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:: DJ Elementals Messy (Tidy) Weekender Review ::


AS this was my first tidy weekender - the night before I was due to go on the seemingly endless train journey up to north Wales I couldn't sleep - so I awoke late and had to run around frantically in the morning - as soon as I got on the train the doors closed and I started to chug off to north Wales - that was a close one.


The train ride was rather boring up until the point that some random person asked me a question - this random person happens to be our very own Benrostwood (yes he's on the board cause of me.. sorry..)


Right lets skip the rest of the train straight cause yanno know what trains are like.




Me and Ben got a taxi from prestyn train station to pontins - Ben went on inside as he had a mate waiting for him - this left me waiting for Tara, bunnykins, hardhousehelen and lydia - and it was very cold may I add. Eventually they turned up and I got a nice warm huggle off each of them.


At this point I was already buzzing of my own adrenaline because it was so great to bunnykins and Tara again and also to meet Helen and Lydia.


So we get checked in and eventually manage to unload the mountain to teddies from bunnykins car which the girls brought with them - we set up a nice display of them in the chalet window.


!!!! Ok this is where my memory starts to get bad - so forgive me if it doesn’t all make sense. !!!!


We hurry to get ready - as you know women - need to start getting ready at least 4 hours in advanced!


-- off to the first night --


Wahey we finally make it to the queue to go into the opening party. I believe we bumped into collin66 while waiting to go in - not 100% sure.


After being groped by the security we finally made it inside! wow cool beans - never been seen anything like this before. Me and collin66 go to get some food - Collin then tells me his age just in general convo - I didn’t believe him and carried on eating my chips.


I take a wonder into the main arena and scot project is playing - I wonder around to find the others and instead bump into Mr Andy Whitby - we had a brief convo cause it was rather loud in there - he then points me into the direction of miss ClaireDC - so I go say ello to her.


Over all my night was sort of like half an hour on the dance floor - then go for a walk with Helen and Lydia into the arcade and start some random convo with people.


I also believe that this is the night where we (alot of ppl from ctw) was all sitting in a group and this lad came over wanted to do a magic trick to the most "messy" person - naturally he choose me - I was impressed with his trick and he smiled and walked off - shortly followed by bushy's outburst of giggles - the lad meant to do it to the most messy person - I was the only straight one out of the lot of em!


-- Saturday --


I believe we went to a pub which served mingin grub.. no joke - the food really was mingin - Taras face in the pictures says it all. This where me and Helen where trying to explain to some guy what the tidy weekender was after he asked us what the tags where around our necks - Ben the comes over and goes "its a rave" and the guy goes Ohhhhhh.


(Tara, Helen, bunnykins - what else did we do? )


--Saturday night--


I got abut more mental this night after settling right into the whole feel of the weekend - I also took my first skittle. I felt that my friend Gordon the gopher need to experience tidy so I brought him along with me. Again I got felt up by security - although they did have a laugh over my toy noise gun.


We were abit late getting there - I believe it was Helens fault because she wanted to straighten her hair.. women.. - After she did that we headed straight to the main arena because Tara wanted to see Shan play.


We kept going into the main arena and the hardcore arena. I danced to the tidy boys for bout 45 minutes - then their [censored] started to bore me so I ventured into the hardcore room again..Avv it!


[[LAB4]] - I’ve always loved these guys and looked up to them as they do Pa sets like me - me and Lydia went right to the very front and I sure I would feel their sweat flying into my face every day they flug their hair about - it was absolutely amazing! Infact I nearly cried.. We I did after I went to the back of the room - cause throughout watching them I didn't blink - meaning I had all the smoke and other random [censored] in my eyes.


I also made sure I had abit of a stomp with Tara to lab4 as well because she wasn’t well that night bless! xxx


Me and Lydia also venture into the shop and get some goodie bags - only mind had all the best toys in it! :D


-- Sunday day time --


Saturday day time - oh my I believe this is where the beach inncoent accrued!!


I got to meet MR Happy - after dissing each other on ctw and MSN for quite sometime (nice to meet yas mate) - we all decide to have some fun. We dressed mr happy up in bunnykins big fluffy coat and dread lots - he looked like a creature from the deep - and even worse after we dressed him up!


Anyways - he decided to take this 'creature' for a walk across the beach - and yes I got some well dodgy looks - seeming I was the one guiding this thing across the beach. Anyways I let go of it and let it wonder around oh its own - he decided to walk toward the water with its arms out (walking like a zombie) while a few ppl walking their dogs went past - they where in stitches - mission accomplished. We then go back to pontins - and play in the park for alittle bit (See luu luu im not the only childish one!!)


--Sunday night--

haha oh my security loved me - after emptying all 50 party poppers, Gordon the gopher, a noise gun, lolly pops and a fake [censored] out of my pocket - they laughed and called me mad smile.gif


I wonder about for abit in the arcade - I accidentally pinch this girls arse being the cheeky devil I am - she turns around looking like she’s gonna floor me - so I blame it on Gordon - she then give Gordon a kiss. I also got my photo taken by Angel_Of_trance (a none ctw person)


after embarrassing myself with the fake [censored] we all figured I might as well put it to some use - so I put it on the floor and no one noticed it - I then put it on the table where they make photo t-shirts and it got a few funny looks - I forgot to pick it up afterwards thou frown.gif


Ahhhhhh the tidy big brother room - haha - mental indeed. We decided to put on a little Barbie puppet show. Lydia was reading the story and I had to move the Barbie’s accordingly to the story - however I forgot which Barbie was which and started moving them both - which then made them have a fight for stealing each other lines.


We went back into the main arena where we was blessed with K-90 (another idol of mine) so I had a good old stomp then Gordon said he wanted to go into the tidy big brother room - so me Ben and Gordon went in. So there we was just sitting on the chair - suddenly Gordon starts to diss tidy and everyone who was there - so we walked Gordon with my toy gun to his head - nawti Gordon. I really hope that’s not on the tidy DVD or anything - slightly embarrassing.


Wow this is great BK starts so I stomp for an entire hour - only happening to stomp for another hour cause glazby comes on - it was mental and at the end of the night we popped all the party poppers smile.gif


--Monday Morning--


The skittles throughout my weekend didn't have alot of effect - that is until I tried to sleep Monday morning.


I was FORCED I repeat FORCED to wear wear taras red PVC nurse outfit - also it didn't take alot of make ben where his.


We went over to an after party at MR happys where he gave me some loving looks - it was obviously the fish net tights which did it. After sitting in the outfit for about 15 minutes I couldn't breathe cause it was to tight - so me and Ben went to go get changed - Helen had hid all of bens clothes so he couldn't get changed hahaha


anyways we all leave the after party needing some sleep. So we all - there was about 7 of us I think got into the same bed - nice and warm.


There I was holding onto Helen for dear life trying not to fall out of the bed.


Ben was getting totally smashed off doolies. We all decided it was time to sleep - so we all settle down. Ben starts to talk random [censored] - and I mean really random [censored] to the fact that he didn't even know what he was staying - we tell him to shutup and he's a good boy and does as he's told - we all settle back down again. Suddenly I see the tidy boys in an action man car speed across out chalet and smash into the door and flip the car over?! I burst out laughin like wtf?! the others ask what’s wrong so I tell them - we all giggled about it then went back to sleep. I then see a girl trying to pour jam out of a jar into her mouth but all the jam comes out at once and goes in her hair and all over her face - again WTF!? - I laugh and tell the others what I seen - ok time to go back to sleep.. yea right.. I then see someone setting up a mobile candy store outside the fridge in london?! -!!WTF!! - it was getting to the point where it was doin my head in as I wanted to sleep - so I had a drink of water then settled back down ready to do some seriously sleeping.. But no.. I just had to see a line of tomato ketchup sashays marching across our kitchen units!! bleh!


I finally stop seeing things - only then to be disturbed by Helen every 10 minutes cause she wanted water.. GRR!


We all wake up and sadly its time to pack up our stuff to go home frown.gif - haha one thing - I’d lost my train ticket - after ripping the chalet apart looking for it - it was in bunnykins car.. few


Sadly it was tidy to depart tidy - I huggled Tara and mr happy who surprisingly said I didn’t think I’d like you but I did... cheeky so and so!!


Bunnykins and Helen escort me to the train station - already a few minutes late cause I thought I’d lost my ticket - anyhow I get a nice group huggle off them both and sadly had to get on the train not long after arriving at the station.


I remember stopping at once station on the way home - buy a pack of over priced sandwiches and my first mix mags magazine - and guess who was in it! Tawaaaaaaaa :D


I was then awoke by some person - I’d reached the end of the line (my home town). I then got home went to bed - woke up - went to college still fooked dressed in all my clubbing clothes. whoops.




Over all - quite possibly the best weekend of my life - however recent weekends have come close.


Roll on TW5!! groovy.gifyay.gif


Forgive me for this poorly written unofficial review - it probably makes no sense and is in the wrong order - but you've taken all this time to read it - so you might as well pretend to understand it.


- DJ Elemental


  • CTW Members

mark got just a few things muddled up like the nurses outfits were on sat nite/sun morn not sun nite/mon morn.


Other than that all i can say is that i rather enjoyed my pub dinner on sat nite. Every1 else's did look a bit mank tho.

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

  • CTW Members

ur right about me not remembering wot i was talking about on sun nite. How much did i drink again. Half bottle of wine and half bottle of dooleys. All after the club drunk.gifnut.gif


Oh and i think u only got bout half hour to hours sleep after i left cos that was the check out time.

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

HAHAHA quality mate. I remember that bloke who thought you were the most [censored] person in the group!

that was hilarious! hahahaha


WTF were you seeing tho! lol

  • CTW Members

Yeh that ws quality w/end - bring on TW5 - o yeh its the last w/end oin March - tickets go on sale in a couple of wks I think yay.gif

  • CTW Members

im gonna get a VIP chalet. Ne1 not mind sharing with my speakers (actually only gonna bring one as they're too big to fit in car with me cd decks as well [providing ive passed my driving test by then])

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

  • CTW Members

extra free stuff and free electric. need it for music.


altho point taken. will just have to spend money on electric cards

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

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