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i agree with you luu.


and some ppl will think this is aimed at them, it's aimed at who ever takes it as such cos they've leeched off me or something similar. there's a small number of people. people you lend money to (or something), who mysteriously end up broke, then YOU are the one who feels bad chasing it up. and the longer it's left, the worse you feel chasing it up continously, and in the end you've just lost cash or something irreplaceable.


yeah it might only be £20, but thats 20 pounds cash that you shouldn't loose. if that happens 3 times it's real money.


although they still manage to turn up at summer festivals and get f*****d on *, and not pay you back the amount.


i'm the sort of person who feels bad if I CAN lend someone money but refuse to when they ask cos there's the thought I'll be stitched up. and I'm [censored] at lying that i don't have money if i do. thumbsdown.gif . I'll also pay back what i owe, but other ppl don't have the same attitude unfortunately.


of course I'm the twat responsible for loosing my own money. shrug.gif . so learn not to trust people? shrug.gifthink.gif

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I wouldnt lend money to no cunt!


You would have to be a right mug.

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I've made some bad choices in life. I have but one regrete and it's on a note of lettin one person rule everything I was doing..let go of all my old friends and old ways to be there for them. Now I am the one in need of a friend and havn't any really. I'm just startin back into the whole makeing friends bit again..


As far as priorities I know what mine are.. get things in order as far as what I want instead of always puttin others before me. I've never had that in me but after a couple bad things happened I see now that If I don't take care of myself no one else will and or even cares really...


Takein advice from a few ppl Live life to the fullest and let the wind go by...


My ramblin is done... thanx.gif

**Nunc scio quit sit amor."Lat. "Now I know what love is"**

msn- maa_97@hotmail.com

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I think you know when someone is taking the piss.


I would lend the odd £5, £10 to someone you know would pay it back within a short time.

Just dont lend money to people you cant risk the debt against.

Only lend it if you know they have the funds to cover the loan in the first place.

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sweet26 said:

let go of all my old friends and old ways to be there for them. Now I am the one in need of a friend and havn't any really. I'm just startin back into the whole makeing friends bit again..



not just you who's been there grouphug.gif



Maria said:

The main reason I HATE lending money out, is because of the stupid reason that I feel to CHEEKY to ask for it back rolleyes.gif


aaa-fcukin-men. (as in amen, not "men") it nags in the back of ur mind as well.


Daredevil_Tony said:

I would lend the odd £5, £10 to someone you know would pay it back within a short time.

Just dont lend money to people you cant risk the debt against.


tbh I have no probs whatsoever lending cash to close friends. they sub for me all the time (one of my mates ALWAYS bring round his #) and it just goes and comes around. it's people i just 'know' who i end up 'swapping tenners' with). I have been stupid in the past and lost bigger amounts (eg, when ur sposed to be renting off sum1). *learns*.

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luu_luu said:

just been having a think to myself, and that dont happen very often,


have we all got our priorities in the right order?


i think i have, ok, i do make the odd bad desision but dont we all, but i look around at people i know and think about what i would do in other peoples situations,


there are people going out getting twatted that dont have a house when they have kids to look after shrug.gif


people that have borrowed money/stuff off others and havent repaid it but still pissing it up the wall.


people complaining on what a [censored] life they have.......when they have a damn good life compared to most.


most of us have lack of funds (most of the time) but why complain about it if you sit in home drinking and smoking yourself into a lung transplant shrug.gif


i live on the minimum wage week in week out and i can manage 2 holidays a year, look after a house and 2 kids..........live within your means and you will lead a comfortable life.



my daily complain is now over, bigsmile.gif




moan moan bloody moan!!!!! flipa.gifiluvu.gif

I think all of us at some point in our lives, mess up & get our priorities in a muddle, but most of us realise & sort them out, but there are others who do not, in our eyes we can see their priorities are fooked up but these peeps cant & what I find more annoying & sad is the one's who really dont think they are doing it wrong etc, there are alot out there too!!! thumbsdown.gif

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At the end of the day, it's people being selfish, putting themselves first and let someone else deal with the consequences.

As far as neglecting kids goes, there's no excuse. With a child comes a responsibility, people don't seem to realise that. If you have kids, they should come first. Always.

The world does not owe you a living, everything I've got, I've worked hard for. Some people just don't seem prepared to do that. disappointed.gif

Fred The Baddie
Email: FredTheBaddie at ClubTheWorld dot com
MSN: Fox_Raynard at hotmail dot com
I am not part of any majority
-- Now in my MP3 player : Agnelli & Nelson - Holding on to Nothing --

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cant beleive im in agreement with the both of you but that statement is so true . thumbs.gif


another thing is that people need to take responcerbility for there own lifes, theres no point blaming other people when things dont go your way shrug.gif if you want a decent life/friends/money then its up to yourself to strive to get it (in the right way though shame.gif)


too many people sit on there arses and wait for things to land in there laps, and then complain that its not happening the way they want it to disappointed.gif

luu_luu said:



too many people sit on there arses and wait for things to land in there laps



& there is, in this life, some peeps that do get it land in their laps, jammy gits!! shake.gif

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there time will come when they have no-one/nothing left to rely on yes.gif

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FredTheBaddie said:

The world does not owe you a living, everything I've got, I've worked hard for. Some people just don't seem prepared to do that.


tis right. put in effort, get reward. but is there a feeling that if you have something BAD happen to you (i wouldn't say i've had anything that bad), there's something in you, which expects it to be equalled out, with something good happening? just a thought think.gif

  • CTW Members
FredTheBaddie said:

At the end of the day, it's people being selfish, putting themselves first and let someone else deal with the consequences.

As far as neglecting kids goes, there's no excuse. With a child comes a responsibility, people don't seem to realise that. If you have kids, they should come first. Always.

The world does not owe you a living, everything I've got, I've worked hard for. Some people just don't seem prepared to do that. disappointed.gif



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