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Just to keep up the Christmas spirit, there's a free acid house party taking place from 6pm onwards, at the Key, King's Cross (which used to be Bagley's Warehouse)




The music policy speaks for itself.


Would be good to see CTW's there again. Hopefully you'll come along again, Ian? wavey.gif


Don't want to spoil the surprise but there'll be something very special happening on the night...


Hope to see you there.


Michaela x

  • CTW Members

Yep..I am there..should be wicked + it'll be nearly Christmas then!!!!


any more for any more???

  • CTW Members

i dont get it, is it canvas or the key then?

  • CTW Members

free acid? this sounds like fun smile.gif

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Creamy = star.gif


Just to clarify - The Key is definitely what used to be called Bagley's. However, being such a large venue it may well have been split into 2 separate venues, the Key & Canvas.


Having been to the Key 'though, it is definitely how I remember the old place to look, just a lot more stylish and complete with... flashing dancefloor - yay.gif

  • CTW Members

Isn't the Key what used to be the bunker bar?

Bagleys is what Freedom used to be in. 4 rooms and an outside terrace.

Although one was Originally Bagleys film studios and one was Bagleys warehouse. I think?

It's really confusing when people just say Bagleys. There's so much of it!

  • CTW DJs
CreamyC said:

I'm going.


Are you actually going to this, CreamytommygoesoutinlondonmorethanidoC ?


I do really fancy this, and I have the week off work after aswell.

  • CTW Members

Key/ Canvas / Bagleys see my post Here


In a Nutshell... Bagleys and Bagleys film Studios closed as a venue in April...Most of it has had a repaint, and including the outside has been re-named Canvas...and stays mainly empty, and closed... but promoters can do what they like with it if they need a large Sankey Soaps style Venue. It is not planned to be used more than 6 times a year...as it so big!!.

Hence blank canvas!!


The basement bunker bar has become The Key. With a different Entrance opposite the Cross, and regular 400ish people events.


All of the above (except sankey soaps) leased by the property developer, and venue 'owner' man who bought you the Cross, Egg and Pacha London. Billy Reilly.


The Cross used to be his lock up Garages btw...talk about silk purse from a sow's ear!!!...Best club in London...Bet the rents have gone up since then!!!


Hope this clarifys for everone


big_ee the Oracle

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...and there was me thinking the Acid House revival was here!


Will post a flyer up here for the event when they turn up from the printers.





  • CTW Members

Sharon... i can only sympathise sometimes it seems like CATW : ClubApathyTheWorld.... banghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gif but then again:


Creamy, Tommy and me are going...which for a

1)non-hard house..

2)non-serious@ the cross

3)non-midweek-members meet-up


will take this into proper CTW clubbing meet-up territory, cos it's fingers of one hand normally, for anything bar 1,2 & 3 above.


nb for those of you that like wicked electro...Micheala's..(a real live pop star)... website here ..has all her band's (called Kinkydisco) mp3s free!! kisscheek.gif











  • CTW Members

it could just be that it's not to everyone's musical taste? rolleyes.gif that and it's work the next day.

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

  • CTW Members

i could be up for this depending on


money (it's £20 return on the train for starters)

getting the monday off work



  • 3 weeks later...
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Slight amendment to post above.


Admittance is now from 7pm onwards.


Both IDJ and DJ magazines are supporting this night, so the Christmas 'spirit(s)' will certainly be flowing! drunk.gif





  • CTW Members









Free....Meet up at the venue from 7.00pm ...

The Key Lasar Road opposite The Cross.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaccccccciiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddeeeeeeeeee ee laugh.giflaugh.gif




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