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  • CTW Members

Nothing seems 2 go right for you no matter how hard you try??


I must of have one the worst off days iv had in a looooooooong time sad.gif


Had to get up mega early to go shopping with my mum n her credit card wink.gif for new summer clother ... there was fukk all i wanted! wasnt impressed! thumbsdown.gif


Had 2 be at work at 11:30 got home from the shops n my uni-form wasnt try so had 2 wear ma old one 2 look like a twat! At work i fukked up 3 order n broke 6 glasses... clever me!! thumbsup.gifblushing.gif


Came home from work n had a really pointless agrument with my mum, whickh put me in an even better mood! thumbsdown.gif



Back 2 work this afternoon we was stupidly busy so time went fast by i managed to break another 3glasses!!


Grrrrr!! What a day!!


Rant over ... off 2 bed 2 put this day behind me!

  • CTW Moderators

thanks for that!

CTW Sexiest Male Member

  • CTW Members

This isn't going to help you much, but I'm now a lot happier with my day than i was.

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (Bungle @ Jun 24 2004, 00:03)
This isn't going to help you much, but I'm now a lot happier with my day than i was.


Bet you look good on the dancefloor
*LiamStyles - mixes on rotation*
Current mix "No Concept Of Time" CLICK HERE

  • CTW Members

Fair enough.


Hope tomorrows better for you grin.gif

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

  • CTW Members

no. i get years like that

  • CTW Members

I had a scary day yesterday. Mainly sort of self inflicted but still scary all the same. Its all sorted out so theres nothing to worry about. Thanks for listening. huggles.gif


Oh...Hello Hayley, nice to see you've joined. thumbsup.gif

  • CTW Promotors

Ive had one of those days today

Probably not helped by the fact i had 2 hours sleep

My brain just wont work but and theres lots of things going wrong at work today that require thinking about - typical!

INCISION Leeds - 23rd Jan - Passion Records Tour Night!!
MSN: pvcsarah@hotmail.com
Speed it UP - PLEASE!

  • CTW Members

I don't bother trying and my days drift by blissfully. grin.gif

  • CTW Members

thats my kinda day Alex, a blissfull one cloud9.gif

Iv Come Here Today To Chew Bubblegum And
Kick Ass And Im All Outta Bubblegum :wink:

  • CTW Members

I've had one of those days where you mean to do loads but in the end do absolutly nothing.


Well, I say nothing but I've actually gone to post a letter. Thats it though smile.gif

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Bungle @ Jun 24 2004, 17:37)
I've had one of those days where you mean to do loads but in the end do absolutly nothing.

i think i'm about to have one of those evenings lol thumbsdown.gif

  • CTW Members

I didn't say it was a bad thing. Ive quite enjoying doing bugger all. blushing.gif

Anyone fancy a bongle with bungle?

  • CTW Members

yeah, but it's the guilt of knowing that there's loads of things i OUGHT to be doing which ruins it sad.gif

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