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FredTheBaddie said:


Are you fit ? confused.gif


LOL She certainly is bright eyed and bushy tailed. Why don't you check out our Global Gathering pics...

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James said:

Just to let you know that if Mod1's set doesnt go ahead in Peterborough myself and Maria will be coming to Serious - depend on tickets though ! paranoid.gif


If you and Maria are coming, come to the Ruby Lounge at 7.30 so we can:

a) get us many peeps in on at the guest rate, as possible, being as it's £20 and 10.00pm otherwise.

B) get into the 8.00pm Guest and VIP Free Champagne Pre-Party





  • CTW Members
FredTheBaddie said:

Squirrel said:

Really looking forward to this. Especially as it is only my second time at the Cross and first time this summer.


Yay, can't wait. See you at the Ruby yay.gificon_yippee.gifbeerchug.gif


Are you fit ? confused.gif


Of course I am tongue.gif

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I'm more than likely going



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Will not be attending this month,

real shame but I have no money at all!

Get paid in time for Whildchild....

I will be back for September Serious



  • CTW Members
Daredevil_Tony said:

Will not be attending this month,

real shame but I have no money at all!

Get paid in time for Whildchild....

I will be back for September Serious


That's a real shame mate, but I suppose you're gonna be there for Luke Neville's farewell in September which is probably more important...
  • CTW Members

Serious Just Get's Better and Better...


Whenever you here the words 'Free Champagne' you expect half a plastic cup of warm Asti Spumante, 'and the likes of you should be grateful for that sunshine'...Except when Serious say it that is.

I mean can you see Gate(lucky not to get intimately bodysearched)Crasher. Or

(Anyone found in possession of an aspirin will be taken outside and executed) Heaven,

or Hed (one sq foot of free space let another 20 people in) Kandi, putting on something like this? I don't think so!!!


When Don, Fin, Ftb, and all the rest of us got to The Cross, (straight in thru members entrance, no searches...lovely)...for the members pre-party at 8.30ish, we found load's of party hat's, wig's, party poppers and streamers, (The sight of Don in his red wig will stay with me for quite a while). But far more importantly free flowing Laurant Perrier champagne which lasted till nearly 10.00. Glass empty?, Oh Dear...just pop along to the bar and get another re-fill....Wahay!!.....Civilised or what!!. Excellent Company, Leather Sofa's, Lush Vegetation, Perfect Weather, and seriously cool pre-party sounds. Perfect way to spend a summers evening in my book.

And at a time when clubs in Ibiza are charging £8 for a bottle of water, the way that Serious look after their members ( a measly £25 per year) is almost awe-inspiring. I mean bear in mind that champagne goes for at least £5.00 a glass in most clubs. Most peeps would have recouped that in free champagne alone last night.


Anyway at 10.00 the night proper kicked off, and I did an hour or two of funkyness in the Dusted Arch...With Lotta and her mates, and spotted Mr Baddie in there, But was soon taking my funky hat off (literally, it was a plastic green bowler with yellow spots) and making for the Serious Arch. Luke Neville notworthy.gifnotworthy.gif Tall Paul notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif Eddie Halliwell , Oh My [censored] GOD....(now see wht all the fuss is about) notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif and Guy Ordenal who still had us dancing at 5.30am a full 9.30 hours after arriving, notworthy.gifnotworthy.gif.


Apparently last month was pretty rammed, and very very hot. Peeps jusitiably complained, Serious promised to do something about it. So this month, they turned people away (except members and ticket holders (We think). Looking after your customers, a revolution in clubland!!


Fantastic Atmosphere, Great Venue, Great people, and a [censored] superb night!!!.


Great To meet Squirrel, who is def. fit, and Sparky, I think BeBe made an apperance, but I might have imagined it. everyone else who came, notworthy.gifnotworthy.gif. Those who didn't (you know who you are) flipa.gifflipa.gifflipa.gifflipa.gif


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Wasn't a bad night, was it? wink.gif

Walks quietly but carries a big Fin.


  • CTW Members

Was a top, top night - made all the better by there being a reasonable amount of people inside - did they really turn a load away though?


Eddie Halliwell played a stormer as usual and it was particularly funny to see our mate Alex properly 'aving it in the DJ box for a good 2 hours when Eddie invited him up there. I also really enjoyed Tall Paul's set especially when he dropped that breaks track.


Big hello to all the CTW peeps that I met for the first time, it was truly an awesome night... Serious just goes from strength to strength.

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Yeah, was a top night, music was solidly good throughout. Champagne was a top idea, well done Serious thumbs.gif

And yeah, saw BeBe briefly at the pre-party, but she seemed to disappear after that ? shrug.gif

Then the afterparty at Don's in St, Albans was an interesting idea paranoid.gif Didn't Ed do well tho ? wink.gif

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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I was there-briefly! In my drunken haze bumped into my mate lena and we decided to leave to go to the fridge for the rest of the night! Though why im not sure?? I blame the tequilla its just evil rolleyes.giflaugh.gif


Was good to see the usual suspects as always. Hope to see you all again next month wavey.gif



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Quality night dampened only by the trainer shoe thingys I had purchased that day which are not good for dancing and left me in agony (can't believe it - thought that sh*t only happened to women).


nevermind .... enjoyed comfy chair dancing and was able to throw a few shapes through Guy Orndael's set (what was that REALLY dirty song that had a similer electro style to Satisfaction?).



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What a fantastic night!! icon_yippee.gif


All the dj's played excellent sets, had me dancing nearly all night


It didn't seem quite so packed as last month which was a great relief.


Good to see the regular attendee's of Serious. See you all next month for Luke Nevilles good bye cry.gif


  • CTW Members
StuJ said:

what was that REALLY dirty song that had a similer electro style to Satisfaction?.



Don't know but it was wicked....top top choon!!!, anyone else know?

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