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This post was recognized by ClubTheWorld!

Evilhedfuk was awarded the badge 'Great Content' and 20 points.

"Thanks Evilhedfuk !"

Hello all!

Greetings to everyone from the Isla Blanco!

Just had a pretty mental 1st week...

  • Arrived 4am Tuesday morning
    • went out for some beers
  • Tuesday nite
    • Gallery & Clockwork Orange at Eden, Des Mitchell and Tall Paul :yay:, good music but no atmosphere , then back to the appt and necked 3/4 of a bottle of JD :pukeface:
  • Wednesday
    • Coma, all day
  • Thursday
    • Cream at Amnesia, Tiesto and PVD, wkd atmos, possibly the best nite of my life! The music was awesome!
  • Friday morning
    • Back to Don & Fin´s Villa 4 an afterparty!
  • Friday nite
    • :sleep::sleep::sleep:
  • Saturday
    • Watched the footie then off 2 Playa den Bossa 4 Bora Bora. What a great place, got to head there again! Danced on a table to DJ Gee´s funkiest tunes next to Spaniards and Italians!
    • Then off to a cheesey club with topless oiled up barman :confused: Don´t ask!!!
  • Sunday
    • Last minute decided to go to Judgement Sunday at Eden, Jules played some good tunes but threw in some dodgy ones (J-Lo - I´m still Jenny from the block WTF???) and possibly some of the worst mixing i´ve ever heard.
    • But then Eddie Halliwell came on and tore the place down!!! :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:
  • Monday
    • Did Manumission and had a good nite. Luckily Scally John Kelly played and graced us with some banging tunes, b4 it went funky with Griff.
  • Tuesday
    • Free Garlands Closing Party at Kanya!!! Rob Tissera playing a bad ass funky set and loving it!
    • Went from 5pm - Midnite. With me strutting my funky stuff all the way!

So that´s it so far, with lots more planned.

Will keep you all updated!

-Ed :scratchy:

  • CTW Moderators

yay! hey babe!!


glad to hear your having an ace time!!


when do you come back??


hope youve pulled loads!!


missing ya

mwa xxx nerner.gif

  • Author
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Hey there!


Don´t come back til next Tuesday!!!! (damn)


Really running out of cash tho, but g/l places 4 Lashed 2nite should help! Yay!!!!


How´s Scotland???



  • CTW Moderators
Evilhedfuk said:

Hey there!


Don´t come back til next Tuesday!!!! (damn)


Really running out of cash tho, but g/l places 4 Lashed 2nite should help! Yay!!!!


How´s Scotland???




oh ace babe!! whooo gl - whoooo! wink.gif


scotland is a big pile of wank as usual!! but not to worry im still icon_yippee.gif hyper!!


you better be behaving yourself!! think.gif

  • CTW Moderators
Evilhedfuk said:

mistress_hoover said:


you better be behaving yourself!! think.gif










Good lad!!


You better be behaving like a lil jilly does


Oh i want to be there..jilly, sitting in bar m with a passoa getting a tan




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evil [censored] head.......


J-lo laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif

  • CTW Members

I got a text from Fin after you'd been to Cream. I hate you all i wanted to be there!!! eviltongue.gif


Say hello to everyone for me wavey.gif

  • CTW Promotors
rachel said:

I got a text from Fin after you'd been to Cream. I hate you all i wanted to be there!!! eviltongue.gif


Say hello to everyone for me wavey.gif


And from me. scratchchin.gif

MSN: CreamyCTW@Hotmail.com
Mobile: 07956 462 642 (T-Mobile)

  • CTW Members

Hey mate, its good to hear that you're having a stormer.


A few of us went out near Ally Pally last night and Alex thought it'd be a good idea to try and ring Darren in Ibiza. There wasn't any reply, so please say hi to him from all the usual suspects...


Looking forward to partying with you at Serious... Bring it on!



  • CTW Members
Sparky said:

Hey mate, its good to hear that you're having a stormer.


A few of us went out near Ally Pally last night and Alex thought it'd be a good idea to try and ring Darren in Ibiza. There wasn't any reply, so please say hi to him from all the usual suspects...


Looking forward to partying with you at Serious... Bring it on!




"Come on you fuckers" came the shout from the back of the room at The Cross. icon_yippee.gif

  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to Hello From Ibiza!!!!!!! (September 2003)

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