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I have just got home after a great weekend.

My two and a half hour train journey was boring, as usual, but I thought about a few things. The weekend just gone, and, ClubTheWorld.

I never did think that just over seven months ago I would come across a clubbing message board as great as CTW. At the time, I was a member of Gurn.net. All I ever did really back then before joining this site was work, go on gurn, and occasionally go out in my area to cheesy bars and nightclubs, which didn't happen as often as I used to when I first started clubbing. My first real club was at SS DNA when it first openend. Since clubbing in England that first time, I have never looked back and I dropped going out down here as I was so much in love with clubbing in the bigger clubs in England. I never felt comfortable clubbing in Wales anymore. I wasn't happy unless I was travelling MILES to go and enjoy myself.

Back then I was recognising who was who in the DJ world, and who played what style of Music Genre. I remember being new to it all and there was nothing I loved more than getting a few of my mates (which was only a small group) from my area, to treck up to England, mostly to Sundissential, and have a blinder of a weekend. After a while, our visits to England became very rare, as my friends had priorities to take care of. The only friends I really had were the ones I made throughout my school life, and when school life was over, I lost touch with most of my mates, thus only having a small group of friends in my area. I stopped "hanging around" and being a kid not long after school was over as I had grown up fairly quick compared to the "kids" in my area. They still "hung around" whilst I sat in watching TV most evenings untill I got myself a computer, and that's when I came across Gurn, and a few of us in my area (4 of us) had also joined the site, it opened our (more so mine) eyes to the world of clubbing. The world of peropa socialisation.

After getting bored of gurn after a year, and realised they weren't the kind of people I could get comfortable with due to the banter that was being passed on that board, it just wasn't ME. With the lack of confidence in myself, I was feeling a bit, hmm afraid of meeting people.

So, one day, Gurn's server broke down for a few days, and I was recommended CTW by @rickd. So I signed up on here, got welcomed quite warmly, and have never looked back since.

I remember once, Sundissential North was happening and my arm got twisted after days and days of being nagged to go to meet some CTW Members, but I was too afraid to go, because I was afraid of meeting these new people. I was worried that people wouldn't like me. I was worried, because of my entrance on the board, people would hold that against me and wouldn't want to speak to me. But I went along and met some people off CTW and got along with all of them. I remember some people were shocked I turned up, and was praising my entrance to the board. I also remember me thinking "this is great, I never quite knew that there are some people about that are not all that bad". 🙂

I have met some quality people off this board that I never EVER thought I would meet in my entire life. I never thought I would have some quality friends. Through signing up on CTW and becoming a valued Member (like the rest of you), I have met the most amazing people that I class as very close friends of mine and I would do anything for most of them, as some would for me. It's nice to meet people like this, all through the most friendliest community I have ever had the pleasure of coming across (not literally 😉)

I never thought I would venture Ibiza. I always thought it would just be a dream stuck in my head. I planned it before, but "friends" let me down, or would come up with some lame excuse. But I did Ibiza with ClubTheWorld though, and I had a great time too. Iv never had the absolute drive and determination like I have today, to maybe one day be a DJ, since having my decks, until I came across posts that show positive attitudes from members who DJ themselves. The first time I stepped foot in England when going clubbing, I wanted out of Wales more than anything. I never thought that would happen, but it is. Never thought I would do it as I was too scared, and thought I was too thick in the head to accomplish it. But the excellent and most friendliest advice I had been given by several Members off this board in the past has made me see pass that I can actually do it. And I am. Im going to be much closer to my boyfriend and also be much closer to all my friends I have on this site. Before making the final decision of actually moving to England, the times I couldn't get up to England on weekends, what with the [censored] people I work for and what not, I would sit in on weekends and actually MISS the people on this site. Realising im missing out on what I should be doing on weekends, instead of constantly waking up one morning, going to work, and then just sitting on the computer endlessly. That was my day-to-day routine. Bit sad really. A girl my age having nothing to do with her life but yet craves so much. It would depress me because being here, I have nothing, apart from my family. Bt all my friends, the people who give me enjoyment, are out of my reach 🙁.  But not any more.

Also, CTW has given me more confidence in myself when it comes to, doing things on my own, going places on my own to meet you guys, I think my confidence is getting better since joining this site and realising that people do like me for ME. And I respect these people so much.

Some people say "how can a message board change part of your life ?" Well, for me, I had my goals in life that I want to achieve before joining this site, but, since joining, I have more goals, I have more interest in my life. Simply because of the fact most people on here are so very much like minded people. And I think that is what is important, and whats more, it makes me feel COMFORTABLE.

I think what im trying to say is, after Wildchild this weekend, after spending so much time with so many people I have met and the new faces I met, all under the same roof, in an EXCELLENT atmosphere, things just can't get better than that. I put up this post because of endless memories going round in my head on the train tonight, but I am more so putting this port up for the newbies who have joined / are to join the site, because, I know the majority of most new Members who sign up, are afraid to come along to meets / clubs with us. And I was just as afraid as them when I first joined. In fact, I was petrified. As I didn't have many friends before joining this site. Now I couldn't as for anything better. I have made some of the best mates I could ask for who I love and appreciate.

ClubTheWorld is set to make you mates you didn't have.

ClubTheWorld is here for you to come out with us and enjoy yourself and place no regrets in your mind what so ever. But just having a load of fun.

I LOVE this site and I love the people that are packed in with it. This site is moving forwards and will get bigger. And I for one will back it every dam step of the way.

And a big thanks goes to James 🙂 . If it weren't for you, some people on this site probably wound't have what they have today.

I guess that's all from me folks !


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  • CTW DJs

well said Maria! notworthy.gif


Since i joined ctw i've made some well quality mates depsite only meeting some of yo once or twice its like we've known each other for ages - but like me and phil at HHA laugh.gif


I agree with out as well with the confidence - going out to various events with you lot certainly has boosted my confidence and i'll deffo be going alot more with you all in the future!! yay.gifgroovy.gif

  • CTW Members

it's funny Maria,


I've seen this board go thru quite alot in the last 18 months, even though I don't have alot of time to post, I've always kept up with it. I think I'm member # 200andsomething....there was a time when the members were numbered!


Even though I've met only Bunnykins (last year when she came to Montreal!!!), I feel like I know some of you. My first clubbing experience was in London in 1999 and as you said, I've never looked back smile.gif.


It's weird, but one of my goals over the next few years is to get over there and club with some of you!! My ideal rave scene is much more UK than NA, so although I enjoy myself every weekend, I dream of getting back there frequently!!





I am NOT a dj

  • CTW Members
Belle said:



I've seen this board go thru quite alot in the last 18 months, even though I don't have alot of time to post, I've always kept up with it. I think I'm member # 200andsomething....there was a time when the members were numbered!





Member # 356

Name Belle



Its in ur profile hun smile.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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Nothing else needs to be said.


Except James, when you're feeling low, have a look at this post.

Walks quietly but carries a big Fin.


  • CTW Admin

Word ! thumbs.gif

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
Clubbing the world together ...

Couldnt have put/worded it better myself Maria notworthy.gifthumbs.gifgrouphug.gif

  • CTW Moderators

well said maria. i no exactly what your saying and very much the same goes for me. before this site i only had 3 friends 2 who are married and pete and now i have so many. i also suffer slightly from agro phobia which made it hard for me to go to crowded places but wen im clubbin its so different cause i no everyone is so great and dont judge by who u are and what life style u lead and that is so great.


star.gifstar.gifstar.gifstar.gifstar.gif to maria thumbs.gif

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


  • CTW Members

Nice one Maria!!


Remember that time after SSN @ Si's, when we sat lookin @ each other.... i was thinking...


"i [censored] recognise you bitch"



  • CTW Members
  • CTW Members

weve had a bit of a chat about this before havnt we mate, & i know what your on about. smile.gif

Very nice post Maria. I nearly cried cry.gif


Serious tho, 100% agreed.


And to think, ive only had one meet up. Its still all to come for me.

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