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  • CTW Promotors

Did anyone hear about this??


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Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Moderators

fuck i saw one guy gettin hit during the yogi set in polys arena at end a big guy with his top off u no the muscley posers u get was punchin and taunting a guy obviously well into clubbin as he was in full club wear and tryin to dance to tunes it was nasty but his misses draged him off i was in 2 minds to have a go but glad i didnt readin that


how the fook did he get in wiv a knife???



imo.gif there should of been metal detectors like london clubs have usually thumbsdown.gifwallbash.gifimo.gif

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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& it's arseholes like this that ruin it for us genuine clubbers too mad.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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I know this may seem way of or possibly far fetched but do you think, that because there so many types of chemicals used by people now at events, that this could be a key factor??


You know a good few years ago it was pot, pills & base, but now you have so many, K, GB, meths etc etc, some which are known to make violent etc, just a thought, prob way off but hey tongue.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Moderators

to be honest lisa these sort of ppl have carried the blade/ gun into the event chanced bein arrested if caught in the first place and to me sems got a thrill out the buz of it and purposely planned on causing injury as they chased him across the arena and stayed and followed whilst security was there


basically there sick fucks purposely out to cause harm

🎧20,000 Hardcore members,  I say the future is ours🎧


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yep, spoiling it for us mad.gifmad.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

Somehow malcontents manage to worm their way into every part of society and unfortunately that tiny minority manage to screw things up for the majority.

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  • CTW Promotors

yes & it sucks the big one mad.gifthumbsdown.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

One of the strangest things I saw was the guy flaked out on the floor in the "Brain machine". Seeing something like that doesnt half bring you down quickly.


Admittedly I did chuckle a bit aswell, but I can be a heartless wanker at times. sorry.gif

  • CTW Members

something else that was rather dodgy was seeing the bloke that took you up & connect you to the bungee rope drop a pill.....& me & ginge went up bout 20 minuits later yikes.gif


i felt so much safer then unsure.gif

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Lisa @ Aug 4 2004, 11:05)
& it's arseholes like this that ruin it for us genuine clubbers too mad.gif

it's been happening for years, i've had it before and it's one of the reasons i HATE OUTDOOR FESTIVALS.


i am absolutely gutted i didn't go but i know this stuff goes on.

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  • CTW Promotors

Fair enough Phil, but doesnt take away the fact, that theses idiots spoil it, non the less eh smile.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

  • CTW Members

Only just seen this post...


Some guy posted on Tidy, gave a full account of what happend to himself @ GG.


As he was walking through the GK tent, he accidently brushed against some guy. This guy pulled out a knife and tried slashing him. He took off and he realised he was being chased by 7 men... He ran into a burger bar, but they hung aroud, so he ran again, went up to security... etc etc etc. He said a gun was waved @ him, which one of these guys chucked in a bin, then one of the others got it out and ran off. Security took him to the Medics tent where he was still followed, they gained entry by pretending they were ill... Ran off again... Found a large group of security who told him they could do nothing, and told him he had to leave for his own safety!!! His g/f and friends were still in the GK tent without a clue what was going on. Cant remember how, but they (security) paid for him to get back to Coventry. All his belongings (mobile/wallet etc) was in his g/fs bag... He had no way of contacting her...


Fucking shocking! Fair enough the security was shit on drug searches... but for weapons... PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTT.

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