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Chris_Hutchinson said:

BUT.....like Claire said, we dont know whats happening to the label!


he did say in the post "hotwax records (the shop) for sale"


SO i assume its just the shop?

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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i'll find out more tomorrow. I'll have a word with a mate. But i pretty much know what's going on now, just need to get the castin vote as it were.

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ok just had a word with my mate, hotwax as a label is not closing, but the shop is. There are reasons but i wont go into. Technikal i'll have a word with my mate and see if i can find out anything about your track if you want?

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hi guys, Hotwax records, the shop is for sale, the reasons need not be known, but John is still running the label, So hotwax Traxx is not stopping, We have got a few new tunes lined up, as for the shop, who knows whats going on, It could stay as a record shop or close completly, But if someone does buy it and keep it as a shop...... Give me a job:) I have been there two years and know my way around!




Hope this has cleared any questions, any morw just give us a shout

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No-one likes a flippant comment but hey here goes...

who gives a [censored]?


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charlie_j said:

hi guys, Hotwax records, the shop is for sale, the reasons need not be known, but John is still running the label, So hotwax Traxx is not stopping, We have got a few new tunes lined up, as for the shop, who knows whats going on, It could stay as a record shop or close completly, But if someone does buy it and keep it as a shop...... Give me a job:) I have been there two years and know my way around!




Hope this has cleared any questions, any morw just give us a shout


charlie i didn't know you came on here!!! It's simon. Was at sam's last night as he teachin me logic. Fuckin mind is frying but all is good. What you been up too??

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now then simon, Just joined the other day, Yeah Logic will do that to ya, i am scared to even look at it!!!


Think i will stick with reason for now!

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had a brief look at reason last night, to much hardware feel for me, so i'll stick with Logic as i'm startin to get to grips with small parts of it.


what you been up to mate?

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