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Scream said:

Claire DC said:

Scream said:

drugs may not help you claim insanity but they can make you act out of your normal personality. I mean there are loads of cases with PCP when people have acted totally insane. I mean we just have to look at acid to see how people can act out of character!


From experience it wouldnt make me go kill someone tho!! shake.gif


but that is your experience though. we know that everyone has different experiences. so they might be mentally unstable in the first place to do such a thing and the drugs just helped them to it.


So then they still need punishing but also treatment if theyre mentally ill!!

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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10 things you might want to bear in mind:


1) You are far more likely to be murdered by someone you know than some one you don't.


2) Most women that are persistently and violently abused by their partners or husband and end up killing them get charged with and are convicted of Murder and get life cos they pre-meditated their actions.


3) many men who kill their wives or partners, plead guilty or are convicted of manslaughter cos they plead heat of the moment, and don't get Life.


4) Any one Convicted of a crime and sentenced to life, will only be released on licence, and have to report to the authorities for the rest of their lives. They can be returned to prison at anytime for infringing the terms of their licence.


5) The death penalty has proved little or no deterrent to crime in those countries or states where it is a possible sentence.


6) It is likely that amount and extreme nature of the hysterical reporting of 'abhorrent' and violent crimes is leading to a culture of fear and loathing that need not exist. The most likely victim of a violent attack in this country is a young man in his early to mid twenties.


7) Child abuse, and violence against children is likely to have lessened significantly over the years, as the church,

and children’s homes have come under much closer scrutiny. And is certainly no where near as bad as it was in 19th 18th, 17th 16th...ect centuries..where it was accepted and common practice...

the reporting of in the other hand is now more hysterical, as it is a great way of selling newspapers.


8) The only countries in the world that has a higher per head prison population than the USA is China. Both countries have the worst crime records in the world.


9) Vietnam which is the only country in the world to have beaten the USA in a war is now one of the poorest countries on the planet and a haven for child abusers and paedophiles.


10) The majority of people in prison, in the UK, USA, and much of the planet are there because of drug related crime. Mostly non violent, They are just cannon fodder in an un winnable pseudo-war waged using much needed resources at the behest of a country that thinks nothing of letting a child die of starvation, on it own streets, but will happily go to war to protect the price of oil.


Imagine there's no heaven.......

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luu_luu said:

this man got 6 years inprisonment, but was let out in 4


Absolutley disgusting.


It seems as though the governemt is more [censored] up than the criminals who make these terrible offences. I am appauled at this news you have posted and I personally think that justice isn't always had. disappointed.gif




should life mean life, not 25 years then released in 15?


Life should mean LIFE.


Life - isn't a specific number - life means FOREVER. As you say, not 15 / 25 / or whatever number of years.


Why label a scentance that isn't carried out to exactly "what it says on the tin"?



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Big_ee69 said:


5) The death penalty has proved little or no deterrent to crime in those countries or states where it is a possible sentence.


Actually when the death penalty was abolished in the uk general crime increased by a large amount. Dont know how much as i didn't read the article that closely.


Its like drugs. Some of them used to be legal and available on the NHS. As soon as u ban them u increase the amount of crimes available: drug dealing, stealing for money to feed addiction, rival drug gangs killing each other etc. etc.

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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benrostwood said:


Actually when the death penalty was abolished in the uk general crime increased by a large amount.


Quite right Mate...we should bring back Hanging, Drawing and Quartering; Crucifiction; and Impaling...make an example of them....


Oh and we should hang 7 year old children who stole handkerchiefs like they did only a few generations ago. That'd learn 'em.


I will say it again. USA and China execute large numbers of people. They have the worst crime rates in the world. QED







  • CTW Members
Big_ee69 said:

benrostwood said:


Actually when the death penalty was abolished in the uk general crime increased by a large amount.


Quite right Mate...we should bring back Hanging, Drawing and Quartering; Crucifiction; and Impaling...make an example of them....


Oh and we should hang 7 year old children who stole handkerchiefs like they did only a few generations ago. That'd learn 'em.


I will say it again. USA and China execute large numbers of people. They have the worst crime rates in the world. QED







that doesnt mean they're related. They also have legal guns and other stuff and just so happen to be very large countries. Hardly compares to ickle britain with no guns allowed.

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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the worst crime rates


That means more crime per head than anyone else..not just more crime in total.


+ Canada has more legal guns per head than the USA...but the crime RATE is far lower.


During a recent documentary in the USA they showed two events, at different times.

1) A rabbit being killed for food.

2) A man who happened to be black, being shot dead, by another man.


They got 30 or 40 complaints.... about the food.


No one complained about the scene where a HUMAN BEING was murdered.


Murder is bad enough.

State sanctioned murder which exists only to satisfy the bloodthirsty, sell more copy at all costs, reactionary & ultra-rightwing instincts of the vermin that own the media, and the newspapers, pandering to the fears and prejudices, that they create, and fuel is far far worse.








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benrostwood said:

that doesnt mean they're related. They also have legal guns and other stuff and just so happen to be very large countries. Hardly compares to ickle britain with no guns allowed.


you don't have guns available to the general public in china the last time i checked (i may be wrong but i doubt it).


also as ian said, this is crimes per head of population, not overall crime.


also even though there are no guns allowed there si still a ge gun problem in this country which is getting worse and worse.


as for the death sentence here's some stuff fomr michael moore's book "stupid white men" about america:


since 1973, 95 death row inmates have been fully exonerated and cleared of all charges.

in 85% of the death penalty states have error rates of 60%+


IMO a life sentence should be a life sentence, at least in this case if there is a miscrriage of justice then the person is still around once they find the mistake.

~fighting for peace is like f***ing for virginity...
msn: maladjustedfreak@hotmail.com

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AnArChY said:

yes life should meen life , but all depending on what that person has done , say rape , or pedos etc , thay should have special treatment, where thay r locked up 24-7 and have their bits cut off

Yawn... here we go. rolleyes.gif

  • CTW DJs

Some very interesting statistics there Big_ee. smile.gif

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liquideyes said:

AnArChY said:

yes life should meen life , but all depending on what that person has done , say rape , or pedos etc , thay should have special treatment, where thay r locked up 24-7 and have their bits cut off

Yawn... here we go. rolleyes.gif


Just because it doesnt match your opinion, doesnt mean to say they cant have one/that you should make that kind of unconstructive comment mr wink.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

  • CTW DJs

So people have the right to express whatever opinion they like then?

Stop trying to "moderate" the discussion. AnArChY expressed his opinion and I expressed mine. I think he was being incredibly unconstructive, but obviously I'm not allowed to say that because it's different from your opinion...

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liquideyes said:

So people have the right to express whatever opinion they like then?

Stop trying to "moderate" the discussion. AnArChY expressed his opinion and I expressed mine. I think he was being incredibly unconstructive, but obviously I'm not allowed to say that because it's different from your opinion...


Im not tryint o moderate it.. im sayin somethin people like yourself say to tohers for doin the exact same thing!! smile.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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If it was moderated , surely it would be locked or removed .


Does not seem to be thumbs.gif



Act like an adult . . . Be false !
MSN >>> NeoNwomB@hotmail.com

  • CTW DJs

Please can someone explain to me how "cutting the bits off" a paedophile or rapist is a constructive suggestion?

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