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  • CTW Admin



It has come to my attention that a few members are mis-using the Private Message (PM) system on CTW to contact other members advertising other message boards and sites. Anyone found to be doing this will be warned and then possibly banned - especially if they arent on this site to become part of this community.


We allow enough advertising of events in the events sections and advertising of other sites through the links section so I think its a bit unfair of people to join this site only to contact members.


This site has always been run for free and will continue to be run for free - myself and the team donate our time to the running of the site for free because we enjoy the scene and meeting new people. We're not about to have the site 'used' in this way by anyone and as stated before all members must be here because they want to take part in the community and not try and spoil what we have created so far.

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I dont know about anyone else but I have also had someone MSN messenger me flogging nights out who reckon they are on the - but Im not convinced they are even on here. Very very bizarre.



They call me the Wise Woman... For I am a woman .....and I am wise
Losing? I dont waste my time with it, Im just too busy looking good

  • CTW Promotors

Well I personally think naming & shaming should happen here as it is not fair as you say James we openly let others advertise their nights pop links to there sites etc etc, but blatant pming spamming is bang out of order thumbsdown.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Problem is Lisa I cant always name and shame as my 'informers' (lol) dont always want to state the names of the people sending them these PMs - this is fine but if people persist they will be named & shamed and banned I'm afraid

CTW FounderClubTheWorld.uk | Twitter | Instagram
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  • CTW Promotors

that is fair enough but something needs to be done it is not fair James thumbsdown.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

PMin Members on another website to join their forum just to get a site together. o my. Says it all really .. roflmao.gifw00t.gif


Hello to all viewing this thread btw cool.gifsleazy.gif

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To be honest its not really that big a deal - I think its good that people are creating other sites to cater for different tastes - it means we can concentrate on what CTW is about now ... I just dont like people using the site in the background to promote their site for free as this wasnt something we ever did here - I strongly believe in word of mouth to promote a site but sadly other sites feel its a 'numbers game' - I'm sure they will see long term that this isnt what its all about and that there is a balance required ...

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  • CTW Members
QUOTE (Lisa @ Sep 24 2004, 19:23)
Well I personally think naming & shaming should happen here as it is not fair as you say James we openly let others advertise their nights pop links to there sites etc etc, but blatant pming spamming is bang out of order thumbsdown.gif

Really? So if i sent u an innocent PM saying, come join the tidy board, its really good.


Who says you cant use 2/3/4 message boards?


And your right James, its not a big deal... So why post about it?

  • CTW Promotors

yeh fair enough point Drew, if it a harmless pm from a regular on this site, who uses the board saying check this site out etc fair do's I guess, but say someone just joining this site solely to use the pm function to do it, IMO is a wee bit naughty, but I guess end of the day if people go & join other sites & do not come back here, up to them, but as James stated before his board has never stopped anyone openly advertising their sites or adding links, I just think if some people are joining to just bait & not actually using this board is naughty, but hey not illegal shrug.gif


Your right also about using other boards I use another 4 or 5 thumbsup.gif

Techno, Techno, Techno

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Drew, my point was that I dont think its right / fair for people to join the site simply to then PM people telling them about their site - do you ?

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