance tunes that are remixes of other tunes are all bad as others were saying above, if u get me? smile.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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