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Well ediie halliwell didn't turn up....rumour has it he was twatted...But otherwise a fantastic night...What can you expect from a hard house DJ, it's all going down the toilet..endless sweaty same old same old thumping monotonous dire shite for people that basically cannot dance...sorry getting into FTB mode... grin.gif


Seriously glam mixed crowd...Made friends with Kate, who had trouble with her whip, and Met Bellinda of the board who is ace. Disco Dave and loads of other peeps from the Serious Board. All of whom seem much much nicer then some of the assorted collection of deadbeats and losers that frequent CTW. flipa.gifflipa.gifflipa.gif is what I say especially Jay and Creamy who havn't been nice to me recently. But not James who has.


Someone is bound to post ...Well piss off to serious then...so to pre-emept that..and on a serious (ho ho) note...these are the sort of guy's that we need on CTW..and when and if they come, what we don't need is flaming..abuse, sarcasm, in-jokes, and cliqueyness.


If we are 'grown-up' enough to get rid of the smut forum, rename the general discussion forum, and tone down the other dodgy stuff, we should be grown - up enough to be able to have threads that don't have one word repeated C**t post especially from the Mods and Admins!!!


It is not, absolutely not, acceptable to absue or flame or insult someone who has only been on the board acouple of weeks. No matter what they they say, and no matter how stupid it sounds to you.


One new member said to me on a PM "it's all a bit daunting on here...Not sure what to say to some of these posts!"


Honesty may be an admirable quality from the saftey and anoimity of the board..but you should not be willing to say anything on here that you would not say in real life. Politeness costs nothing, and if we are not polite we are savages. I am not generally a violent person, but if people had spoken to me in real life the way that some people speak to others here, i am not sure i'd be able to take it.


There feel better now...



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Maria said:

Good night then ?




Yes amazing ..one of the best funky house nights i have very been too...packed but room to dance... amazing atmosphere and a great night all round..And I was the only long-term CTW'er there...that's my point...we need new people on here that go clubbing regularly..not just Hard house or mid week drink ups... the whole point about Funky Techno Tribal DnB ect is that peeps go for the music, and the atmosphere...how many times in your life do you have to see Andy Farley no matter how good he is?


Its CLUBtheWorld..Not gettingTWATTEDtheworld... Or SomeRandomHousePartytheworld..Or Meetupinlondonthatnoonegoestotheworld.

The whole point is going clubbing!!


For god's sake we all have enough non-clubbing people in our lives..than to have to organise CTW ice skating nights or whatever, surely!!





  • CTW Members
Big_ee69 said:

Well ediie halliwell didn't turn up....rumour has it he was twatted...But otherwise a fantastic night...What can you expect from a hard house DJ, it's all going down the toilet..endless sweaty same old same old thumping monotonous dire shite for people that basically cannot dance...sorry getting into FTB mode... grin.gif


Take it you can dance then



Big_ee69 said:

Seriously glam mixed crowd...Made friends with Kate, who had trouble with her whip, and Met Bellinda of the board who is ace. Disco Dave and loads of other peeps from the Serious Board. All of whom seem much much nicer then some of the assorted collection of deadbeats and losers that frequent CTW. flipa.gifflipa.gifflipa.gif is what I say especially Jay and Creamy who havn't been nice to me recently. But not James who has.


Nice comments rolleyes.gif Bit Cliquey don't you think scratchchin.gif


Big_ee69 said:

Someone is bound to post ...Well piss off to serious then...so to pre-emept that..and on a serious (ho ho) note...these are the sort of guy's that we need on CTW..and when and if they come, what we don't need is flaming..abuse, sarcasm, in-jokes, and cliqueyness.


Re above spout off



Big_ee69 said:

If we are 'grown-up' enough to get rid of the smut forum, rename the general discussion forum, and tone down the other dodgy stuff, we should be grown - up enough to be able to have threads that don't have one word repeated C**t post especially from the Mods and Admins!!!


Very 'grown-up'


Big_ee69 said:

It is not, absolutely not, acceptable to absue or flame or insult someone who has only been on the board acouple of weeks. No matter what they they say, and no matter how stupid it sounds to you.


One new member said to me on a PM "it's all a bit daunting on here...Not sure what to say to some of these posts!"


Honesty may be an admirable quality from the saftey and anoimity of the board..but you should not be willing to say anything on here that you would not say in real life. Politeness costs nothing, and if we are not polite we are savages. I am not generally a violent person, but if people had spoken to me in real life the way that some people speak to others here, i am not sure i'd be able to take it.


There feel better now...




Glad YOU feel better now thumbs.gif


  • CTW Members
Big_ee69 said:

FTB...NickG...Sophie u up for this? Should be a stormer!!!


Sorry Big fella - only just seen this post. Have been meaning to get my arse along to Dusted for ages, but with one thing and another ... you know how it is.

Glad you all had a good night though. I'm sure our paths will cross again at some point next year, and as usual, i'm sure there will be decent surroundings and quality music too thumbs.gif

  • CTW Moderators
Big_ee69 said:

how many times in your life do you have to see Andy Farley no matter how good he is?


Its CLUBtheWorld..Not gettingTWATTEDtheworld... Or SomeRandomHousePartytheworld..Or Meetupinlondonthatnoonegoestotheworld.

The whole point is going clubbing!!


For god's sake we all have enough non-clubbing people in our lives..than to have to organise CTW ice skating nights or whatever, surely!!





With all do respect - I see where you are coming from, but isn't it down to "peoples choice" ?



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Dawn said:

[Take it you can dance then


Nice comments rolleyes.gif Bit Cliquey don't you think scratchchin.gif


Re above spout off


Very 'grown-up'


Glad YOU feel better now thumbs.gif


Not cliquey..clique desrcibes a situation where a group of people exclude another group who are not in their set or group..common in american high schools and CTW..but not applicable to what i said.


Spout Off ??? don't know what that mean's??


Well more grown up... than your reply


Yes much better Dawn hun thank u kisscheek.gifkisscheek.gif



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Maria said:



With all do respect - I see where you are coming from, but isn't it down to "peoples choice" ?


Absolutley...and there is nothing wrong with non-clubbing meet up's, but if we don't nurture and respect new memebers with different musical tastes, and worse abuse, and insult each other and them, so frighten them off, we are never going to have sufficient people to orgainse any sort of meet-up, clubbing or otherwise.


James has often asked what we need to do to attract new members. Nothing we get loads..what we need to do is be nice to them when they arrive, and stop being such an in-crowd, and start being nice to each other so they don't get intimidated and frightened off.



  • CTW Members
Big_ee69 said:


Not cliquey..clique desrcibes a situation where a group of people exclude another group who are not in their set or group..common in american high schools and CTW..but not applicable to what i said.


Sorry thought that was what you were saying here ... my mistake



Big_ee69 said:

and loads of other peeps from the Serious Board. All of whom seem much much nicer then some of the assorted collection of deadbeats and losers that frequent CTW.


  • CTW Moderators
Big_ee69 said:



what we need to do is be nice to them when they arrive, and stop being such an in-crowd, and start being nice to each other so they don't get intimidated and frightened off.




But surely this should only be targetted at the select few Members who do this ? I would say there are far more "nice" Members than there are "harsh" and "inconsiderate" Members on here.

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Maria said:




But surely this should only be targetted at the select few Members who do this ? I would say there are far more "nice" Members than there are "harsh" and "inconsiderate" Members on here.


Only takes one rotten apple.. 1 person swearing at a new member. If we (the nice majority) tolerate the behaviour of the loutish minority, then the whole board's reputaion will be tarnished.. We will all be tarred by the same brush. Another new member by the wayside..another cheap self satisfied little victory for someone who has yet to grow up.



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