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Once upon a time in a land far away lived a mushroom called Norris. Norris the mushroom lived all alone in his little fungus house on the top of a hill. For miles around he could see all these other happy mushrooms all of them having fun together.

None of them ever seemed to notice Norris way up on the hill and no one ever visited him. Weeks went past as he stared out of the window without him even realising it.


Just as he was about to give up hope of ever making any friends he noticed another small mushroom sprouting out of the ground only feet away from his house. Full of excitement he went bouncing at to see this new mushroom.

As he approached he noticed it was covered in brightly coloured spots and it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.


"Errr hello" said Norris rather nervously "...are you o.k?"

The brightly coloured mushroom didn't move and didn't make a sound.

Norris decided to have a closer look as he stepped nearer he could see this mushrooms eyes were red and kept staring at everything slowly and strangely as if confused.

"Are you O.K, Should I fetch help?" whispered Norris.

"Look man just chill next to me for a while, this is freeeeeeaky shit!"

"What's freaky shit?" Asked Norris

"Take a lick of my head and sit here for a while friend and I shall take you on a journey."

As Norris had never been on a journey he suddenly felt all excited and didn't even question the reason for licking his head!

Sitting down next to him he asked "If we are going on a journey together, shouldn't I know your name?"

"Magic" replied the mushroom who was now sweating.gif like a paedophile in a playground and moving away from the shadows of the rustling trees.

"Well Magic, where are we off to?"

Suddenly from out of nowhere came the weird sensation of the floor moving like an earthquake. Norris stepped back and looked at the ground he noticed it looked like it was vibrating. He wondered why Magic didn't sense these vibrations. The vibrations soon started to slow but the hill side now looked like it was made of water. He could see it swirling and splashing around his feet but he couldn't understand how he wasn't falling in. He heard a scream "This is madness!" The scream was loud and it sounded like his own voice. "Did I shout that out loud?" he thought. He didn't think so but then did he know what was going on? Magic was still sitting quietly but now seemed more colourful to Norris's eyes. The reds and the blues seemed more vivid now. Brighter than anything he had ever seen..... but everything is more colourful now he thought. "Hmmmmm nice teeth Magic." Said Norris laughing. He then looked at Magic confused.

"Where had those teeth sprouted from, they weren't there a moment ago and yet they now seem to be growing huge. Why was his eyes moving around and around, why does his hair suddenly stretch ten feet to where I'm standing and then return again to it's normal position, hold on...am I actually ten feet away from magic or does it just seem that far?" All these questions were racing through Norris's sheltered mind and yet he could not explain any of them.

He walked back to Magic slowly, it was difficult as the hill was still made of water and this made his legs seem slightly hard to control. He knew he must be walking with a drunken Liam Gallagher style swagger but this didn't matter, he needed answers and he needed them fast.

As he sat down next to Magic he overheard him mumbling about the goddamn tomato throwing ferrets. For a moment this sent Norris in to further confusion but he fought this and remembered what he came here to do.

"What the hell is this fiendish place you have taken me to" Blurted out Norris.

Magic sharply turned his head as though completely unaware of his presence. "Welcome to the chemical generation my friend, this is the path that leads to enlightenment, only you can decide which path to take, this is your journey. You will then learn it is better to set the path and experience new lands than to follow like a sheep down a well trodden path. You world will never be the same, you can never really return to you old world."

The strange thing was Norris almost understood what this meant. It sounded like utter shit at first but his twisted mind was able to relate to it in ways he couldn't explain.

"O.K." Norris said starting to relax when a crow the size of a pterodactyl flew inches from his head. "You did this didn't you, you ticked me in to licking your head to show me this crazy world, but how do I get out?"

"You will get out, just give it time. I warn you though once you are out you will be back in the cruel world, everything is real everything has it's effects. It's harsh and there is little fun to be had."

Norris thought about how he was before. How upset and lonely he was, did he actually want to return to that world. For now he did he wanted this madness to stop, he wanted control of his surroundings. This was when it hit him. He was in control of his surroundings.

All along he had been in complete control. The tree's branches were moving and growing as he wanted them to. Birds would turn in to things he would rather see. He was contorting, retracting and twisting his world as though it was made with play dough........ and what fun it was!


After hours of fun things started to return to normal apart from the odd visual vibrations. All Norris now wanted to do was have a cup of tea back at his house. Magic was also feeling the need for a cuppa so they retired to the fungus house. Over tea their discussions were flowing successfully when they were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Who could that be." panicked Norris. "No one ever comes up here, you are the only person I have spoken to in years"

Norris slowly opened the door nervously. There in front of him stood a crowd of 2 maybe 3000 mushrooms all talking excitedly.


"We saw you stumbling and dancing around up here on the hill and you looked like you were having such fun. We all wondered what you were up to?" Asked the closest mushroom to the door. "It's really boring down the bottom of the hill and we wondered whether if we could join in the fun?"

After much thought and questioning of Magic, Norris finally gave in and let them in to his secret. Soon all the mushrooms from miles around were coming to see Norris and magic to have a taster of his brightly coloured head, and paying £3 a lick (which soon made them millions of £'s). People were dancing and swaying and having the most fun they had ever had. Norris and Magic were at last the leaders, they were no longer the outcasts that they thought they were. Everyone knew them by name. People would call night and day to experience the fun that they provided. This was a new life for Norris and after this he never looked back.


He thought back to what Magic had said and he knew he was now right. His world will never be the same again. How could he go back now, his world is whatever he wanted it to be, he controls it. He owes his life to his best friend and entrepreneur Magic Mushroom!

  • CTW Members

did you write that your self

Iv Come Here Today To Chew Bubblegum And
Kick Ass And Im All Outta Bubblegum :wink:

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No, it was on an old message board I used ages ago. I just like it.


I wanna lick Magic's head. tongue.gif

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I'm going to tell ant cool 9 you said that blink.gif

majic pants wink.gif

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