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Ok, after having a quick browse of what little miss loud said in a previous thread this is what I think:

Hard House, Drum n Bass, Hardcore (not cheesy stuff), Old Skool (Seduction, Ratty etc.), Hard Trance, Techno and such like are for REAL clubbers.

The stuff I hate, and I mean HATE with a passion is Pretty Green Eyes and all these crap hardcore rip offs that keep being produced. A classic example of cheese is the latest offering by Radio 1's Dave Pearce 'Summer Dance Anthems' or what ever it's called. It's for kids who go home at 2am. This music should be left to the youth club.


Unfortunatly for me, Liverpool is full of this crap. We have local idiots like Lee Butler and Anton Powers starting up record labels and poisoning clubs with this crap. Garlands has gone all cheesy and shite, Cream buggared off, what's left? The odd hard dance event IF YOUR LUCKY.


"Single handedly Barry Mac and Huey have destroyed Garlands" - that qoute was by Marky J, a well known promoter in the city who made Garlands.


Now it's not a northern thing, let's look at Leeds. Butch D who you all may know sent me his demo CD for clubithard radio, accompanied by this was his list of nights he's playing at, they are mostly in Yorkshire.


The scene in Manchester is slowly growing, Addiction, Goodgreef and now Toast creating great nights of real tunes.


The only good thing in Liverpool this year is Creamfields. City of Culture? My arse! They obviosuly didn't focus on the night life, hence the fact we didn't support the bid. Culture is in every city, or even town. Nightlife is very important part of culture, and to be worthy to win the city must possess variety and not just Scally House. Oh sorry there's Funky house as well for the light hearted.


The moral of the story? Stay away from Liverpool until it get's sorted out. Boycott Garlands until they hire real DJs!

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CreamyC said:

Someone that takes drugs as opposed to the ones that drink ?


If thats true then im not a proper clubber - woohoo grin.gif

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Tomo said:

Ok, after having a quick browse of what little miss loud said in a previous thread this is what I think:

Hard House, Drum n Bass, Hardcore (not cheesy stuff), Old Skool (Seduction, Ratty etc.), Hard Trance, Techno and such like are for REAL clubbers.


And a REAL clubber is?


Tomo said:

A classic example of cheese is the latest offering by Radio 1's Dave Pearce 'Summer Dance Anthems' or what ever it's called. It's for kids who go home at 2am. This music should be left to the youth club.


Kids who go home at 2am? What on earth are you babling on about?


You'll be amazed that people don't always like the same things you do.


Tomo said:

Stay away from Liverpool until it get's sorted out. Boycott Garlands until they hire real DJs!


Why? If people enjoy it, why should they boycott the place until Garlands hire DJ's that you consider are real DJ's. What a pointless thing to say.

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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While I haven't been clubbing in ages due to certain circumstances, I consider myself a proper clubber - I go to Hard House events and such, but also to Old Garage (NOT UKG) events, which was my first love. I also go to 'cheesy' places on occaisions (Although I try not to make a habit of it wink.gif )


The point I am making is there is no point in labelling people, each to their own and all that.


Admittedly, there does seem to be a lack of Hard clubs in Liverpool, which is not good if that's what you're into. I will ask though, if there is a big Hard Dance following up in Liverpool? Cos if there ain't, then rightly or wrongly, that may explain why there is a lack of Hard House clubs.


Finally, the reason why Butch D plays mainly around the Yorkshire area is that I believe he is from that way.


Peace and Love to all!! heartbeat.gif


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Couldn't agree with you more Tomo!! Liverpool certainly needs to get its act together at the moment. Scouse house is [censored] and yet the place seems to revolve around that and funky sounds. From what you've said to me before its not the lack of venues in the city, its seems to be more to do with the lack of promoters prepared to push the sound properly there.

"I wanna be a mother fucking hustler!"


DJing: 21/01/03 @ Pure Filth, Manchester, 14th February 2004 @ Toast Manchester

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Yeah butch is from leeds, and liverpool has a serious like of the hard stuff hence why Embrace was started there, but we have serious doubts having run the night there for over a year that there is enough people within the area interested in the hard house scene hence not having a night there since february



PeteToast said:

Couldn't agree with you more Tomo!! Liverpool certainly needs to get its act together at the moment. Scouse house is [censored] and yet the place seems to revolve around that and funky sounds. From what you've said to me before its not the lack of venues in the city, its seems to be more to do with the lack of promoters prepared to push the sound properly there.


but could the same not be said for promoters all over the countries who continue to book djs that play the same tracks as each other, and use the same/similar lineups for almost all events??


The scene is killing itself off cos nobody can be bothered to try and push it anywhere - everyone seems content to just sit back and watch as nights close all over the place without ever wondering why....


I cant speak for any other scenes as I seem to enjoy them, but the hard dance scene is as stale as a year-old loaf of bread - its [censored] dull! Its gotten to the stage where unless im DJing, I hardly bother to go to any harddance nights and go to funky/techno events as I am sick of hearing mindless 150bpm bang-bang music from beginning to end frown.gif

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Creamy C, if you came to Liverpool you'd see how stupid the 'club scene' looks. You get fully grown men singing till their faces go red "pretty green eyes" then around 3AM their heads would be talking to their knees as they keel over at the bottom of the Statue of John Moores.

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I agree Chris, the likes of of Frantic/ Sundissential have mostly the same line-ups at every event, maybe with the odd new dj.


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tomo spot on mate! liverpools full of wankers!! where bouts u from by the way?

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To be fair... what ur saying is that people shouldnt be allowed their own opinion/musical preference or at least thats what i got from ur post?


So what if it doesnt fit in with what u like, nobody is making you go are they? I love hard dance ("proper" hard dance u might say) but i also love other types of music from breaks to hardcore.... i really dont get the reason why people feel the need to be so anal about music, its there to enjoy not be bickered about!!


Instead about moaning about a lack of decent hard nights/decent djs (sorry "proper" djs) why dont u get out there and do somethin about it like putting ur own night on.... or visiting other venues that you DO like!!


Not havin a go but the way u put ur argument over isnt the best way imo!! Ur sayin boycott Garlands tilthey get "real djs" if people didnt like it they wouldnt go, why should garlands change to suit you when they have intheir eyes enough people goin to the club and enjoying it!! I dont want u to think im havin a go but im gettin increasingly sick of people bein so ANAL about music!!


*rant over*



You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Tomo said:

Creamy C, if you came to Liverpool you'd see how stupid the 'club scene' looks. You get fully grown men singing till their faces go red "pretty green eyes" then around 3AM their heads would be talking to their knees as they keel over at the bottom of the Statue of John Moores.


I have been Liverpool. And that sort of thing happens in every area and yes, shock horror, even in Leeds and London.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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CreamyC said:

Tomo said:

Creamy C, if you came to Liverpool you'd see how stupid the 'club scene' looks. You get fully grown men singing till their faces go red "pretty green eyes" then around 3AM their heads would be talking to their knees as they keel over at the bottom of the Statue of John Moores.


I have been Liverpool. And that sort of thing happens in every area and yes, shock horror, even in Leeds and London.


Agreed, you also get this in "proper" clubs too.... although not as noticable but they do exist!! Fact of life im afraid tom... if only we could kill them all eh rolleyes.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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