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  • CTW Members

i feel as everyone else is getting there accounts suspended for no reason its about time i spoke up........heres the PM i sent ja\mes....& if this gets deleted i will post it again


hello james,

seen as maria & lisa/betty boop keep asking as to why members are leaving, i thought i best give reasons as as you both kepp asking nothing can be done to rectify the situation, but i know nothing will be done to rectify the situation anyway because of who it involves.

CTW has become a place of not what you know but who you know & if your face dont fit ........then dont you just know  its become one rule for one but another for everyone else (eg bandwagoning, alias accounts, bullying)

towards the end of my time on CTW i was verbally bullied by Maria, & sometimes her henchman (although nowhere near as bad, think it was just a innocent bandwagon thing) every post i made was picked apart & snide nast comments were threw at me, others wouldnt have seen it as its that underhand way that only me or others that knew what i was going through could see (such as gordon, phil & others that will remain nameless)..........

these people should not have been in authority in my oppinion as who can you talk to when they are bullying you???? apart from yourself there really is no-one else & as you will not have seen it you would have thought i was over reacting.

i wasnt going to post this cus as an 'old' member my oppinion wont really count for anything & i spose it will get deleted, but i couldnt stick up for myself on the board back then, on the few times i did i had more agro chucked back.....so i thought i best do it now.

james, you say no none of the members had got pushed away from CTW or made to leave........well, i did....i had no choice in the matter i wasnt wanted here & couldnt see the point of staying.....although it still didnt stop once i had left.

i dont find the moderation of the site a problem as we all have rules to obide by.......but i do find the moderators (some) of the site a problem, mabe they should read the rules once in a while instead of defending CTW because maybe they might be feeling a little bit guilty of scareing people off!

The 'PM' issue was just the straw the broke the camels back so to speak & i wish i had said something sooner so its not the "old member back just to cause shit" post....this isnt the case, iv wanted to do it but been too scared of the outcome 

i have no intention of replying to this post so call me whatever you want, im not going to lower myself to bite this time & give you more amunition 

iv said it before & i will say it again, i met some great people on here & its a shame that a few people have to ruin it for others that genuinly liked the site.

thanks for taking the time to read this
  • CTW Promotors

fuck this shit, one conclusion here, you are all mad & seem to be worked up over a message board. You guys really need to stop, look & think about it rolleyes.gif


Oh dear oh dear!! If all that have been complaining about the site etc really do not like it or what it stands for or the people who run it or help out etc, why do you keep coming back???


Same gripe, same members, different day, it amazes me, not once has any of you pm'd me or maria or James as far as im aware to say you felt this way & I do think some people here are taking things way to serious etc rolleyes.gif


it has become clearly evident over the last few months or so many members have been gossiping & speculating etc & it has come to the point enough is enough, grow up FFS!!


If you really do not like CTW etc, you have all moved to another board now where you seem to be liking it, stay there & just quit all the bullshit moaning post for the love of god, it is pathetic & not to mention sad shrug.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

Sorry Luu, wether you come back and read this or not (but im sure you will) but hang on a minute, when have I ever bullied you ? And yes, I am goign to stand up for myself because it's RUBBISH :S But if we are going to go down that road, how about all the snidey nasty digs you et al have been making on anoither site referring us and CTW eh ? Double standards I think. Iv NEVER had a problem with you (hence why I have NEVER verbally bullied you on CTW, and im sorry - if that WAs the case, I genuinly thought you would have come forward to me in PM and stated this to me - obviously not) untill you started digging on CTW and mocking certain members. Live and let live. Im done with dealing with all this patheticness any more. Why not stop the gossip / slatings / digs lets get on with our LIVES. No hard feelings at all. Simply because there were no problems for me, that involved you, in the first place. You have gotten it all wrong unfortunatly.



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