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liquideyes said:

benrostwood said:

luckily labour have realised its gonna cost them major votes at the next election...


The governments idea of an accident blackspot however can change from place to place by fiddling with the figures like they do...

Is this a pop at Labour or just governments in general?


Blatantly the Tories would do the same (propose changes just to get votes, "fiddling with figures", spin, etc).


governments in general. So much for our country being a democracy. How many of us wud truly vote to keep speed cameras in place, cos in theory thats wat a democracy is meant to be, every1 getting a say in the matter. Elective beurocracy (cant be arsed to spell it right) more like. offtopic.gif sorry

I was going to post a gag about flagellation, necrophilia and bestiality but it's just flogging a dead horse.

  • CTW DJs

There is no ideal government system, IMHO. Democracy is flawed, but probably as good as it gets.


IMHO the basic flaw with democracy is, most people are too stupid (or selfish) to know what's good for the country in the long-term. And in turn, the government has to prey on their stupidity, and invariably enforce short-term-ist policies, to get votes.


C'est la vie...

  • CTW Members

-- The camera partnership has apologised for the error, saying it was "an extremely rare occurrence and a known radar phenomenon". --


same as other people have asked...how rare is rare, and how much would it affect the £9 million, picked up from cameras in north wales a year ago? (dunno any other figures)

  • CTW Members

Radar phenomenon is extremely rare with all Gatso and Prolaser II speed detection devices.


To put it into laymans terms i'll eplain what it is: A Police Officer is operating a laser speed detection device at the side of the road he suspects an aproaching vehicle is speeding and uses the device to corroborate his opinion that the vehicle is speeding. The machine tells him this because it fires invisible laser at the front/rear number plate of the vehicle. the laser bounces off the plate and is recieved by the device to give a speed of the vehicle.


Now, if the car is travelling directly at the machine it will be a 100% acurate speed detection, providing the calibration, range and alighnment checks have been complated. But if the officer is standing 5+ metres away from the side of the road then the vehicle is aproaching at a slight angle and the speed indicated on the detection device will be slightly lower than the genuine speed.


so the inacuracy will be in the offenders faviour.

  • CTW Members
goshow said:

The machine tells him this because it fires invisible laser at the front/rear number plate of the vehicle.


spraying hair spray on the number plate makes it non reflective. shhh.gif

  • CTW DJs

Goshow, I thought we were talking about speed cameras, not policemen with speed guns. confused.gif

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