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  • CTW DJs

if ur easliy fuked off then dont bother reading this as i'm gonna be a really windup bitch in this post.


basically i find it laughable how much every1 was ranting and raving on about how 'fantastic' hostile is etc. a few minorety of us (liam, myself and chris if i remember rightly) said it was utter pants and got no end of slateing 4 this.


now, 2 months in and every1 hates that tune. i cant even say i've heard it being played to death if i'm honnest, its just sum1s turned around and said 'i'm baord with this tune' and all the groupies have moved on. with comments as harsh as 'i'd rather suck cock than listen to hostile'


its a fukin joke if u ask me. i never pretended to like hostile, but i never hated it that much either. and my views on the tune hasnt change ne in the last 2 months either.


my conclusion? the majorety of hardhouse junkies r groupies scratchchin.gif. maybe thats a bit harsh but the evidence speeks volumes shrug.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
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  • CTW DJs

Never thought Hostile was anything special, but didn't hate it either - don't judge everyone by some comments you have read.


That's like me saying Techno peeps are anal - some are, some aren't - simple smile.gif


  • CTW Members

who cares? get over it. move on. some people like it. you don't. is it worth the drama? seriously...



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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  • CTW DJs
alasdairm said:

who cares? get over it. move on. some people like it. you don't. is it worth the drama? seriously...




2b honnest i dont care what 90% of people review tunes as. theres a small few on ctw that i trust thier judgement of tunes as if it were my own (does that make sence?)


this thread is mearly me playing devils advocate (sp?)

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

LittleMissLoud said:

That's like me saying Techno peeps are anal - some are, some aren't - simple smile.gif


Most are few arent.


As for what you've said Happy, its like evrything in life. Most people arent true to themselves, they are sheep and go on what everyone else says/does. Its sad but what can you do?

Ive learnt to ignore these people, I voice my opinion (like I did with Hostile) and leave it at that.

  • CTW Members
Mr_Happy said:

alasdairm said:

who cares? get over it. move on. some people like it. you don't. is it worth the drama? seriously...




2b honnest i dont care what 90% of people review tunes as. theres a small few on ctw that i trust thier judgement of tunes as if it were my own (does that make sence?)


this thread is mearly me playing devils advocate (sp?)


how can you trust other peoples judgement of music, i can understand you having similar preferences in music (hence you agreeing on alot of points with them) but music is a personal choice isnt it.


one last point and im not saying this is the case for everyone, but if you are a HH "groupie" then i assume you listen to HH alot right and go out to clubs and listen to it alot right??


well lawrence my man this tune has been ragged peropa. which is probs the reason most people are sick of it now.

I still like Hostile, and have never changed my view on it, its just in my eyes i have become bored of hearing it!

Still if in future times if someone dropped hostile i would bounce my nuts off to it!

I still love those hoovers, and think it is a classic tune!

I always Liked Ph4 also, and like i said i always felt that ph4 would be the more long-standing tune, i'm not saying its better then hostile, just that it didnt have the hype surrounding it, which has given it a longer life, like i mentioned in marias post on ph4, she didnt even know it was the flipside to hostile!!

I think thats whats happened with many people, they simply didnt notice this gem of a tune!

  • CTW Members

"...and omg at the end when X dropped f*cking hostile"


blah rolleyes.gifshrug.gif

  • CTW Members

it still is a wicked tune in my opinion, too good for its own good tho, as every hard house dickhead has it now its released


karim's atomic kick is similar, a cheesy hoover monster - if that got released it would do similar i reckon and ruin itself. hostile would have been better not released but the hostile profits will keep vicious circle going so its good really that every fucker has bought it


its only one tune at the end of the day, who gives a [censored] - i don't think many lose sleep over it


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  • CTW Members

Well said Bushy, Jay,Oddball and Alasdairm.... i still like it, i just think if u listen to/hear somethin too many times it will start to bore you and not be as special... its human nature - simple as!!


Mr Happy - i think sometimes you are too quick to put everyone who likes hard house into the same boat, we all have our own minds and we are all quite capable of using them and makin our own decisions.... i mean WTF - what does it matter if you still like a tune when no1 else does.... does it affect your life in some huge way? I think its a bit petty if im completely honest!! shrug.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW Members

was gonna stick up for it but pretty much all been said! i liked it from the start (not a gorundbreaking track at all, didnt set out to be tho) and still do.

the key is to not overplay and not listen to what others say. make up ur own opinions.

mind u with every musical genre the majority are sheep and will like/hate what they are told to

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  • CTW DJs
Claire DC said:

Mr Happy - i think sometimes you are too quick to put everyone who likes hard house into the same boat, we all have our own minds and we are all quite capable of using them and makin our own decisions.... i mean WTF - what does it matter if you still like a tune when no1 else does.... does it affect your life in some huge way? I think its a bit petty if im completely honest!! shrug.gif


maybe i hate all hardhouse clubbers angryfire.gif, but then i'm only playing devils advocate so maybe its not my real opinion. scratchchin.gif who knows wink.gif

Mr Happy's fishy fish MangaFish munch munch

MSN & e-mail - mangafish@mangafish.net
AOL - MangaMorgan
Online mixes - http://www.mangafish.net/mixes/

Claire DC said:

Well said Bushy, Jay,Oddball and Alasdairm.... i still like it, i just think if u listen to/hear somethin too many times it will start to bore you and not be as special... its human nature - simple as!!


Mr Happy - i think sometimes you are too quick to put everyone who likes hard house into the same boat, we all have our own minds and we are all quite capable of using them and makin our own decisions.... i mean WTF - what does it matter if you still like a tune when no1 else does.... does it affect your life in some huge way? I think its a bit petty if im completely honest!! shrug.gif


spot on claire!



  • CTW Members

i'm still waiting for your 'dig at hardhouse trendies'


ou est?






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