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Can a person who is not honest with themselves be totally honest too!!!!

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Kev and Maria, i'm totally with you on this one. I remember Maria posting similar comments a few months back.


I would LOVE to be able to get into the mind of someone who lies to their friends and loved ones, to see why they do it!


In my logic, lying is a weakness that covers up something that will later be uncovered, and be a hundred times worse than it would have been if told truthfully in the first place. (Like throwing your credit card statements in the bin!)


Lies delay problems but not only that, they make the problems much worse when the lies are uncovered.


I trust automatically as I expect everyone to be like me. I wish i could be different, but i also think it seems a shame to try to become a hard, untrusting person so that i can fit my life in with devious, nasty liars.

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If someone is not being honest with you, there is obviously a reason behind it. Wether it be because they are afraid of what the other person might think to their honesty, or wether it be because the person that is not being honest, maybe be doing it out of spite(?), either way, IMO being honest with someone IS the way to go. You dont benefit ANYTHING from being dishonest, or by being a LIAR. Because it's YOU you're kidding at the end of the day.


Personally, IMO, I would rather ppl respect and appreciate me for being an honest person. Being ME is what I like to be valued for. Not a bullshitter, and not a lier.


Simple. As.



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Cherry said:



I would LOVE to be able to get into the mind of someone who lies to their friends and loved ones, to see why they do it!





Being centre of attention?


A cry for help?


A way of making friends?


The list could just go on.


Iv said it b4 and I will say it again, liars always get found out. If you want to be known as a liar you have to be a good liar. And more often than not they get found out!


Liars are just cunts IMO. Liars are just the kind of ppl who want to ruin things for other ppl. Not nice really, isit? And it's even [censored] worse that when you confront a liar, they deny it to YOUR FACE.


THAT pisses me off mad.gif

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Blink said:

But, surely someone who always believes that honesty is the best policy would never chose to lie.


no matter for whatever reason, they chose to lie, so at that point they decided that honesty was not always the best policy. Whether they later come to realise that it was a mistake, at that point they decided it was not always the best policy.


you can't discount the axis of time.


move on in time and perhaps the experience taught them to believe even more strongly that honesty is the best policy.


rules, exceptions. etc.



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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CreamyC said:

Do people actually believe in being honest?


i do. i'm sometimes careful with the truth, but ultimately if i don't want to give an answer or an opinion then I'll say no comment or words to that effect. its very difficult to prove you are a truthful person. time does tell, but there is always tomorrow...


Do you think if someone tells you something you automatically trust / believe them? How wrong is it when someone you trust tells you something only for then to have doubts about what this person has said.


if i supsect it is a lie i try and work out why - usually its cos people are crap. i'll try and prove my doubts one way or the other, or just log the conversation and see what happens. innonect til proven guilty, but that doesn't make me stupid. sometimes i let people think they've fooled me, serves em right when it backfires later wink.gif


How wrong is it when you then find out this person has been doing it only to benefit themselves. Its even worse when this person has said something to you about what someone else has 'allegedly' said about you. Why does this happen, can some tell me why someone would deliberately make up bullshit? Can someone also tell me why when you believe someone and what they have told you they are then speaking to someone else and saying something completely different?


thats the point whereby you don't ever bother with that person again, and don't worry about em or post about em wink.gif they'll make fools of em selves at some point




i guess the closest i get to with my lieing, is when i oversleep at work due to clubbing, i say i had a few drinks over the weekend. yes this is slightly deceptive, and a few might only mean 2, but its still saying i was bad, just in a legal not getting sacked & drug tested kind of way. at least i didn't say i was ill. if i'm thinkig about it (ie recovered) i'll say i just had a heavy weekend. i even told work i'd overslept a 4pm meeting, i was told off for this for not being diplomatic - hehe


in line with what blink was saying, people lie cos its easier at the time. people learn not to cos they realise those lies will one day bite em in the arse. i find the truth is easiest all round, it annoys me when my mates lie/cover up the truth to other mates.

cyber on the inside

desperately trying to fit in on the outside

hair by tony and guy

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I dislike people who lie or bullshit to me - the funny thing is the fact that they think they've got away with it. But with some people, I can see through them like a pane of glass.


I don't see why people actually lie, and betray and be dishonest with people, it just adds to the collective shite in this world and often ends in tears. I mean, what's the point ?


The thing is, people still do lie and decieve others, to get whatever they want, like a child in a sweetshop that cant get her favourite lolly pop, they'll cheat, [censored] ppl over for their own ends.


Also, something else that gets right up my nose, is the fact that when the culrpit gets confronted, they'll go out of their way to lay the blame on someone else and let someone else take the blame.


The worst thing is, that lieing can get you far, often to accomplish in whatever you want to accomplish and lying comes in as part of the deal.


Some people are just arseholes and need to address their issues and leave innocent ppl alone.





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alasdairm said:

you can't discount the axis of time.


True, true, so surely that means a true statement at any given point would be "At this time I believe honesty is the best policy" After all, in the past that have not.


unless of course, the person has always been unscrupulously honest, and remains always totally honest.


[i knew you would bring time into this somewhere, just had to work on phrasing my couter-arguement wink.gif)

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Blink said:

True, true, so surely that means a true statement at any given point would be "At this time I believe honesty is the best policy" After all, in the past that have not.


pretty much. i admit i haven't thought about this too deeply. i think it's one of those things where, in a way, it goes without saying.


we have to assume, when discussing things, that people have said "at this moment" or "in my opinion" everytime or else things would be unworkable. that's one reason i think that online discussions often end in flame wars - people forget that smile.gif


we have to include time as an axis - it's a dimension in which we live smile.gif


for further consideration: When is Now...



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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I can´t understand people who lie very often for various reasons, these kind of people I consider to be verging on mentally ill, quite seriously when they have to make up [censored] about others or themselves just to make them look respectively worse or better, its crazy! But in the end its down to a confidence thing most likely, but then again I know Im not the most confident guy but I so rarely make anything up, I just can´t say something blatantly (or even something I might get away with) false to someone´s face, and certainly not a to a friend, I´d feel like a piece of [censored]. Only if I really really had to...


just me think.gif


no liar replies please thumbs.gif



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Sorry, couldn't be arsed to read all this post... It really fucks me off when people can't be honest with each other... If I want to tell someone something, i'll tell them straight rather than tell others... That's how I am, but can understand it upsets some people but at the end of the day it save's time and a lot of [censored] about if you are truthful and honest with people...

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My no.1 philospophy in life 'Trust No-one'. Its a horrible horrible philospohy to have, but one that has been handed to me. I didn't want it. I'm confident that i haven't actually met anyone in 21 years that hasn't lied to my face, screwed me over or had some ulterior motive in wanting to know me. Theres absolutely no-one I could speak to and say with 100% certainty 'They are telling me the truth'.


I hate this situation, I came back from Ibiza with a point of trying to change this, within a week, someone I cared about a lot totally lied to me about the way she felt about me. I ask myself, why did she? Whats the point? The truth is, people are BASTARDS. Some people simply want me to be unhappy. And that is the case I'm afraid, there are people in this world that simply want you to be unhappy. And more often then not I, and in this case Kev, allow themselves to be unhappy and give these people the greatest pleasure. Its a sad character trait that is undefendable against. You either learn how to deal with it like I have, or fall apart at the seams (like I have before).


On another subject, James, Kev - I've got to say, are posts like this really the thing that needs to be on here? It smacks of internal politics and arguing, and for someone who was just about to start coming out more often to meets etc etc, it hardly promotes that in a positive light. I have enough bitching and arguing at home, do I really want to come out and experience more of it with people I would like to be my friends?


But hell, what do I know, I've only got 300 posts or whatever it is....

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