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  • CTW Moderators
liquideyes said:

mistress_hoover said:

its as if some dont have any morals and just want a shag and thats it.

What's it got to do with morals?

If two consenting adults want to have no-strings-attached sex, good for them. It's not really my cuppa tea, but whatever floats your boat.


20 in 5 weeks thats horrible.

Some straight women are like that. shrug.gif


yeah thats fair enough but i know for a fact when you go to get a check up or a smear etc women dont get asked that....


fair enough [censored] buddys etc i have nothing against that..i just think that its horrible the amount of men that they go thru.



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  • CTW DJs
mistress_hoover said:

when you go to get a check up or a smear etc women dont get asked that....

Neither do men!!

FFS, you'll believe anything won't you! smile.gif


There's no doubt men have a higher sex drive, and we generally have less emotional inhibitions than women, so it's stating the obvious to say gay men get around more.


But you're acting as though these figures of "20 men in 5 weeks" are commonplace!

  • CTW Moderators

i was going on the facts that have been put in this topic, i dont know much about gay sex im afraid so i didnt know if it was true.


as for men having a higher sex drive i would disagree..i keep meeting more and more women that say there boyfriends cant satisfy them sexually...


i was just giving my view on this so theres no need on going off at me - i was looking at the facts given. tosser.gif

  • CTW DJs

The "facts given" were blatantly not facts, and you went off on a generalising homophobic rant on the basis of what one person said about "20 men" etc. tosser.gif

  • CTW Moderators

the way i read it i thought that jay was stating a fact so i gave my view on it...im sorry if its upset you as you seem a bit touchy about the subject batty.gif

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Maria said:

liquideyes said:



There's no doubt men have a higher sex drive,


Is that a fact ?





This part bout men havin the higher sex drive..ermm I don't agree with.. so I agree with Maria rotfl.gif I have a over active sex drive.. rolleyes.gif

**Nunc scio quit sit amor."Lat. "Now I know what love is"**

msn- maa_97@hotmail.com

  • CTW Moderators
sweet26 said:

Maria said:

liquideyes said:



There's no doubt men have a higher sex drive,


Is that a fact ?





This part bout men havin the higher sex drive..ermm I don't agree with.. so I agree with Maria rotfl.gif I have a over active sex drive.. rolleyes.gif


yep i agree with you too chick! i think most men like to think that they have got a higher sex drive than us chicks...but when it comes down to it...


we have a higher sex drive shag.gifwink.gifyay.gifmoon.gif

  • CTW Members

20 men in the last 5 weeks



you've met the uni girls from northampton then lol.gifsorry.gif



  • CTW Moderators
mistress_hoover said:


yep i agree with you too chick! i think most men like to think that they have got a higher sex drive than us chicks...but when it comes down to it...


we have a higher sex drive shag.gifwink.gifyay.gifmoon.gif


FEEL THE FACTS BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE out of jillys aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrseeeeeeeeee



  • CTW Moderators

my arrrrrrrrrrssssssssseeeeeeeee is getting insured for £5000000 due to the exposure (ahem wink.gif ) that its seen recently...kev will be my pr person...


pr stands for public relations...not pert rear



  • CTW DJs
Maria said:

liquideyes said:

There's no doubt men have a higher sex drive,


Is that a fact ?


Yes it is. Maybe not in all cases, but generally men do have higher sex drives, aggression etc due to higher levels of testosterone.


That's why women often get randier when they get pissed (because testosterone levels in the blood increase).


Of course there are other factors in sexual behaviour (social conventions, personal inhibitions / hang-ups, etc).


I will amend my statement: from anecdotal evidence, personal experience, and on the basis of what little science I know about the subject, I believe men (in general) have a higher sex drive.


Happy? smile.gif

  • CTW Members

I get randy all the time

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