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**Toast Manchester @ The Attic. 30/08/03**Change of lineup and set times**

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Fortnightly Saturday's. 1-8pm. £2 B4 4pm £3 after. Stamp on entry allows you to come and go as you please!


30th August: Manchester Vs Birmingham

Room 1:


1-2pm: Pete Carvell (Toast)

2-4pm: Madness Brothers (Inerst8, www.bpmradio.co.uk)

4-5pm: Zippy (Dropzone, Afterssential, Fidget)

5-6pm: Morgan (Shaft, Toast, Instinct, Addiction)

6-7pm: Ben Stevens (Toast, Vicious Circle, Kemistry)

7-8pm: Alex Kidd (Goodgreef)


Room 2:

www.skiddle.com 2nd Birthday celebrations.


More Info: 07814645904/07745541021


www.skiddle.com/toast for message board and listings


Warming up for....


Goodgreef @ Ascension with Paul Glazby, Alex Kidd, Shan + more

then... Addiction @ Presha with Morgan, Jon Doe, Zander, Steely + more


Can you hack the 20hr Manchester clubathon? icon_yippee.gifsmile.gif




"I wanna be a mother fucking hustler!"


DJing: 21/01/03 @ Pure Filth, Manchester, 14th February 2004 @ Toast Manchester

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