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liquideyes said:

Please can someone explain to me how "cutting the bits off" a paedophile or rapist is a constructive suggestion?


It doesnt have to be constructive if it is his opinion.. its demonstrating he thinks that the crime they have committed is enough to warrant that kind of treatment IN HIS OPINION!!


'Some' could say that ur comment..


liquideyes said:

Can you get an STD from wanking? confused.gif


..isnt constructive and has nothing to do with contraception.. or is it another set of rules for you? confused.gifwink.gif

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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liquideyes said:

Please can someone explain to me how "cutting the bits off" a paedophile or rapist is a constructive suggestion?


No anesthetic or pain killers



Act like an adult . . . Be false !
MSN >>> NeoNwomB@hotmail.com

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NeoN said:

liquideyes said:

Please can someone explain to me how "cutting the bits off" a paedophile or rapist is a constructive suggestion?


No anesthetic or pain killers




I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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benrostwood said:

NeoN said:

liquideyes said:

Please can someone explain to me how "cutting the bits off" a paedophile or rapist is a constructive suggestion?


No anesthetic or pain killers





But would it work ?



Act like an adult . . . Be false !
MSN >>> NeoNwomB@hotmail.com

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think you are clutching at staws now disappointed.gif


its never gonna happen,

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liquideyes said:

Please can someone explain to me how "cutting the bits off" a paedophile or rapist is a constructive suggestion?


Well it pretty much stops them ever doing it again, and it'd probably have some sort of deterrent effect, it's one thing to get put in prison for rape, it's a completely different thing to be put in prison and have your bits cut off.

At the end of the day rehabilitation in prison doesn't appear to work, prisons are fillin up and space is running out which is seems to be the wrong way round. Wanna stop people commiting crimes? Make the consequences so awful noone in their right mind would want to suffer them, people who have beeen to prison should come out of it thinking that they never ever want to be put back in a place like that.

I'm sick of hearing about human rights for prisoners and how they should have certain things like tv's and whatnot, they broke the law, they violated someone's human rights, from that point on they should waive all rights. Stick the bastards in a small room for 22-23 hours a day with no comforts, make the place the worst place on earth to be.


Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines!

MSN - Krazeh@msn.com

Email - krazylegs@krazeh.co.uk

ICQ - 3229957

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Krazeh said:

liquideyes said:

Please can someone explain to me how "cutting the bits off" a paedophile or rapist is a constructive suggestion?


Well it pretty much stops them ever doing it again, and it'd probably have some sort of deterrent effect, it's one thing to get put in prison for rape, it's a completely different thing to be put in prison and have your bits cut off.

At the end of the day rehabilitation in prison doesn't appear to work, prisons are fillin up and space is running out which is seems to be the wrong way round. Wanna stop people commiting crimes? Make the consequences so awful noone in their right mind would want to suffer them, people who have beeen to prison should come out of it thinking that they never ever want to be put back in a place like that.

I'm sick of hearing about human rights for prisoners and how they should have certain things like tv's and whatnot, they broke the law, they violated someone's human rights, from that point on they should waive all rights. Stick the bastards in a small room for 22-23 hours a day with no comforts, make the place the worst place on earth to be.


the worse the detterent, the less likely people will be to do it.


On the chopping off bits topic wot about countries that remove hands for stealing, fcking big incentive to not get caught/not do it at all.

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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can see where your both coming from but what are the chances of that happening.....slim to none, think what liquideyes was getting at was lets keep it real,


this country thinks to much about the people its protecting in the prisons not the people it should be protecting (the victims).

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benrostwood said:

the worse the detterent, the less likely people will be to do it.


On the chopping off bits topic wot about countries that remove hands for stealing, fcking big incentive to not get caught/not do it at all.


Only it keeps on happening, someone steals/breaks the law and gets caught and is disfigured by the authorities, sometimes more than once if the person had no option but to steal. Stealing isn't always to have the latest jewelry, it's sometimes to feed themselves or their family.


I'd prefer an authority that didn't feel the need to use cruel and unusual punishments against people. I do not want to live in the middle ages or in a Taleban inspired society, thanks.

I don't do much on this planet, but David Blaine has taught me that I could do less!!

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luu_luu said:

can see where your both coming from but what are the chances of that happening.....slim to none, think what liquideyes was getting at was lets keep it real,


this country thinks to much about the people its protecting in the prisons not the people it should be protecting (the victims).


Yes the chances of something like that happening are nil but i was using it as a case of giving deterrents to people who want to commit crimes. And you're absolutely right about there bein too much protection of people in prison.


Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines!

MSN - Krazeh@msn.com

Email - krazylegs@krazeh.co.uk

ICQ - 3229957

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Claire DC said:

'Some' could say that ur comment isnt constructive and has nothing to do with contraception.. or is it another set of rules for you? confused.gifwink.gif

Sorry I didn't realise that the "serious" forum was a sense-of-humour free zone. smile.gif


Unless I misread the tone of AnArChY's post, I don't think he was joking. shrug.gif


There are far too many people jumping on the "paedophile-basher" bandwagon these days, and it's all too easy to spout some generic bollocks about how they should be locked up and the key thrown away etc etc ... heard it all before. I thought that the CTW community would be above all that.

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Krazeh said:

liquideyes said:

Please can someone explain to me how "cutting the bits off" a paedophile or rapist is a constructive suggestion?


Well it pretty much stops them ever doing it again, and it'd probably have some sort of deterrent effect, it's one thing to get put in prison for rape

Agreed with Luu Luu - you guys are clutching at straws. Here's just a handful of reasons, off the top of my head, why this is a load of tripe:


* There is no evidence to suggest it would be a deterrent.

* Rape & child abuse are, in most cases, all about power not sex.

* Even if you physically inhibited someone from having sex, who's to say that they wouldn't kill someone instead of raping them, in order to feed their "power trip".

* There's no comeback if you later find them to be innocent. At least with prisons, there is the fallback that they can be released early.

* (Most fundamentally, in my opinion:) two wrongs don't make a right.

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A few more things to bear in mind.


1) Most paedophiles were abused themselves as children.

2) Most abused children are abused by people they know and trust.

3) Anyone going to prison in the UK for abusing a child or rape will normally be kept in isolation 23 hours out of 24 for their own protection, and are in constant fear of being maimed or killed by other prisoners.

3) Many Paedophiles elect to be chemically castrated.

4) The age of consent in some societies is a low as 11.

5) A 16 year old boy who has consensual sex with a 15 year old girl in the UK can be found guilty of child abuse, and/or rape, and by your criteria, should have his 'bit's cut off'.

6) It is highly unlikely that any doctor would perform that sort of surgery, so it is difficult to see how 'having his bit's cut off' would work in practice.

7) Spending 10 years of your life in prison for a crime you did not commit would be bad enough, imagine how you would feel if you had been mutilated.

8) People under the age of 16 do not have the right to privacy, and it is the parents, carers and teachers responsibility to ensure that 'trusted' adults like uncles, granddad's, sports instructors, and so on, are not left alone with the child, and the child does not form a dependency on those adults.

9) The media sexualises under 16's as a matter of course, and sexually provocative images of children are often used to promote fashion, and music.

10) See my previous post ref child abuse over the years.




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liquideyes said:

Claire DC said:

'Some' could say that ur comment isnt constructive and has nothing to do with contraception.. or is it another set of rules for you? confused.gifwink.gif

Sorry I didn't realise that the "serious" forum was a sense-of-humour free zone. smile.gif


Unless I misread the tone of AnArChY's post, I don't think he was joking. shrug.gif


There are far too many people jumping on the "paedophile-basher" bandwagon these days, and it's all too easy to spout some generic bollocks about how they should be locked up and the key thrown away etc etc ... heard it all before. I thought that the CTW community would be above all that.


It is humour free isnt it.. thats why u post here wink.gifsmile.gif


I have my own personal view on paedophiles from personal experience so i think i am in a fairly good position to make a comment based on my own feelings/thoughts towards them after what happened to me!!

You Can Never Have Too Much Of A Good Thing :wink:
It'd Be Rude Not 2!! *I Need A Tissue*
MSN: Claire___DC @hotmail.com  Email: clairedc @ dsl .pipex .com

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benrostwood said:

If you increase the punishment for doing inhumane acts like this then it will decrease the amount of occurences of this.


that is, sadly, more nonsense from you ben.


the huge bulk of research on the death penalty shows that severity of the possible sentence is not a deterrent to criminals.


especially in the case of the death penalty - even the most cursory examination of the US shows this is absolutely true.


a far more effective deterrent is likelihood of capture and conviction.



"I've got medication, honey. I've got wings to fly", Primal Scream:Jailbird msn: alasdairmanson@hotmail.com yahoo IM: alimanson@yahoo.com AOL IM: alimanson23@aol.com email: ali_manson@yahoo.com homepage: http://www.magicglasses.com

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