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does ne1 who goes to this regularly know ne1 from st edwards school in oxford. All the d 'n' b crowd from my school used to go there.

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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st edwards? that sounds well posh, lol, what part of oxford is that? I used to go to shitty headington middle, lol

  • CTW Members



i go back now and again to oxford to meet up with my m8s who live there. Only prob is there are no decent clubs in oxford. I think the last time we went to DTM's yay.gif


This short ugly asian girl kept eyeing me up in there.


It was well funny when the dj started a bit of dance. I had a stomp and every1 else was cheesy dancing and there was me with my arms going everywhere.

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif U know I did my first ever pill in DTM's! how depressing is that?! Some of the cheesy clubs can be good for a laugh, makes a nice change to proper clubbing every once in a while! Let me know when yer next down there and we'll have to go out on the piss, haha!
  • CTW Members

defo. maybe sometime over chrimbo. Not sure cos it involves meeting some1 who pissed me off for his reason 4 not going to august HHA and we only recently started chatting on phone again. I norm stay at his house.


How often u in oxford???

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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lol! I'm in oxford all the time, i was there today in fact! I may be moving back there in december actually so will be there a lot! Don't wanna move back but its sooooo much easier to get work there! shrug.gif

What was ur friends reason not to go HHA? was u at the august one then?

  • CTW Members

i got 6 early bird tickets cos of buy 5 get 1 free thinking i cud find enuff m8s to go with. Wrong


This last m8 had known about it for 2 months and said he wud prob go a week and half b4 the event. I then cudnt get hold of him for a week ie the wednesday b4 and it turns out that his m8 had (since saying he wud go) been invited water skiing on the sun morn and thought that wud be pretty cool to go to.


I ended up going with my dad. He stayed at the back the whole time. U may have seen him; if looking at stage in main rm he was leaning against the bar on the rear left that was shut. Every1 thought he was a bouncer cos he was wearing black trousers and a black shirt.


Hes got a pic on sum clubbing website from that. Gimme me a mo. cudnt find it.


my reason 4 not speaking to him may be trivial but he said he was gonna go and then decided not to and he wudnt answer his phone or return calls or texts (he had no credit and was on holiday in brighton or sumthing - its not as if he cant use 20p in a payphone and ask me to call him back)


Luckily im quite forgiving and when we have chatted on phone hes sounded really guilty when saying goodbye and nice to hear from you.

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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Haha actually i remember you telling me about that at TW! Well, just make him feel guilty about it eh!!!

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oh he feels guilty. i told all his friends fing and blinding the whole time about it so he was bound to hear it eventually.


The weirdest thing was last time i was in oxford meeting up i was in the Jericho for cheap thursday drinks and i met this guy from uni i knew. Notably i knew he was from oxford but fck me, in the same pub on the same day, freaky, he was just about to go travelling for the summer. Oh man that means that it was at the beginning of the summer i last was down there

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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Haha sounds like you're due another trip to oxford! Its pretty good there for cheap student nights don't yer think? I miss going out in oxford in a sad kinda way, all my old oxford buds have got blokes and have settled down and don't wanna go out anymore, rather worrying really!!!

  • CTW Members

I havent been to Oxford for nearly 5 years!

We should all go out there, looks like a load of fun!

  • CTW Members

im gonna come down one sat in new year i think after exams.


Go along to bar riza and take the piss out of all the current upper sixth formers who always frequent there on sat nites and then back to school to cause havoc with tesco value bog roll and trafic cones.


Oo also will go and raid the christmas tree dumping spot nearby. Last yr about 30 chrimbo trees dumped near school. Needless to say one sat nite got most of them into the school grounds. it werent me tho

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif I have some good memories of Oxford! must be done again soon me thinks! Had a CTW meet up there a few months back, we really must do it again!!! thumbs.gif
  • CTW Members

have created a thread about it i in event suggestions as i think we've hijacked this 1 for long enuff

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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