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  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Aaron @ Aug 4 2004, 23:04)
Fair do's i can appreciate that...

i'll be keeping my 1200's till the bitter end, but the end will sadly come.

Only if you stop buying vinyl. I know I won't - and I can assure you that I will still be Pressing vinyl too, though might consider enclosing a CD-maxi with the record too, just so that everyone is catered for. All of the new breed of DJ's want everythign too easy - I remember when you had to lug a hefty flight case full or records to a club/ bar/ party and play a wicked set using technique to earn your money - nowadays, people reckon they can turn up to do their set with a wallet full of cd's in their back pocket and fling a few of them on for an hour and *earn* as much as everyone else. Technology breeds laziness.


Slightly off on a tangent there, but hey - who gives a shit anyway?

  • CTW Members

Do you own your own label?


I think we should agree to disagree on this one. but i'm a bit confused, as your implying that you dont need technique to play cd's, imo you need just as much skill playing cd's as you do playing vinyl. I for one when playing out take 2 full boxes of records and my cd wallet with me.


Also mixing tracks together is IMO only a small part of being a DJ, selecting the right tracks in the right order to create the approriate atmopshere, is equally if not more important than skillfully mixing two tracks together.


This is turning into a bit of a debate isnt it, this wasnt my intention... sorry.gif

  • CTW Members

Yeah i have got my own label, but that's another story. As are most of the other points i made above. I just like to throw loads of thoughts i'm having at the time into one post and let people pick the bones out of it.

Not meaning / wanting to cause a big debate on anything - thinking out loud more than anything i guess. ignore me - sleep deprivation has a lot to answer for ....

  • CTW Members

No worries mate grin.gif


Speaking of sleep deprivation, i'm gonna go get some shut eye before i start suffering too!

  • CTW DJs
QUOTE (Nick G @ Aug 4 2004, 23:16)
All of the new breed of DJ's want everythign too easy - I remember when you had to lug a hefty flight case full or records to a club/ bar/ party and play a wicked set using technique to earn your money - nowadays, people reckon they can turn up to do their set with a wallet full of cd's in their back pocket and fling a few of them on for an hour and *earn* as much as everyone else.

I mostly agree with what you were saying before, but this bit is bollocks ... it takes no less skill to mix with CDs than it does with vinyl (in fact I'm still finding my CDJ-800 hard work compared with normal decks!)


I hardly think that lugging around a heavy case makes you a better DJ than someone with a CD wallet...? It's all about the tunes dude. You still have to use 'technique' as you put it, regardless of the record format.

  • CTW Members

the problem though is that some DJ's who do '8 hour sets' actually mix a lot of their stuff beforehand, especially intros and actually only twiddle a few nobs ever now and then...


... but then you see people like Erick Morillo who works the arse out of his CDJs and makes them do lots of funky shit that you could never do with 1210s... and you realise its up to the DJ how it happens and not the technology!

  • ClubTheWorld changed the title to One DJ's opinion on the new Technics CD deck

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