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Totally disagree. Those 'cheesy clubbers' go out every week to those clubs which close at 3am, other clubs close at 6am, ie, SunnyD. So the difference between the two is 3 hours and a load of pills is it? Sorry mate but that is utter bollox.


And extra 3 hours clubbing and a pile of pills aint being a proper clubber.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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Tomo said:

CreamyC said:

And still NO ONE can clarify what makes someone a 'proper clubber' 40 odd posts later.


OK, you cant knock me for this, it is my opinion, a proper clubber is someone who listens to real music, as in not commercial music like Dave Pearce's Summer anthems. People who don't cry at 3AM after listening to scally house.


Atleast i answered your question, any one gonna back me up? lol


Nope.... they still go clubbin... so they leave early? SO FUCKIN WHAT? so they dont listen to music YOU like, again SO [censored] what? If the world and his dog all liked what u liked the world would be a narrowminded boring place!!


This is comin from someone who likes "proper clubs" and "proper music" by the way!!

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Claire DC said:

Tomo said:

CreamyC said:

And still NO ONE can clarify what makes someone a 'proper clubber' 40 odd posts later.


OK, you cant knock me for this, it is my opinion, a proper clubber is someone who listens to real music, as in not commercial music like Dave Pearce's Summer anthems. People who don't cry at 3AM after listening to scally house.


Atleast i answered your question, any one gonna back me up? lol


Nope.... they still go clubbin... so they leave early? SO FUCKIN WHAT? so they dont listen to music YOU like, again SO [censored] what? If the world and his dog all liked what u liked the world would be a narrowminded boring place!!


This is comin from someone who likes "proper clubs" and "proper music" by the way!!


Isn't that a conradiction ? You've just said no one should be labelled a proper clubber yet you have just said yourself you are one.

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

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CreamyC said:

Totally disagree. Those 'cheesy clubbers' go out every week to those clubs which close at 3am, other clubs close at 6am, ie, SunnyD. So the difference between the two is 3 hours and a load of pills is it? Sorry mate but that is utter bollox.


And extra 3 hours clubbing and a pile of pills aint being a proper clubber.


AND also sunnyd hq finishes at 4am most of the time so thats only ONE hour later than the "cheesy clubbers" leave!!


Sorry mate (tom) but ur talkin utter shite!! shrug.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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CreamyC said:

Claire DC said:

Tomo said:

CreamyC said:

And still NO ONE can clarify what makes someone a 'proper clubber' 40 odd posts later.


OK, you cant knock me for this, it is my opinion, a proper clubber is someone who listens to real music, as in not commercial music like Dave Pearce's Summer anthems. People who don't cry at 3AM after listening to scally house.


Atleast i answered your question, any one gonna back me up? lol


Nope.... they still go clubbin... so they leave early? SO FUCKIN WHAT? so they dont listen to music YOU like, again SO [censored] what? If the world and his dog all liked what u liked the world would be a narrowminded boring place!!


This is comin from someone who likes "proper clubs" and "proper music" by the way!!


Isn't that a conradiction ? You've just said no one should be labelled a proper clubber yet you have just said yourself you are one.


Nope, thats why i put them in "" marks!! I was merely saying it how he would understand cos he only seems to understand his own terminology!!

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Claire DC said:

Tomo said:


Garlands is shite! Their entire promotions staff have walked out and been replaced by wierdos. Silk Tray started her own bar on Stanley Street, it was her who generated a lot of the Garlands policy, my brother Dickie (yes the drag queen) now works in Manchester. Garlands have gone all funky and now Society and KooKoo (both influenced by Mark Jenkins) are stealing the show.


Bold Text- hang on, is it the djs that arent "real" that u dont like or their "weirdo" promotions staff? Also could u define how "weirdo" prmotions staff could make the club "shite"


Italic Text - Whats wrong with funky? As far as im aware Garlands has always had funky?


Jus cos its not to ur taste doesntmean its "shite" or wrong u know!! Dont be so anal and narrow minded about things!!


OK, bad grammer, I went to a crap public school on the out skirts of Liverpool! lol. Wierdo was a quicker alternative to type than "Alcoholics and drug addicts" my proof of this is I've met them. There is nothing wrong with Funky house, and Garlands have had Funky since the late 90s. What I'm saying is that they are falling in popularity. It may still be a good club but it's relying on reputation. I've just designed a website for Silk Tray and we have spoken about this subject. The old Garlands crew go to other places, thus Garlands has taken a different direction. Society and KooKoo are kicking it's arse.


Unfortunatly for me I have to live round here. It's unfortunate for there being no good clubs. I am doing something about it. It's a great city but there is nothing going on regarding clubs.


All I did was raise the issue, which any of you would if you had to put up with a load of cheesy clubs. OK so some of you might say "I live in a town (eg Preston) where we only have cheesy clubs and I have to travel to Leeds" Yes I know how you feel, train tickets to London are stacking up for me! Liverpool is one of the biggest cities in the country all I'm saying is for christ sake is that there is no good places to go.

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Tomo said:


OK, bad grammer, I went to a crap public school on the out skirts of Liverpool! lol. Wierdo was a quicker alternative to type than "Alcoholics and drug addicts" my proof of this is I've met them. There is nothing wrong with Funky house, and Garlands have had Funky since the late 90s. What I'm saying is that they are falling in popularity. It may still be a good club but it's relying on reputation. I've just designed a website for Silk Tray and we have spoken about this subject. The old Garlands crew go to other places, thus Garlands has taken a different direction. Society and KooKoo are kicking it's arse.


Bold Txt - ur proof is u have met them. This isnt proof!!

Italic txt - falling in popularity inwhat u believe to be "proper clubbers" - tell me, what is a "proper clubber" cos id really like to know?! smile.gif

Bold/Italic Txt - Who are the "Old Garlands Crew" are these ur proper clubbers? If they dont wana go somewhere then fair play but why does it make everone else who continues to go there not "proper clubbers" ?


Unfortunatly for me I have to live round here. It's unfortunate for there being no good clubs. I am doing something about it. It's a great city but there is nothing going on regarding clubs.


That has nothin to do with ur original statement slating other types of music and other clubbers who dont go to "proper" clubs and listen to "proper" music


All I did was raise the issue, which any of you would if you had to put up with a load of cheesy clubs. OK so some of you might say "I live in a town (eg Preston) where we only have cheesy clubs and I have to travel to Leeds" Yes I know how you feel, train tickets to London are stacking up for me! Liverpool is one of the biggest cities in the country all I'm saying is for christ sake is that there is no good places to go.


We ALL travel the country to clubs.... ur not the only one, we dont complain aboutit, its all about gettin out there and seein the world, if there was 1 "proper" club that u liked near you, would u stay goin to that one 99% of the time? Wouldnt that class you as bein not a "proper clubber" cos u dont go to all the "super clubs" or orher "proper clubs" I live in Manchester but i still travel, variety etc bein spice of life!! Stop bein so anal about things!! U might even like it!! thumbs.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Well said Claire

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Can i Just say something im tomo's defence please!!!


Why is it he made his point of view & everyone has jumped on him.... I have read posts on this site where peeps have slated, other *cheesy* clubs & the beer swilling, burberry hat wearing boys & the hoochie momma's etc, so we are infact all guilty of ripping different clubs, clubbers in some shape or form...

Yes they are all clubs, be it underground or commercial, which makes everyone a clubber, however there is a great difference between them.. Up until a few years ago I myself was a *cheesy Clubber* then I discovered the so called underground scene & to be honest, I can't see myself *cheesy* clubbing again TBH!!!!


the Atmosphere is totally different, not half as friendly, it is full of wallies that are pissed up & trying to jump your bones & the music IMO is crap, simple as....

Underground clubs, are far more friendlier, not so many idiots trying to score your parts etc.. yes there is a stigma of drugs with underground, but believe me there is far more of it going on in the so called *cheesy* club side than you think!!!!! I had my first experience of E in a *cheesy* club..

So I can see where Tomo is coming from, but as peeps say we all go to clubs, so we all become clubbers, however, IMO a true dedicated clubber is someone who goes along to listen, enjoy & dance to music & to see the DJ's create a positive happy atmosphere, booze, drugs etc pushed aside!!! nod.gif Soz its long winded, but thought i'd say what I thought. Rant over MD xxx spliff.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

I think tomo's got a point with regards to the liverpool scene.There does seem to be lack of a decent HH/trance night up here these days.


I do think its due to the consequences of last year,what with the fire at eberle st and cream closing down.

I think most people,for whatever reason,would agree that garlands has gone down the pan lately,resulting in at least half the clientele buggering off somewhere else.


And also when cream was in its prime,it kinda overwhelmed the city and cornered the market there for a while.Now thats its gone,there's a big void left to fill.Fortunatly the likes of chibuku and cookie dough are beginning to make inroads,thus saving us from the hell on earth that is scouse house.


All it needs is for people with a bit of vision and commitment to kick start the scene again,qualities that I myself am sorely lacking. smile.gif

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Thank you for your support there peeps, Flakey_dove can relate to exactly what i mean I noticed the location on Flakey Dove's profile.

Ultra Violent@Lemon Lounge is this Saturday 9th August so get down there if you can for a night of hard trance and techno. Unfortunatly they are few and far between.

Early next year plans will be launched for nights in Liverpool, for any who wish to be involved with plans and ideas contact me tomo@clubithard.com for full info.


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