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Summary of Strategists

Quiet, easy-going and intellectually curious
Use logical, objective thinking to find original solutions to problems
Think of themselves as bright, logical and individualistic
May be impractical, forgetting practical issues, such as paying bills or doing the shopping

More about Strategists
Strategists are quiet people who like to get to the heart of tough problems on their own and come up with innovative solutions. They analyse situations with a sceptical eye and develop ways of measuring everything, including themselves.

Strategists are generally easy-going. They are intellectually curious and enjoy abstract ideas. Sometimes they like thinking of a solution to a problem more than taking practical steps to solve it.

In situations where they can't use their talents, are unappreciated, or not taken seriously, Strategists may become negatively critical or sarcastic. Under extreme stress, Strategists could be prone to inappropriate, tearful or angry outbursts.

Strategists may be insensitive to the emotional needs of others or how their behaviour impacts the people around them.

Strategist Careers
Strategists are often drawn to technical or scientific careers, where specialist knowledge is required. They also seem to enjoy jobs that involve long-term planning, abstract thinking or design.

Section 1: Results

Your answers suggest you are Spontaneous, not a Planner.

You are flexible and take life as it comes.


Section 2: Results

Your answers suggest you are an Ideas, not a Facts person.

You focus on the big picture rather than on details.


Section 3: Results

Your answers suggest you are a Head, not a Heart person.

When making a decision, you tend to weigh the possible consequences in a logical, detached way.


Section 4: Results

Your answers suggest you are an Extrovert, not an Introvert.

You tend to focus on and get your motivation from the world around you.






Your answers suggest you are a Big Thinker

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:





Summary of Big-Thinkers

Outspoken, ingenious and bored by routine

Think of themselves as talkative, curious and self-sufficient

May neglect the routine work required to make their plans successful

More about Big-Thinkers

Big Thinkers are always looking for the next big idea or opportunity. They’re adept at spotting trends and thinking on their feet. Big Thinkers like to jump in and find innovative solutions to complex problems and are good at developing strategies for the future.



In the UK, Big Thinkers are most likely to book a holiday at short notice, according to a nationwide survey.

Big Thinkers are usually curious, logical and energetic. This chatty group enjoys a good debate and asserting their opinions. Sometimes others may find the way they express their ideas too abrupt or challenging.


In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Big Thinkers may be rude, critical of others or rebellious. Under extreme stress, Big Thinkers can become preoccupied with unimportant details and lose sight of the 'big picture'.


Big Thinkers may ignore important details in their plans and overlook the impact their ideas have on the people around them.


Big-Thinker Careers

The entrepreneurial spirit of the Big Thinkers often leads them to seek new challenges; this is often more important to them than working in a particular field or a specific career.



  • CTW Members

Your answers suggest you are a Mastermind


Summary of Masterminds

- Visionaries who put energy into achieving their goals

- Prefer to work independently and dislike inefficiency

- Think of themselves as logical, thorough, and bright

- Values practicality and common sense above ideas and theories


More about Masterminds


Masterminds create a vision for the future by gathering and organising information. They then develop strategies to achieve their goals. They have a rare gift for looking at almost anything and seeing how it can be improved. These skills and the Masterminds' high standards often allow them to reach leadership positions at work.


"Mastermind is the least common personality type in the UK, according to a nationwide survey."


Masterminds value independence and prefer to work on their own. Once they have decided on a course of action, Masterminds rarely change their minds, although they can be persuaded by clear reasoning by someone they respect.


In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Masterminds may cut themselves off from a group and criticize people who don't understand their plans. Under extreme stress, Masterminds may overindulge in sensory experiences like eating, shopping or watching television.


Masterminds often have an unusual sense of humour, which arises from their ability to spot surprising links between seemingly unconnected facts.


Mastermind Careers


Masterminds are drawn to jobs requiring logical analysis or abstract thinking common in science or technical fields.




  • CTW DJs

I am a "Big Thinker". I'm usually cynical about these kinds of tests, but the description is uncannily accurate... (especially the bits I've highlighted)


Summary of Big Thinkers

* Outspoken, ingenious and bored by routine
* Look for opportunities and enjoy tackling problems head-on
* Think of themselves as talkative, curious and self-sufficient
* May neglect the routine work required to make their plans successful

More about Big Thinkers

Big Thinkers are always looking for the next big idea or opportunity. They're adept at spotting trends and thinking on their feet. Big Thinkers like to jump in and find innovative solutions to complex problems and are good at developing strategies for the future.

Big Thinkers are usually curious, logical and energetic. This chatty group enjoys a good debate and asserting their opinions. Sometimes others may find the way they express their ideas too abrupt or challenging.

In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Big Thinkers may be rude, critical of others or rebellious. Under extreme stress, Big Thinkers can become preoccupied with unimportant details and lose sight of the 'big picture'.

Big Thinkers may ignore important details in their plans and overlook the impact their ideas have on the people around them.

Big Thinker Careers

The entrepreneurial spirit of the Big Thinkers often leads them to seek new challenges; this is often more important to them than working in a particular field or a specific career.

Tell me something I didn't know... wink.gif



Your answers suggest you are a Realist


Summary of Realists

Loyal and steady workers who meet deadlines

Believe in established rules and respect facts

Think of themselves as mature, stable and conscientious

May appear too logical or tough-minded and forget their impact on other people

More about Realists

Realists are loyal to the people around them and work hard to keep their promises. They are honest and straightforward with others and expect the same in return. Realists believe in standard procedures and will only support change when there is a demonstrable benefit.



Realists are the most common personality type in the UK, according to a nationwide survey.

Realists respect factual information, which they store up to use when making decisions. This group likes to have time to think quietly and carefully before taking action.


These extremely productive people like to be occupied in their leisure time with pursuits such as craftwork, hiking or reading.


In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Realists may become obsessed with schedules, critical of others or have trouble trusting other people to get the job done properly. Under extreme stress, Realists may complain loudly that events have taken a turn for the worse and predict negative outcomes.


Realists typically only share their opinions or personal experiences with trusted friends.


Realist Careers

Realists are attracted to jobs where decision making based on factual knowledge and experience is required.



  • CTW Members

Summary of Peacemakers


Value personal freedom

Particularly sensitive to the feelings of others

Think of themselves as steady, gentle and sympathetic

Others may mistake their quiet nature for weakness

More about Peacemakers


Peacemakers focus on the present and enjoy helping others in practical ways.


They are sensitive to the world around them and take quiet joy from people and nature, particularly animals. Peacemakers value close relationships, but it may take time for others to get to know them.



Peacemakers are the most likely group to say they dislike reading history books, according to a UK survey.


Peacemakers live by a set of personal values, which they work hard to reflect in their everyday life. They would rather support an activity than organise it. When they do find themselves in leadership positions, they observe quietly and lead by example.


In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Peacemakers may withdraw and become self-critical. Under extreme stress, Peacemakers may become even more critical of themselves and others and make harsh judgements about minor issues.


Peacemakers tend to show someone how much they care about them by helping them in a practical way rather than putting their feelings into words.




  • CTW Members

Apparetnly I'm a big thinker aswell.


There seems to be alot of us around.

  • CTW Members

Section 1: Results

Your answers suggest you are a Planner, not Spontaneous.


Section 2: Results

Your answers suggest you are a Facts, not an Ideas person.


Section 3: Results

Your answers suggest you are a Heart, not a Head person.


Section 4: Results

Your answers suggest you are an Extrovert, not an Introvert.



Your answers suggest you are a Provider



Summary of Providers

Warm, caring people who value order and tradition

Loyal workers who follow through on commitments

Think of themselves as sympathetic, easy-going and steady

They don't feel comfortable with radical change

More about Providers

Providers like to make plans with other people and then to work with them towards achievable goals in a fun, harmonious environment. They support people that are important to them and respect their individuality.



Provider is the most common personality type for women in the UK, according to a nationwide survey.

Providers have traditional values and support order and responsible behaviour. They enjoy social events, particularly family celebrations, and often help plan them. Providers work hard to avoid conflict, but they will state their beliefs when they think it is suitable.


In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Providers may doubt their abilities and focus solely on the needs of other people. Under extreme stress, Providers may withdraw completely and become excessively critical of themselves and others.


Providers prefer warm, face-to-face communication and often express their ideas by telling stories from their own lives.



  • CTW Members

did test on't digitial tele thingy... apparently im a 'Strategist' shrug.gif

  • CTW Promotors

I got 'Big Thinker' as well...!

  • CTW Members

i'm the only peacemaker here so far ohmy.gif

  • CTW Members

Smugly sits back stroking cat... Mastermind wink.gif

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Aaron @ Sep 6 2004, 11:39)
i'm the only peacemaker here so far ohmy.gif

well it is good to know this site has at least one then grin.gif

  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Alex @ Sep 6 2004, 11:40)
Smugly sits back stroking cat... Mastermind wink.gif

haha I bet your are sat in a big black chair right now as you type, aren't you tongue.gif

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