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  • CTW Members

After the success of Casualty’s launch party (along with our good friends at Afterlife), I am proud to announce that there is more fun and antic’s approaching in the month of July!


Your appointment: Sunday July 20th 2003.

Time: 2pm – 10pm.

At: George 1V, 144, Brixton Hill, Brixton.




Your Doctors will be: Chris Vincent (Dirty DJ’s), Matt Rush, Andy Reily, Andy Vinal, Steve Hope (Casualty), Gorfy (Smile/Casualty).


Dress for your operation: More nurses the better! PJ’s, wheelchairs, crutches…whatever U feel like!


NHS Cost: £5 each.


Doctors notes: Music policy is hard. We take no blame for the amount of fun you will have, and any dancing in the wards is most welcome…


If your unable to make your appointment or would like further information, please contact Hazel: camdennurse@freezepromotions.co.uk or 07814986746.



“…For better life support…”


  • CTW Promotors

thats better hun!!!!!!!!!! hi.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

Ill be there stomping for ya! wiggle.gif

Cant wait this is gonna be wicked bouncy.gif, ive just gotta find a nurses outfit scratchchin.gif

  • CTW Members
babyred said:

Ill be there stomping for ya! wiggle.gif

Cant wait this is gonna be wicked bouncy.gif, ive just gotta find a nurses outfit scratchchin.gif

does any1 have a nurses outfit or know where i can get1 really cheap? idea.gif

  • CTW Members

Email Camden Nurse. She is the queen of finding nurses outfits! Strangely enough!!


Also while I'm here, Andy Reilly can't make it on Sunday so ALex Parsons, legend in the making will be kicking things off for us!!!!


Make sure you arrive early!!


See ya there!!


Keep It Messy! bouncy.gif

  • CTW DJs

I have a nurses outfir, but unfortunatley I have to wear it for work!!


Good luck with this Rob and Hazel!!


  • CTW Members
Camden Nurse said:

After the success of Casualty’s launch party (along with our good friends at Afterlife), I am proud to announce that there is more fun and antic’s approaching in the month of July!


Your appointment: Sunday July 20th 2003.

Time: 2pm – 10pm.

At: George 1V, 144, Brixton Hill, Brixton.




Your Doctors will be: Chris Vincent (Dirty DJ’s), Matt Rush, Andy Reily, Andy Vinal, Steve Hope (Casualty), Gorfy (Smile/Casualty).


Dress for your operation: More nurses the better! PJ’s, wheelchairs, crutches…whatever U feel like!


NHS Cost: £5 each.


Doctors notes: Music policy is hard. We take no blame for the amount of fun you will have, and any dancing in the wards is most welcome…


If your unable to make your appointment or would like further information, please contact Hazel: camdennurse@freezepromotions.co.uk or 07814986746.



“…For better life support…”


Don't forget theres a competition for the best outfit! thumbs.gif

& what a perfect way to finish of the weekend in the capable hands of loadz of Drs & nurses! bouncy.gifwiggle.gifyay.gificon_yippee.gif

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