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Quite a good night guys, nice to see so many people turned up!


Good to meet you Mikey! wavey.gif


I liked the bar and it was in a very nice area but WAY TOO EXPENSIVE!!! I don't like having to pay nearly £5 for a glass of [censored] wine! thumbsdown.gif

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Tara said:

Quite a good night guys, nice to see so many people turned up!


Good to meet you Mikey! wavey.gif


I liked the bar and it was in a very nice area but WAY TOO EXPENSIVE!!! I don't like having to pay nearly £5 for a glass of [censored] wine! thumbsdown.gif




cry.gif how bloody much?? disgusting!!!!

Techno, Techno, Techno

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  • CTW Promotors
Tara said:

Quite a good night guys, nice to see so many people turned up!


Good to meet you Mikey! wavey.gif


I liked the bar and it was in a very nice area but WAY TOO EXPENSIVE!!! I don't like having to pay nearly £5 for a glass of [censored] wine! thumbsdown.gif


Don is looking into a much cheaper bar but Docklands is by far the best place, good to see so many people came. Nice one everyone. thumbs.gif

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members
Tara said:

I liked the bar and it was in a very nice area but WAY TOO EXPENSIVE!!! I don't like having to pay nearly £5 for a glass of [censored] wine! thumbsdown.gif




Get a job thumbs.gif

  • CTW Admin

was a great meet smile.gif was particularly impressed to see Mikey show up after only JUST joining - nice one - need more like him!


Nice one Don for sorting table.


Drinks were a tad too much for most but you have to agree its a lush area/bar. Apparently there is a whetherspoon across the bridge though ?

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  • CTW DJs

I really like the bar, and once again, it was a good turnout - just thought it was a tad pricey.


Nice one peeps!!!


  • CTW Members

was cool to see everyone again smile.gif

think i may have had a tad too much to drink though, dont suppose anyone remembers me falling over cos i don't but i have a huge bruise on my left leg and can't walk properly now confused.gif

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

  • CTW Members

good good, just checking that i did at some point.


Ended up falling asleep on the last train home and having to shell out £25 for a taxi home, bah. ended up all the way in sodding caterham.

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

  • CTW Admin

hope you (and more importantly your camera lol) are alright Shen - that was a nasty fall. I didnt think you were that pissed but you must have been ...


which leads me into thinking you must be pissed all the time ! lol

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Hola guys !


Only now just managed to get online as James' pc has been a bit poorly. I smooched it and it came back to life smile.gif


Yeah, so anyway, I had a wikid time on Wedenesday night. Was a nice change to be out and not sitting in my house or even working !


So anyway, the venue was great and it was situatated in a really nice place grin.gif Outside was really pretty - awwwwww heartbeat.gif


Was nice to see some ppl again.


LML + Kev - hope you had a good night too - it was funny. Kev nice one for grabbing my bag. Your a star.gif LML - was mega good to see you again also, Il send you an MD sumtime next week thumbs.gif


DON - FINALLY got to meet you ! Your a really cool guy! just a shames you couldn't stay for much longer frown.gif Ah well, see you at the wedding! laugh.gif


Liquideyes - was great to FINALLY meet you also! Your not so serious in real life, are you? lol im looking forward to the next tme we meet and we can chat longer! thumbs.gif


VideoMikey - Top stuff that you only just joined, not knowing anyone, but you still came along on your own ! RESPECT goes out to you bruva! notworthy.gifthumbs.gif


Tara - Nice to see you too chicken! Sorry didnt talk much tho undecided.gif


Jay - ALWAYS a pleasure to see you, young man ! Your top notch - just a shame you aint coming to global cry.gif Hope to see you pretty soon! wiggle.gif


Rick - As always, nice to see you again wavey.gif Will see YOU at global gethering for some messy shinaningans! biggrin.gif


Nicholas Geeus - Nice to see you again too! It has been AGES since the last time I saw you !! Diary on its way!! Prepare to laugh wink.gifthumbs.gif


LongShen - How funny are you ?! I only WISH we had a camera at hand when you decided to "breakdance" across the floor haha you fell down like a sack of [censored] !! Top dude, hope to see you soon! grin.gif


Sorry to anyone I missed on the list - im still half asleep.


Anyway - I had a great night and hopefully I shall be along to another mid week drinks for fun and frolliks soon!



  • CTW Admin

my few pics from last wens will be up TONIGHT as well (as i have to clear the memory for global tomorrow lol)

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