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Tasty - The Christmas Ball @The Mass, Brixton (Saturday 13th December 2003)

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  • CTW Members

see ya on the dance floor thumbs.gif

sarcasm is the lowest form off wit. if wit was [censored] you would be constipated

  • CTW Members

setting off in 20mins groovy.gifnut.gif

sarcasm is the lowest form off wit. if wit was [censored] you would be constipated

  • CTW Members
xpaulax said:

setting off in 20mins groovy.gifnut.gif


scratchchin.gif WHERE ARE YOU PAULA grumpy.gif


  • CTW Members

are you suprised dawn? think.gifrolleyes.gif

  • CTW Members

hehehehe NO ... they got to the M1 but had forgot something and had to go back lol.gif


  • CTW Members

Had a wicked night guys! was especially good to see ickle Jilly again kisscheek.gif and wavey.gif to everyone else who made it! I wasn't meant to be going, twas a bit of a last minute decision, hehe!

  • CTW Members

Had a fabulous night/day the music was excellent in all rooms (ekk didn't go into the hardcore room, but have it on good authority it was) the place was packed, the atmosphere was wicked, was one of the best nights i've had out in a long time.


Paula & Rich you too are star.gifstar.gifstar.gifstar.gifstar.gif


Miss_Diddy & TonyP did you enjoy your night off ... kissy kissy rolleyes.gifloveface.gifkisscheek.gif


Crill & Mistress_Hoover yay.giftryhard.gifyay.gif (my feet hurt smile.gif) you dirty stopouts grumpy.gif


Mod1 glad you turned up early with ya matie kisscheek.gif (buggered if I can remember his name blush.gif but it is sunday give me time, gonna guess at Phil or Andrew for some reason)


Tara & Moffymypickle You came grin.gif you went frown.gif (Stuart nice to meet you at last)


Djk & Barry nut.gif your mad the pair of ya's (barry doesn't come on here, but he would if he could wink.gif)


Babyred Lovely to meet you, you looked gorgeous (good job you changed your avatar, you look nothing like it wink.gif)


Spanner You crazy biatch nut.gifgrin.gif


Tidy_Bitch & matthardwicks_bitch thumbs.gif


And to Jay kisscheek.gif thanks mate thumbs.gif (ok I no he wasn't there)


Bound to have forgotten someone but I tried my best, you can shout at me if I have paranoid.gif


Ohh Ivan was there but I don't think he new who I was laugh.gif


Twist was fookin banging yay.giftryhard.gifyay.gif no freaks no weirdo's good fun had all round wink.gif


  • CTW Members

what a excellent night, best one ive had in a while too. great too see everyone. jilly ill pm u as i promised wink.gif. was good too meet all those for the 1st time, your names have slipped my mind blush.gifscratchchin.gif. spanner, well u spk more shiyt than i do, was funny tho thumbs.gif.

dawn ur a star too, looking forward too boxing day kisscheek.gif

sarcasm is the lowest form off wit. if wit was [censored] you would be constipated

yeh, was another wicked eveing groovy.gif


Company was fantastic notworthy.gif

Paula kisscheek.gif you loon, is all ive got to say to you wink.gif

Dawn kisscheek.gif great to see you again, hope your mouth has recovered, Baz kept chuckling to himself on the way home about it laugh.gifangryfire.gif you & your chewingpop!! spliff.gif

Jilly kisscheek.gif still feeling horny??? lol.gif great to se you again wee thing grin.gif

Crill, your a scally & love you to bits, hardcore you know the score yay.gif

Tara kisscheek.gif good to see you out, even tho you was ment to be in, you pikey laugh.gifwink.gif

Moff kisscheek.gif nice to see you again hon thumbs.gif

Ian soz I didnt get to speak much, next time tho thumbs.gif Was good to see you spliff.gif

Tidy-bitch & Mum nice to meet you two, hope you had a good night spliff.gif


Highlight of the night has to be Mark EG, what a ledgend & a truely nice guy notworthy.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif


Thanx everyone for a superb evening, look forward to the next one groovy.giftryhard.gif

  • CTW DJs

What a fantastic night.

Was great to see everyone again thumbs.gifthumbs.gifthumbs.gif

Can't be arsed mentioning everyones names, but was tops to see you all again.

feeling slightly off key today nut.gif, but well worth it.

Thanks everyone.... thumbs.gif


Oh and i wonder how little Crilly is feeling as i had a text from him at 4 yesterday evening saying he's just left Twist and is popping home then off to the Mass again..... nut.gifscratchchin.gifthumbs.gif

bet you aint at work today lad..... nerner.gif

  • CTW Members
Dawn said:


Paula & Rich you too are star.gifstar.gifstar.gifstar.gifstar.gif


as in our paula with shaved head?? and rich who is with owen??


anyway, wish i could have gone, your all bastards & i hope u all feel like total [censored].


ha [censored] ha

  • CTW Members
Jay said:

Dawn said:


Paula & Rich you too are star.gifstar.gifstar.gifstar.gifstar.gif


as in our paula with shaved head?? and rich who is with owen??


anyway, wish i could have gone, your all bastards & i hope u all feel like total [censored].


ha [censored] ha


Ermm don't know who paula with a shaved head or rich who is with owen are ... so it must be my Paula (off here) & her Rich from Opps North smile.gif


And your correct ... total shite is felt ... well more zombiefied cheers.gif


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